Ending up in the wrong shower [Str8] [MF20’s] [Oral] [Public]

*Context: Completely new here, first time posting just had this idea come to my mind, not native English-speaker Bit of a slow burn story, most interesting part marked further down*


I was a regular at the indoor swimming pool of my town, so I knew my way around and was aware of the usual schedule of the place. Normally I would visit the pool in the evening or at the weekend. But this time, I had decided to go on a Tuesday morning, as I had the week off and didn’t have anything else to do. The indoor pool is very close to a large hospital, so people who work there – particularly nurses – often visit it to relax before or after work. Therefore, the pool often has more female than male visitors. I took the bus at around nine-thirty in the morning, got off at the bus stop named after the hospital and walked towards the entrance.

As I approached the pool, I noticed some construction vehicles parked outside and some workers milling about. I assumed that there were some renovations going on, but the pool was open nevertheless. I walked in and saw a sign at the entrance which explained that due to the construction work, the ladies’ shower room was closed and men were supposed to use a temporary shower container to make room for the women who could use the men’s showers instead. I didn’t pay much attention to it, as I was focused on getting to the pool and starting my laps. I greeted the cashier, a woman in her mid-40s that I knew well from my previous visits and showed her my annual pass. She had a pretty curvy shape and was quite attractive. I often wondered what she would have looked like being my age. She asked me how I was and we chatted a bit about the construction work going on in the pool, but she didn’t mention anything about the shower situation which I didn’t bother to think about. I then headed to the locker rooms to get changed into my swimming shorts.

Entering the swimming area, I noticed there were very few people around, as to be expected for a Tuesday morning. I caught a glimpse or two of some attractive women but didn’t let it distract me from my routine of swimming about 10 laps. As I was finishing my third lap, I couldn’t help but notice a woman sitting by the edge of the pool, her feet splashing in the water. She was sitting pretty close to where I would finish my lap and begin the next one. She was striking, with shoulder-length, blond-dyed hair, brown eyes, and a toned and athletic body. Her dark green bikini, which seemed to be a little small for her considerable bust, immediately caught my attention. I guessed she must be around my age, maybe a bit younger, in her early or mid-20s. Each time I came back to her after a lap, she seemed to be smiling and looking in my direction. I smiled back, but decided to finish my laps before maybe striking up a conversation. Once I was done swimming, standing basically next to her feet in the pool, I took a moment to catch my breath before talking to her. “Hey, it looks like you’ve been watching me,” I said. “I can’t keep up with your pace, I have a long shift at the hospital ahead of me,” she replied.

We introduced ourselves, her name was Linda and she worked as a nurse at the hospital. She told me that her job was very demanding but she enjoyed coming to the pool to relax. We talked a bit about our regular life and she mentioned she hadn’t been in a relationship for a while due to the demanding nature of her job. I told her that I also came to the pool quite often and that I had the week off. I mentioned that I was single as well, not particularly interested in a relationship but surely interested in women in general.

Linda then made a comment about how the proximity of the pool to the hospital meant that there were a lot of female visitors, and that I must like that. I grinned innocently and said that I didn’t mind. I suggested we grab a snack or something to drink as I usually do after I was done swimming, but she declined and said she had to get to work soon. As I ate a snack at the pool’s restaurant, I couldn’t stop thinking about Linda. Having finished my snack, I headed to the restrooms located in the shower area of the pool. I noticed a male symbol on the door to the shower area, the construction workers, the management of the pool or who else was responsible must had forgotten to take it down or mark it. Without realizing that the men’s showers were supposed to be used by the women due to the construction I walked in and found the shower room empty. I went past the empty showers, locked the toilet door, but could not pee right away. I heard someone enter the shower and turn on the water. With the sound of the shower, I began to empty my bladder.


Still lost in thought, I left the toilet, washed my hands and intended to go through the showers back to the swimming area. But under one of the showers, where I fully expected to see an unknown man, I suddenly noticed Linda, standing naked in front of me, her back turned my way, with both parts of her bikini lying on a shower shelf next to her. Her head was tilted back, she had her hands running through her wet hair and she really seemed to be enjoying the water pattering on her slim, hot body. I caught a glimpse of her shapely butt, involuntarily letting out a sound of astonishment at the unexpected and beguiling sight.

Linda heard me and quickly turned around, startled at first, but when she saw me, the brief shock on her face quickly gave way to the mischievous smile she gave me while swimming. Visibly shocked I couldn’t help but staring at her stammering for an excuse that this was the men’s shower and what she was doing here. Linda calmly explained the situation to me. Now I finally realized my mistake. I blushed in embarrassment and feverishly wondered how I could resolve this situation when I realized that my blood seemed to be finding its way not only into my now red-colored face but also to another organ which slowly but surely began to grow in size. Linda seemed to enjoy my helplessness, taking a few steps towards me and beginning to shake her body more tantalizingly in the process of approaching me. She then grabbed the waistband of my swim shorts and said “hey, that’s unfair, you snuck in here and saw me naked, now I have to see you without your swimwear too so we are equal. Come on, it’s not busy here, no one will be coming in.” As if in a trance, I obeyed and things started to take their course.

I pulled my swimming shorts down, stepped out of them and wanted to lift them off the ground when Linda already grabbed them out of my hand putting them on top of her bikini onto the shower shelf. She took my arm and dragged me towards her so that we both had the water of the shower raining down on us. The water felt nice and cool on my body which was getting hotter with every second. Linda put a nice portion of shower gel into her palm and pushed it on my dick which was close to reaching its full size. “I don’t have a lot of time. Is it okay if I just get you off?” she asked. Unable to speak I just nodded in response. I reached for her bottle of shower gel wanting to rub it on her beautiful tits while she started to work my cock with her hands. While being quite average in size it comes with a proper circumference which Linda acknowledged with a brief compliment. I started to cover her tits in shower gel noticing her nipples growing hard. “You seem to like them, huh” she said to me with that irresistible smile on her face. Before I could manage to reply she was down on her knees wrapping her breasts around my shaft. It felt so good gliding between her firm tits covered in shower gel. Linda picked up the pace while constantly looking up to me. Soon I started to breathe heavier trying to avoid any loud noises. The thought that someone could come into the shower at any time gave me a feeling of fear and excitement at the same time. After fucking her tits for about two minutes I was already close. She must have known. “You can cum in my throat” she said as she fumbled my dick into her mouth. “I’m already close” I whispered and with only a few decisive movements of her head she had me shooting a big load down her throat while letting out a big moan of relief. She swallowed it down like it was everyday-business.

As I was still wondering how no one walked into the shower during her performance, Linda quickly washed the rests of the shower gel off her body, straightened her hair, put on her bikini and left the shower area for the changing rooms. “I have to go to work, and because of you I’m late now,” she called out as she exited the shower area and left me standing there, completely taken aback. After a few moments I managed to gather my thoughts again. I put on my shorts, snuck back into the swimming area hoping nobody would ask what I was doing in the women’s shower. Then I started swimming a few laps, trying to process what just had happened.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10wuoa2/ending_up_in_the_wrong_shower_str8_mf20s_oral


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