[M/F] Theater class

Im bored as fuck right now. Seriously. And I really really wanted to fuck this girl in college. Portions of this are true. A lot is fiction. Anyway… here goes…

I first heard Leigh sing in freshman year. She was a chubby girl with lungs like air balloons and a range that surprised just about everyone in class. During class breaks, id sit outside with her and the other juniors. Watching them smoke cigarettes and dance in the courtyard. The sun always turned her red hair into a dark brown.

The first time we spoke was back stage at a show. I rushed back stage between scenes for a costume change. When I couldnt find my pants, Leigh fished them out from behind a crate of props. I dusted them off and said thanks.

She took a look at my boxers, I saw her eyes scan my bulge. "No," Leigh said, "thank you."

Then I was back out in the limelight. Twice I caught her watching me when I had the chance to look over at the wings.

The lights of the stage cast on her face, her freckles dotting her cheeks just below the eyes. Her hair pulled back in that no nonsense bun.

In theatre, everyone pitches in. Whether your aspirations are acting or set design, everyone holds a wrench and reads scripts.

It was a Saturday. We were in hour 7 of our 12 hour strike-a-thon. The set had come down, and I got paired up with Leigh to handle lighting. We brought out the thirty foot ladder and I set to work, Leigh halfway down the ladder behind me.

She wore a low cut top, exposing the heaving mounds of what I guessed were double d's. She wore thick leather work gloves. Dust was all over her top, turning the white t-shirt different shades of gray and black. She handed me a wrench and I detached the lighting.

Someone called dinner break and we all heaved a sigh. I looked down at Leigh, but she was halfway out the door already, a cigarette between her fingers.

I paced down the hall, just keeping my body limber. The sweat on my brow and soreness in my shoulders would let me sleep well that night, but there was still a lot to be done.

She came in through the door at the front of the building. I could tell it was her by the hourglass figure and substantial bust. I went to meet her midway through and caught a glimpse of her eyes as we got closer. Somethig inside me felt warm, like a wave of heat flaring inside my chest and neck.

I took a chance.

I grabbed Leigh by the waist and said "Im going to kiss you now."

She looked into my eyes. "What?"

So I kissed her. I held her tightly against me as my lips touched hers. My tongue slowly crossed over hers, tasting her cigarette smoke and the mint she popped to cover it. She shifted into me, her breast resting in the crook of my chest. I pulled back and kissed her again with a peck on the lips. I caressed her face and opened my eyes to meet her gaze.

She was beet red and breathing heavy. "I should go…" she said. I noticed then that our fingers were wrapped together. Her fingers slipped from mine as we entered the 8th hour.

We worked in silence. Leigh didnt meet my gaze again. I felt ashamed.

Two days later Id just finished a monologue for my professor. Something about spreading butter on my wife's naked body. Sounded hot actually.

Heading back to my seat when I hear a knock at the door. The professor gestured to me and I opened the door as the next student got set up. It was Leigh, and she looked pissed.

Her hand shot up and before I could register movement I felt a burn on my cheek. "Did you slap me?"

"No one, and I do mean no one, kisses me like that. That was rude and uncalled for." She crossed her arms before her.

"I want you." Where were these balls of steel coming from, I wondered.

She shifted, "I can tell." She looked down. "I have a night class here later. You can walk me back to my apartment if you meet me. We will talk more then."

The date was set.

I put on a collared shirt and stood outside the building, waiting patiently. A group of girls and guys walked out. No Leigh.

A few more people. Then the professor. Still, no Leigh. So I went inside to check on her. She was standing in the hall laughing with a friend. She saw me then, and they parted ways. The friend smiled at me.

"My lady," I said in a mock accent. I offered her my arm.

"Spontaneous and a charmer… I have to watch out for you." She took my arm and we stepped out into the cool evening air.

Leigh lived in the dorms not too far. About a mile walk. Nothing for us college kids. We walked past the science department, the music center, speech. We talked of acting, of the frustration that comes with crying on cue. I told her I wanted to become a writer because I couldnt handle all the eyes on me. She said actress was the only way to fly.

We laughed. We smoked. We drank and ended up on the floor of her dorm. "Everyone always wants to touch my tits." She said it suddenly. I laughed.

"I wouldn't mind."

"I bet you wouldn't." Her eyes shut as she smiled. "I think my nipples are numb." She burst out laughing.

So I reached out and ran my fingers over the front of her top. She stopped gigglong and watched me. I felt her press her breasts into me as I touched her. She shut her eyes.

I placed a second hand on her rounded chest, cupping her gently and feeling the weight of them. I traced my hands over her button up top, feeling the lace of her bra beneath, and the wire that propped everything up. "You are beautiful," I said.

She blushed. I kissed her bosom. She giggled. I pressed my face between her soft breasts, and felt her gently squeeze them together around my head. I sat there for a moment, gently squeezing Leigh's right breast. Then I felt her fingers crawl through my hair. She traced across my scalp until she found a fist full of me. She pulled me roughly from her chest and kissed me full on the mouth.

The combo of cigarettes and perfume sent my head swimming. I pressed on her shoulders and guided her to the floor. She was laying on her back, her bra pressing her massive breasts into her arm pits as she rested. I rubbed my goddess down her sides, tickling her waist. She fidgeted and I slid my fingers past her waistband, feeling soft hair between her legs.

She gasped as I touched her there. Her hands wrapped around my shoulders, her nails digging into my flesh. Then she cupped the back of my head and pulled me into another fierce kiss. I parted the lips of her pussy down her pants, rubbing my index finger against her clit. She humped my hand and kissed me harder, stifling moans with my lips.

Her clit hardened beneath my finger tips, and I opened her waistband to get better access. My cock stiffened as she ran her fingers over my jeans. She felt me throb and smiled.

I slid her pants off, revealing a purple lace thong. The lips of her pussy peaked out from behind the fabric. It was stained from her juices. I licked her clit over her thong and breathed in her scent. She spread her legs wider and slid her thong to the side.

Her lips were smooth. She had a strip abover her clit with soft fur, trimmed for neatness. I rubbed my face over bush, letting the hairs tickle my face.

She unbuttoned her top, each button pushing her heaving bosom further and further into view. Finally, she exposed a red bra with black lace across the top. I caressed her chubby body, carefully tracing the curves of her hips, the mounds on her chest and pussy.

I exposed her breasts. Her aereolas were wide, light pink. Her nipples stuck out into the air. I ran my fingers across them. She jumped as I teased her, then I took her breast into my mouth. I sucked and kissed her chest, lifting her weighty tits with my mouth before letting them drop with a satisfying jiggle.

She worked my waistband and freed my throbbing shaft. I wasted no time guiding my head into her warm mouth. She teased my head with her tongue, licking my slit and just beneath the rim of my uncircumsized penis. I twitched in her mouth and she giggled as she felt it. She took me from her mouth and traced my head over her nipples. I moaned her name and thrust between her breasts, feeling the skin around my dick tighten as she pressed her tits together. She took me back into her mouth and gave me a gentle squeeze on my balls. I felt a tickle at my asshole as she traced her pinky over it. I shivered as i thrust into her mouth.

She took me like a champion. I could see my balls mashed up against her face and she opened her mouth wider to take more of my eight inches. I reached down behind me to touch her, amd my fingers were slick with her juices. I pulled her from my dick. "You loving this baby?"

"Mm fuck my face like that and pull my hair."

I grabbed a fist full and let her have me. Twice she gagged, but I pressed deeper into her. Her nails dug into my thighs and pushed me back. I gripped her hair firmer and gave her one final thrust.

When I pulled myself from her lips, a line of spit hung from my head to her tongue. A small puddle stained the carpet between her legs. She was huffing and pink with passion. "Oops," she giggled, "I must have squirted a bit."

I turned her over and spread her ass. She was clean shaven down there, her little brown ring winking at me as I prepared to enter her.

I licked her asshole, and smelled her. My cock throbbed in anticipation as I felt her warm lips slide open for me. My cock penetrated her as I gripped he flesh of her hips, slapping her round ass. It jiggled and she cried out.

I thrust into her. She put her head down and gripped the carpet. I fucked her deep, thumbing her asshole as I guided my shaft all the way out of her. I traced my head over her asshole and then put it back into her wet slit.

"Grab me. My hair. My fucking tits. Oh god grab me!"

I dug harder into her flesh and scraped my nails down her back. She moaned loudly as I left red streaks down her body.

I felt myself losing control. My thighs tightened, my legs began to shake. That tickle that signals my orgasm began. In my balls and traced its way up my shaft until I exploded. I filled her cunt with my juices. Felt my warmth press deeper into the folds of her vagina. It ruptured on my dick, dripping cum from my shaft. I pulled out and feasted on our wetness. The smells of my cum and her ass sent me into spins. I could taste my saltiness and I sucked hungrily at every drop her pussy would give me.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/27hy4d/mf_theater_class