Baby, Just Use Me [F4M] [18+] [Intense] [Seductive] [Passionate] [Lust] [Desire] [Attraction] [Sensual] [Heightened Emotions]

I bring my knees up to the couch on either side of your thighs facing you as you run your hand down my back towards my ass pulling me onto your lap and, using your arms to yank me as close to you as possible.

I sit up on my knees with my chest on yours as you start to peel off my kimono as you rest your forehead on my nose, “I need you…” you whisper all breathy at me with your eyes closed.

You throw my black lace kimono on the floor as you kiss me passionately again and follow it with small kisses all the way down my neck and shoulder. I move my head to the side allowing you access to the skin on my neck.

I bring your face back in front of mine again, as I look down to you and rest my forehead back on yours as I hold the side of your cheek and whisper, “I know you do… baby, just use me… please”.

I kiss you again with lust and intensity as you reciprocate it. I kiss your cheek and down your neck, and make my way down your chest, sucking as I kiss you, leaving small new bruises to form into love bites all over your chest and abs.

You raise my chin to meet your lips again as you run your hands up my lingerie and undo the clasp and remove my top. You kiss my neck and work your way down to my exposed chest, taking in my nipples in your mouth and flicking and sucking them with your tongue, reacting to every movement my body was making.

I run my hand through your hair, moaning gently at the electricity of energy flowing through my nerve endings. I could feel your exposed cock become harder and more tense as it started to strain against my covered crotch.

I push off your chest and put my feet to the ground and stand up as you follow. I removed the lace from my lower half as you removed your boxers and we drop them to the ground, before I push you back onto the couch to have my way with you.



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