Lights in the Harbor (part 2) [FM] [str8] [strangers] [exh!]

For the build up to the action, please see Part 1.

My palms flatten against the window as his weight shifts forward against me. The bulge of his cock presses against my ass. I grow wetter at the feel of it through the multiple layers of fabric that separate us. His tongue flicks small circles down my neck and to my shoulder. With the light touches from his mouth I can barely think at all, only crave more from him. I let out a soft moan, the steam collecting in a widening circle on the window between my hands, and he growls to hear it. My nipples bounce in the air when he releases them from his hands.

His fingers are paused at the button of my pants. I want to move his fingers with mine, show him exactly what I want him to do, but cutting through my desire is the knowledge that's not how he wants to play this game. Again his smooth jaw brushes against my ear, "May I?"

I nod in reply, but to be sure I moan out a "Yes." Did I respond too quickly, appear too eager? I doubt there is such a thing as too eager for him. If anything the quickness of my moaning consent excites him. In a second I'm shimmying out of my remaining clothing with his hand on my pussy. "You're so wet…" he breathes in my ear. His fingertips skip around my folds and barely brush my clit. Now my forearms are pressed against the window, conscious thought lost completely to the light, teasing pleasure.

With one hand holding my hips in place, he circles his fingers in closer to my slit, tracing thin trails of my cum across the lips of my pussy. My hips rock back on to his despite my attempts to stay still and enjoy the tension in this moment, but the feel of his wool suit pants rubbing against the smooth skin of my ass pushes me along further. Finally his fingers push inside me. My low moans are interrupted by a gasp then continue on, louder now. At first he just barely touches me for what feels like hours. Finally he pushes in deeper. He fucks me with his fingers curled forward and his thumb poised on my clit. The steam on the window grows so thick I can't see out of it. I usually cum quickly, but after that tease I'm surprised at how little time it takes for my walls to clench around his fingers.

He pulls me upright. Without the need to support my weight against the window, I seize the opportunity to explore his body as I imagined when I first saw him. I turn in his arms and trace the outline of his cock through his pants while I unbuckle his belt, unbutton, unzip… I want to move slower, to return the tease, but I can't. In a flash he's naked from the waist down, his cock in my hands. There is deep mischief in his smile. “Let’s change venues, shall we?” he asks, his masculine voice a half-whisper. He guides me to the bedroom door, then through the room—we walk past the four-poster bed, the armoire, the writing desk, all opulently carved in rich mahogany.

At first I’m confused, the furniture we passed holds endless possibilities, but when he pushes back the curtains at the opposite wall I understand. Behind them is a sliding glass door that leads out to a balcony. He turns to look at me with eyebrows raised and I smile in response to the silent question. I lean forward to kiss him full on the lips and tear through the buttons on his shirt. The pressure from his cock straining against my hip causes my pussy to grow even wetter with every second. As the striped cotton parts it exposes the dark hair on his chest. I run my hands through it as he wriggles out of the shirt and drops it in a crumple on the floor. With a soft bite on my lower lip he steps back and opens the sliding door and steps through. For an instant, the muscles in his back are framed beautifully against the evening sky.

When I join him on the balcony I understand why he led me out here. It’s enclosed in glass with only the thin steel frame breaking the view of the waterfront cafes and parks. From this vantage point I feel like I’m floating above the city. The lights of the boats and buoys out in the harbor are mesmerizing. But just as we can see every niche below us, I wonder how many eyes are on us. Standing naked together in this glass box, illuminated by the glow of the bedroom lights, I feel on display. The feeling is new to me but I love it.

He’s watching me, his expression a mix of curiosity and desire. When I see how thick his cock looks, I lick my lips instinctively. It’s my turn to take charge. I push him back to the railing until those strong shoulders are pressed against the glass and smoothly kneel in front of him. With my legs folded underneath me, I tip my head up so I can look into his eyes as my tongue catches the underside of the head of his cock. He breathes out in a wide smile and I know I have him exactly where I want. Most likely it's where he wants as well.

After a few flicks of my tongue against the sensitive skin, I wrap my lips fully around the head, kissing his cock, teasing him with broad strokes of my tongue. I'd imagined doing this since I saw him across the bar. Well, not exactly this—I didn't think we'd be naked in front of three walls of full-length glass. But to roll my tongue over his cock, to feel the passion building, to watch his skin darken, it's delightful. My own source of power. I pull my lips down him, taking my time to savor the taste, to gauge his reactions to my technique. I choreograph when to flick open my eyes up into his. I'm never disappointed, he's always staring down at me, watching my lips explore.

His firm desire is such a turn on, the throbbing thickness of it. I work up to a solid rhythm, shallowly bobbing on his cock, my hands playing with the base of his shaft or the tender underside of his balls, pushing him closer to the edge. He pants as my wet tongue swirls on his skin. Each time I take him in deeper I feel myself moan around the hard cock filling my mouth. I open my eyes again, my neck tilted back so I can watch his expression. The need in his eyes is obvious. I mouth around the head, teasing him with the sight of his cock between my smiling lips. It feels wicked to treat him to this show. Even more so with how visible we are, with all the unseen eyes watching us.

Without moving my head, I press my palms against his ass and pull him in closer. He breathes out, perhaps in a brief hesitation, then rocks in motion with my hands, panting hard now. His cock is throbbing against my tongue and the roof of my mouth. A few thrusts, then he catches himself and pushes me back. I see in his eyes: not yet.

Continue on to Part 3
