Katrina in Thailand (FMm exh reluc)

Much of this is fact, some is fiction, I will let you decide. The pics are posted, fact. If you enjoy this story please comment and I will consider writing the sequels detailing my compliant wife's exhibitionism. Enjoy.

On holiday in Thailand, we were out late, drinking. Katrina wore heeled sandals and a short, blue denim, front-buttoned dress. She looked great.

Katrina likes a drink and can get wild if the mood takes her. This particular evening, the mood most definitely took her.

We were talking. A group of three guys started being very suggestive towards Katrina. “Show us yours tits" was the typical crude request.

After a while I heard her say, quite matter of factly, “If you want to see my tits, go to the beach tomorrow. I'll be half naked there."

She seemed a little annoyed at the event, and more so when I suggested she should show her tits. We were both getting progressively drunk. I ordinarily would not make such a suggestion.

The three guys eventually got bored and left. Soon afterward, five other guys came into the bar. Four were in their forties or fifties and one was younger. We all got to talking and it was all very friendly as the talk progressed from risqué to just plain rude.

It transpired the young guy, Paul, was 18, and was traveling with his divorced dad and his dads’ three mates. The older guys were obviously on a sex holiday but Paul wasn't. Paul’s group started to poke fun at him, apparently resuming previous banter. This made Katrina inquisitive.

More drinks were ordered, and we moved around the bar talking and playing pool. Katrina played too, and her short dress soon revealed the tops of her shapely legs. Everyone was looking, not least Paul. Katrina noticed this too. She and Paul were soon playing pool together.

I noticed at this point that the buttons of Katrina’s dress were undone more than before. As she bent over to play, anyone could get a look at her small but beautiful braless tits. I caught Paul looking more than once. He glanced over at me nervously. I just shrugged. No harm, right?

Paul and Katrina continued to play. She started asking why he didn’t pay bar fine to take the bar girls home. Shy, nervous Paul remained reluctant to discuss his personal life. But as the chatter continued, the rest of his group joined in. Paul offered no reaction until Katrina said, “You show me yours and I’ll show you mine”.

You could have heard a pin drop.

Everyone turned as Katrina lifted the bottom of her dress to show her white frilly panties which clearly let the colour of her dark pubic hair show through. She immediately blushed as she fully realised what she had done — everyone had got a look.

The rest of the group where getting very excited at the prospect of seeing Katrina’s pussy. They loudly encouraged Paul to respond to her challenge. More drinks were ordered, more than one for Katrina I might add, but the excitement calmed down after a while.

Katrina got up and went to the toilet. When she returned, there was look on her face that I knew to be trouble.

Katrina walked over to Paul and repeated, “Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.” Only this time, she flashed her panties in his face. She was holding them in her hand!

This prompted even more excitement and cheering as the guys urged Katrina to show herself. She blushed but lifted the front of her dress just a little to show her pussy hair. That’s when the drinking really started. They wanted Katrina drunk.

Paul's dad was most persuasive, spending lots of time talking with Katrina. I was increasingly uncomfortable with proceedings. I would be no match for five guys if things turned ugly.

I tried to dissuade Katrina from doing anything she might regret. Katrina was clearly on a mission — she undid another couple of buttons of her dress. She flashed the dad her tits. I tried to cover her up and got lots of boozy BOOs for my efforts.

I weathered that storm and was invited to play pool by one of the guys. Katrina remained drinking at the bar. She clearly enjoyed the attention she was receiving from Paul, his dad and a few others. I noticed her Singha beer was now a gin and tonic.

Over the next half hour, I think it was that long anyway, guys were moving around Katrina. I saw Paul and dad were very close to her. Katrina was facing the bar and I thought I saw her dress move. Then it dawned on me, they were feeling her up!

The dad moved away and left Paul with Katrina. When I next looked up, they were gone.

Dad shuffled over to me and started a totally irrelevant conversation. The rest of his friends followed and all of them were in high spirits. One guy appeared to smell and then lick his fingers, and I realised what had been going on.

“Have you…” I asked, “have you fingered my wife”.

“Yes” he replied, “we all have”.

Rather shocked at this revelation, I asked where Paul was.

Dad patted me on the back. “He’s just walked out back with your wife”.

As I tried to leave, he put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Don’t do that, eh? Have a drink,” as he handed my wife’s panties to me.

Not long after, Katrina and Paul returned to the bar. He looked smug. Katrina went to the toilet.

It was a little quiet after that, and I have to say, a little uncomfortable. The guys left the bar and Katrina and I started to make our way home to our hotel. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“What happened back there?” I asked.

That is when Katrina started to tell her side of the story.

“As I stood at the bar, I started talking to Paul and his dad. After a while the talk got smutty and dad wanted to see my panties once more. I reminded him I wasn’t wearing any and this got him excited. He kept touching my leg and trying to open my dress to see my pussy. I protested, but he wouldn’t let it go.

"Paul started to put his hand under my dress too, and I protested a little less. I told them I was not drunk enough but a gin and tonic might do it.

"Dad, then one of his mates, each bought me a gin and tonic, and dad put his hand up my dress. He almost immediately lifted the front to flash Paul my hairy pussy. I saw Paul was getting hard as dad unbuttoned my dress more.

"At this point one or two of the other guys noticed. They came over to grope me, too. I guess I was a little drunk and so horny. I just didn’t want to stop them.

“Paul started to fondle me and then finger my pussy. I was very wet. I opened my legs a little for him. After a while, I felt more groping. Another of the guys slid his hand between my legs and started fingering me from behind.

"I was feeling light-headed and a little confused. I just stood there. Dad left and one of his mates came over. I think all of them fingered me at some point. And yes, though it did feel very slutty, it felt so good. I came at least twice.”

I stood in silence as she continued.

“When dad came back to stand next to me, he was urging Paul on. Paul took the encouragement. He grabbed my hand and lowered it to his cock. His cock felt big — it made me even more excited.

“I pushed my hand inside his shorts, and wrapped my hand around his cock, and started to stroke him. It was obvious Paul wanted more. This didn’t help, with his dad telling me he wanted to fuck me. This got me a little scared because I couldn’t see you. I told them, 'No fucking, but I might make Paul happy for another gin and tonic.' Paul agreed. He took hold of my hand and walked me out of the bar.

“Outside, Paul told me I was sexy but that he hadn’t seen all of me, and asked me to show myself. I undid all the buttons of my dress and let him look. He came closer and tried to kiss me but I wouldn’t let him.

"There was a little struggle and my dress dropped to the floor leaving me naked in front of him. He pulled his pants down and his cock leapt out. It was huge. He started sucking my nipples and fingering me at the same time. I was thinking I should stop him, but I couldn’t. I don’t think I wanted too.

“There was chair nearby and he sat on it. He asked me to sit on his lap, and I did. As I sat down, he tried to stick his cock in me.” Katrina admitted to me she was tempted. “We sat there for a while as he fingered me my while I stroked his cock, I swear it was getting bigger.

"He made me stand up and turn to face him. He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me toward him. It happened so fast! His cock was in my mouth before I could stop him! I struggled! He tried to fuck my face — I tasted his pre-cum. He tensed, and he started to cum just as I managed to break free. By then he had jizzed on my face and tits. That’s why I went to the toilet when I came back, to clean up”.

As I listened to her, I felt very horny, and mad at the same time.

I didn’t speak as we continued walking to our hotel. But by the time we reached our room, my plan was complete.

I had taken topless pictures of Katrina back home in my living room and I wanted to take advantage of her slutty mood. I told Katrina if she wanted to be a slut, I would treat her like one and told her to drop her dress and lie on the bed.

“Open your legs,” I demanded, “and show me your cunt”. She did so without taking her eyes of me. As she laid there, legs spread wide, I placed two then three fingers in her. She was very wet from her sex and not another man’s cum.

This both pleased and disappointed me as I was looking forward to an excuse to use her.

I asked her, “Do you like being a slut?”

“Only if you want me to” she replied.

I rather forcefully ordered Katrina, “Spread your cunt and let me see you fingering yourself.”

Katrina lay back on the bed and dropped her hand to her pussy. She used her fingers to spread her labia, exposing her pink wet pussy. Almost immediately, she closed her eyes and proceeded to finger herself deep in her own pleasure.

As she lay there, eyes closed, I took the camera. The first click and Katrina opened her eyes.

“No pictures” she said rather unsure. I told my slut to shut up and proceeded to shoot the entire 36 exposure film cartridge.

Film? Yes we didn’t have a digital camera then.

A few days later, I made her go to the photo shop as I waited outside. She came out all flush in the face. As she handed them to me she said, “The guy told me these are nice pictures.”

I grinned as we walked away. I realised I liked to show my naked wife.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/27ikgv/katrina_in_thailand_fmm_exh_reluc


  1. They are around, I am thinking they won’t be allowed on this site though.

  2. you should explore /r/gonewild if you think that or /r/GoneInsane or /r/pornvids or /r/porn_gifs

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