You Gotta Reign It In [M4F] [18+] [Teasing] [Desire] [Convincing] [Vacation] [Seduction] [Needing] [Wanting] [Passion] [Lust] [Restraint]

You walk around and lean over me, “Come here” you say as you grab my hand and pull me up from the outdoor lounge. I allow you to as I take your hand and stand up. You turn to me as you pull me into your chest tightly.

“We can be up to no good…” You lean into my ear and state “they won’t know…” you continue as you lean into me as you engulf me in your large arms, and I see you were smirking at your own words.

I push up off your chest while you still had your arms around me as I lean back into them and look at you through my large sunglasses. You pull a grin and slightly sway with me from side to side.

“Baby, please, just think about it…” You say trying to convince me, as I can see a cheeky glint in your eyes.

“Babe… seriously?” I go wide eyed as I stare straight at you allowing my sunglasses to fall a bit further down the bridge of my nose, so you can see my eyes without obstruction.

Convince Me, Baby [F4M] [18+] [Teasing] [Public] [Pool Play] [Desire] [Needing] [Wanting] [Playfulness] [Pleasure] [Lost Inhibitions] [Desire] [Lust] [Craving] [Grazing] [Passionate]

With your hands gripped on the sides of my hips you slowly push me backwards towards the large private pool in the giant penthouse suite. As you do this, your lips have not left my neck and I could feel your short stubble graze my neck, which makes me erupt in goosebumps.

A small moan escapes my lips instinctively that I could not control as I allowed my eyes to unconsciously close due to the pleasure I was experiencing. My arm snaked around your neck automatically while I let go of all inhibitions for a few seconds before coming back down to reality.

I open my eyes before patting behind your neck to bring you back to reality as well, “Baby, baby, baby, you have to stop… we will get caught…” I say as I try to push you off of me.

You move one of your hands from my hip and over my ass. You grab it forcefully and squeeze it as you pull me back into you as I try to resist and put some distance between us.

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Let Me Take Care of You [F4M] [18+] [Sweet] [Beginning] [Stress Relief] [Passionate] [Kissing] [Relaxing] [Teasing] Wanting] [Pleasure]

I turn over in the bed in the middle of the night half asleep and expecting to feel your body beside me. I run my hand over your side only to fully wake and sit up and look around the dimly lit room.

I couldn’t see you at all, so I get up from the bed, pull on my kimono and wrap it around me as I walk out of the room. I make my way downstairs looking for a light on, hoping to find your existence somewhere in the house. I call out your name a few times to no avail. I make my way downstairs, only to turn a corner and see your back as you sit on the couch. I sigh relief as I see you and make my way over to you.

“Hey honey” I whisper as I approach you and put my hand on your neck and gently rub it as I sit on the couch arm and place my feet beside you as I look at you.

You breathe in and sigh out, reaching for my knees and rub it with your hand without looking at me.

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Risky Cocktails [F4M] [18+] [Teasing] [Public] [Pool Play] [Desire] [Fingering] [Foreplay] [Playfulness] [Pleasure] [Needing] [ Wanting]

You run your hand down the side of my body over my hips and under my bikini as you use your fingers to find my clit and graze over it. My body shivers in reaction to your touch as you start to lightly circle my erogenous zone with just your fingers. I push my pelvis out as I throw my head back while you smirk at me, knowing this was your doing. As I do, I lean both my elbows on the edge of the pool as you continue.

You continue alternating your fingers from delicately grazing over my clit to applying circular pressure while you lean into the side of me as you are watching and reacting to my movements and facial expressions of pleasure. I feel you move your fingers further down south teasing my entrance and start to edge your third and fourth fingers into me as I start to spread my legs further apart allowing you more access. My eyes begin to close as I start to lose all sense of reality as I focused on the pleasure I was feeling. I let a moan out unconsciously as I moved my hips to the rhythm of your fingers.

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Aftermath [F4M/ Mf] [18+] [Aftercare] [BDSM] [Male Dom] [Female Sub] [Emotional Care] [Physical Care] [Love] [Lust] [Pain] [Infliction] [Punishment] [Bonding] [Massage] [Bondage] [Leather] [Soft Boy] [Cuddles] [Orgasm] [After Climax] [Tenderness] [Reassurance] [Euphoria] [Passionate]

You finish, as you lean over me, resting your forehead on mine laughing, as your cock was still inside me, my legs wide open keeping you in. I grab your biceps to steady my weak body from the natural high I just had. Our eyes completely dilated from love and lust. You gently place your lips on mine as I slightly open mine to allow you in.

You kiss me passionately for a few seconds before pulling back to admire your work. Our breathing starting to regulate as we do. You slowly pull out of me as my body trembles from your movement and you slowly laugh again as I manage to smile and exhale. You hold your cock as it was nearly out and you slap my moist pussy with your wet cock one last time, before removing yourself completely from between my legs and laying on the bed beside me.

“Don’t you forget who fucks you the way you like it. You make me feel so fucking good baby girl.” You say as you prop yourself up on your elbow to look at me as we continue our descent from our natural euphoria. I manage to move my spent body closer to yours.

Happy Birthday [F4M/Mf] [18+] [Brat] [Female Sub] [Male Dom] [Pre-Foreplay] [Intensity] [Longing] [Need] [BDSM] [Teasing] [Desire] [Passion] [Restraint] [Begging] [Punishment]

“Mhhmm” I sigh out as you turn the steering wheel and pull up in the driveway and look at you as you place the car in park, and I lean my head back on the head rest.

“Finally, we’re home.” You state as you unbuckle your seatbelt and lean over the console and kiss me. “Thank you for tonight.” I feel your lips pull a smile against mine as you reach for the side of my face. “Couldn’t have asked for a greater birthday dinner with everyone.”

“Any time, honey.” I say closing the gap between us again and meet your lips.

We make our way back into the house and up the stairs into the bedroom. You stand in front of the vanity as you begin to undo the buttons on your shirt to loosen it. You watch me intently through the mirror as I go to sit on our bed and cross my legs and bend over, unhooking my heels. I run my hand over the covers, only for you to just notice the paraphernalia laying there. Your eyes widen as you turn around and make your way over to me.

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Just Say The Word [F4M] [18+] [Surreptitious] [Teasing] [Longing] [Grinding] [Restraint] [Touch] [Feel] [Need] [Desire] [Kiss]

“Well…” I look at you with a cheeky glint in my eyes as I push my right leg in between your legs surreptitiously so you feel the pressure of my hip against your straining cock.

“Just like this?” I question you.

I watch the expression on your face change immediately as you hang our head slightly and roll your eyes into the back of your head. I open my mouth and poke my tongue out as I run it over my top lip and smile again, returning my tongue between my teeth as I continue to watch you try your hardest to control yourself.

You drop your head further to the crook of my neck as you reply to me, “Oh baby, yeah… just like that…”

You take a deep breath in, “I’m trying to fight every fibre of my being right now, baby… you have no idea…” as you relax your head into me again. “You got to stop being a tease though… you know how much I need you…”

“Oh, I have a fairly good idea” I state biting the corner of my lip.

“Don’t do this to me baby girl…”

For Your Pleasure [F4M] [18+] [Stress Relief] [Pleasure] [Intense] [Sensual] [Blowjob] [Foreplay] [Wanting] [Needing] [Let Me Take Care of You]

I make my way down your chest, waist and abs, kissing you lightly as I do, you start to relax more underneath my touch.

“Baby, just lay back, sink into the couch, let me take away your stress. Just enjoy yourself.” I state.

I feel you adjust on the couch as you rest your head on the rear couch cushion as you allow me free reign of your body. I pull the waist band down from your boxers releasing your cock for me. I adjust my long hair to one side of my body as I massage the length of your shaft. I grab your cock as I guide him to my mouth, running him over my lips, teasing the head. I lick my lips looking at you as I lower my mouth to the tip before I slowly and fully take in the head.

You release a small groan as you feel my warm, moist lips take you in. I start using my tongue and lips to satisfy your needs and allow you to forget everything except for the pleasure you were experiencing. I take you out of my mouth as the head drips with saliva as I kiss and make my way down your long shaft. I lick all the way down heading down to your balls, taking one in my mouth as I suck and massage it inside my mouth.

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Dinner [F4M/Mf] [Male Pleasure Dom] [ Female Brat Sub] [Night Out Teasing] [Arousal] [Seduction] [Longing] [Sexual Tension] [Touch] [Surreptitious] [Need] [Arousal]

We greet everyone at the restaurant, sit down and order drinks. Conversation between everyone was happening, chattering, laughter and the ambience of the clinging of glasses and cutlery on plates. The waitress came around smiling as she delivered all our drinks.

You take a sip of your drink and place it back down on the coaster and we all continued our conversation. I cross my legs under the table and lean into you as you wrap your arm around my shoulders and rest it there.

“…Of course…” you concluded a conversation with friends and took another sip of your beer. I run my hand up your thigh and graze over the front of your pants, catching you off guard.

“Babe!” you say half high-pitched as you turn to look at me wide eyed. You smile at me and the others, so they don’t suspect anything. Under the table you grab my hand and place it on my lap.

“You alright there?” you question me. I smile and grab your hand under the table to stop you from moving mine. “Never better” I smile as I continue to listen and react to the conversation we are in.

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Kabedon [F4M/Mf] [18+] [Male Pleasure Dom] [Female Sub] [Intense] [Seduction] [Sensual] [Sexual Tensity] [Arousal] [Teasing] [Longing] [Touching] [Heightened Senses]

You pull up into the driveway as we both exit the car and head to the front door. I swing my cross body bag over my shoulder and open it to retrieve the house keys as you follow behind me. I stand there as I insert the key into the lock as you smack my ass and grab it, while your other hand slowly runs up my thigh and lifts my flowy dress shorts exposing my ass cheek. You get closer to me as you close the gap between you and I as I am still fiddling with the locks on the doors.

You press your chest against my back, as you move your hips closer to my ass. I can feel your cock in your pants as press him into my ass. Both your hands now run up on either side of my thighs lifting the material of my shorts exposing the bare skin on my ass. You lower your head to my neck and inhale deeply the floral scent of my lingering perfume, as you breathe out you let a deep growling moan escape as you kiss my neck. I close my eyes trying to contain myself as I manage to open the front door to let us in.