The bartender

[First attempt at writing erotica, CCW]

Mona walked up to the door and rang the bell; a handsome bearded man with honey coloured eyes answered the door. "Are you the bartender?"

"Yes, sir." She replied with a perky smile on her face. Her eyes were like emeralds and her smile was infectious; she seemed sweet and innocent despite being covered in tattoos and having facial piercings–they all just seemed to fit together, despite most indie girls Jason had seen.

"Well, I'm glad that you came. It's kinda hard finding someone to work at a party like this."

"Oh, I'm not picky at all! You guys have fun and I'll make sure to stay out of the way as much as possible."

The inside of Jason's house was decorated with assorted shackles, couches, planks, and toys. An actual bar was in the back of the living room, near the kitchen. "Do you all actually have sex at these types of parties?" Mona's eyebrow raised high and she fidgeted with her backpack.

"They're mostly for display," Jason said with a smirk.

After setting up the bar in a fashion that Mona liked, the door bell rang. The guests started to arrive, all of them looking like normal people, despite being members of the BDSM community. Everyone was polite when they approached Mona at the bar, she made the drinks quickly, and was always thanked with a dollar in her tip jar. Jason walked up to the bar "So how are you holding up, darling? I hear you make a fantastic Long Island."

"I'm having a great time! And that's nice to hear, would you like one?"

"Absolutely." his honey eyes sparkled as she grabbed four bottles at once and started to pour. "You're damn good at that!"

"Haha thanks, lots of practice!" She finished shaking the tin and put the cup in front of him; he took a sip and smiled. "Mind stepping on this side of the bar for a moment? I'd like to introduce you to everyone." Jason took her hand and led her to the front of the room, "Alright everyone, I'm glad that you all could make it. Can we give a round of applause for Mona? She's been doing a great job tonight and looks absolutely stunning." His friends eagerly cheered and Mona could feel something sharp on her back; as she gasped, he placed his hand over her mouth and cut off her top with the knife in his other hand.

As she tried to struggle, another man came up to her and grabbed her breasts, and another forced his hands up her skirt and pulled her panties off. "These belong in…here." Jason said as he stuffed her panties into her mouth, muffling the screams she was trying to force into his hand.

"Spread her legs."

Mona was thrown down onto her back on the coffee table and the muscles in her thighs burned as she was being spread open. A random stranger's tongue greeted her hood piercing and she let out a moan. "This slut loves the attention…" Jason mused as he tied Mona's hands down to either side of her. She shook her head and Jason slapped her cheek "You do. And darling, the more you struggle, the rougher I will get…so this experience is all up to you now."


Categorized as Erotica Tagged


  1. That was a great start for your first time! I hope there is more to come for this story. I love all of your pictures and hearing about your fantasies or any real stories would be so hot!

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