My Father and I [Incest], [mf], [dad], [daughter]

This story was one of my first attempts at writing erotica back in 2012

I had always wondered what it would be like to have the penis that created me, inside me. This obsession had been plaguing me for years as a teenager, I had never had any trouble getting male attention at all as I had what many guys called “the perfect figure” but I was never really interested in any other man than the one who made me, I thought it was just raging hormones through puberty that was causing these thoughts to even enter my head. I am very aware that this was not the case at all, and that I have a very dark secret to hold to myself about what my father and I had done tonight.

Throughout my late teens I have been getting more and more sexually active, being very promiscuous with the boys at school. I had even gone as far as giving my boyfriend head on the school field at lunch, obviously in a quiet corner so nobody would see, but none of these boys turned me on quite as much as my father. He had the body most guys would kill for, nicely toned abs, the biceps which were just the perfect size, and amazing buns of steel, the fire fighter every girl dreams of, but unfortunately this was my dad.

On my 18th birthday, these urges began to strengthen, my one and only goal was to make my father into my lover. I started to wear very little around the house mainly hot pants and tank tops, so he would notice my figure a lot more. I won’t go out on limb and say I had enormous breasts, like the ones you see in porn or glamour magazines, but for my size I think they were just fine and noticeable. I started to show interests in things that never really appealed to me before like football which I’ve come to realise is truly man’s best friend on the idiot box. Lastly I began to squeeze through the tightest of gaps just to get a brush of his big meaty organ whilst at all times trying to remain as subtle as possible.

One year passed of all this, I kept having the occasional relationship, which never went anywhere because of insecurities and paranoia, and as per usual I was lusting after my father. This year however was going to be different, he was turning “naughty” forty, and what better way to celebrate than lots of beer? I was never a big drinker, even at parties I used to prefer soda over the keg, but even I will admit I was excited for Friday night’s festivities, if you can even call a small family gathering at your house that. I had already planned what I was going to wear which was a little strapless black dress, something sexy but also respectable, as it was going to be family and a couple of family friends.

I had been to a few parties before but this one was really lame, just simple party food, a cake and a couple of bottles of beer with an alternative of Coca Cola for me as I didn’t like the horrible after taste of Carlsberg, but none the less everyone seemed to be having a good time where as I was sat alone in the corner wanting the party to end so I could just put my feet up. Not to anybodies surprise the beer ran out pretty quickly, and they had to delay the cake cutting whilst the men went on a beer run to the supermarket.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity, they returned with 5 boxes of beer each with 24 cans inside. I had mixed reactions about this move as the party would be going on for longer however I could guarantee my dad would be completely wasted by the end of the night, so patiently I waited until everyone piled out of the house to go home. I was sat in the same spot I had been in all night, staring at my dad who was sat on the couch talking enormous amounts of drivel, like you do when you’re drunk. I hesitated a bit but thought to myself “it’s now or never”. I began to slowly walk over to him, like the sexy secretary in a movie does, his eyes were firmly set on me in my dress. I sat down next to him and began to cuddle up to his chest and asked him how his birthday was.

He slurred to me “It was amazing and your dress is lovely”, I looked into his eyes and murmured thank you to him. He began to compliment me on every little feature of my face, till I couldn’t hold my feelings in anymore, I slowly began to lean in and kiss him. My heart was racing, I was making out with my father at last. His hands began to wander over my body, mainly to my hips and thighs, I had seen that he was a legs man from the magazines that he owned. He began to push me onto my back whilst we kissed passionately, his hands still roaming round my body, from my pert ass up to my pert breasts. I gave him a taste of his own medicine by moving my hand lower and lower until finally I had reached the prize I had wanted for years. He broke the kiss whilst he pulled his shirt and then his pants off, my jaw hit the floor, this was the first time I had seen my dad’s cock, it was much larger than I was expecting, it had to be about 9 inches long and several inches thick.

As he stood there I thought it was only right that I returned the favour, I began to take my dress off, when he said “hurry up”. I was quite surprised by that quick outburst, I didn’t want to anger him so I did as he said, my dress hit the floor, I then started to unclip my bra and let my young, pert boobs free. Lastly I began to turn around and remove my panties, bending over of course so that he could see my tight, shaven pussy. He wasted little time dropping to his knees and licking my insides, I could have sworn my panties hadn’t even touched the ground before he began. How great it felt to finally have my dad’s tongue darting in and out of my horny little pussy, it was pure ecstasy. My father began to move me back over to the couch, where he laid down and pulled me down on top of him. I heard him call from under my ass to start sucking him.

Now this was a challenge, it was a much larger cock than I had ever dealt with, I chose to go with my usual tactic of teasing a lot, letting him feel my breath on the head of his cock before taking it into my mouth. I could only fit about a third of his cock in there, I knew this would not be enough lubrication to get his massive, throbbing dick inside me. I began to lick, suck and slurp my way down the remaining length of his cock until I was sure there was enough saliva to lubricate him. As I finished, he lifted my legs off of him and sat up with his monstrous dick standing up, he beckoned me to come to him. I put my hands on his shoulders, spread my legs and began to lower myself. I felt the head of his penis on my lips and gasped, I then began to get lower until I felt the head enter, “FUCK” I cried out in pleasure as I felt his length being buried in me. I kept lowering myself until my ass touched his balls, every last inch was buried inside of me, I was frozen with shear ecstasy, holding it there for a couple of seconds before sliding back up.

I then started to slide back down his pole and back up, each time moaning “daddy”. I had longed for this moment for years, and finally I was being stretched by him. After a few more bucks up and down, his dick popped out and shot up to my clit, I took this opportunity to reposition myself with my back to him. I put my hands on his knees and again began to lower myself onto him slowly, so I could see and feel every inch being planted inside my pussy, and again I started to buck my hips up and down, riding his member with such pride and pleasure. After the fourth time of sliding down his cock, an orgasm hit, shivers went through my spine as my body erupted with such pleasure. I took one last stroke up and down on his cock before he told me to take a break and let him do some work.

I struggled to clamber off his cock and fell recklessly onto the couch, now soaked in my cum, I could feel him grabbing my hips to give him easy access rather than me being laid on my belly. He started to slowly slide his cock back into my drenched pussy whilst spreading my ass cheeks apart so he could have a good look at my asshole. Every thrust he took I let out a gentle moan, he began to speed up the thrusting, and upped the power behind his hips a ton. I began to scream with pleasure as he ploughed me from behind, “fuck me daddy” I screamed at the top of my lungs, to which he began to slow down, I felt his cock begin to tense up and his hot seed pour and squirt into my uterus. He fell forward onto the couch, blacked out and thankfully behind me.

So here I am, laid here with my father’s flaccid penis inside of my cum filled pussy, and all I can think about is how something I wanted for so long can be over so quickly, but I wouldn’t change this night for anything.



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