[F] In Singapore, I requested a gangbang as a birthday present.

My birthday is today. I was giving my boyfriend a blowjob while we were both in bed a few weeks ago. While we were talking, he ran his fingers through my hair and asked me what I wanted for my birthday. In terms of our sexual lives, we are currently in a “exploring it” phase in which we are trying new things. When he asked, I stopped sucking, looked up at him solemnly, and simply said, “Gangbang me.”

Then he smiled.

What on earth was he thinking?

Then I told him to imagine each of his friends turning on him in turn. He was also wearing his favorite heels.

He remained deafeningly silent. With a tight grip on the back of my head, he simply drew me down into him. He gave me a face fuck before grabbing my chin and saying, “I love you, let’s do it.” That night, we had the most intense sex.

It was his main kink at the time, and he was completely into it. Everything we’ve been planning for a long time is finally coming to fruition tonight. He asked a small group of friends to join us; they have all been tested, and we are currently waiting for them at the hotel.

I’m ecstatic.

I’m excited to provide an update!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10wucds/f_in_singapore_i_requested_a_gangbang_as_a


  1. When you have a guy’s dick in your mouth .. there’s nothing you can say he wont agree with ..

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