That’s What (F)riends Are For (M)

So if you've read any of my previous posts you know I'm a married mid 30s guy – who plays on the side (we have a don't ask,don't tell, don't get herpes policy) 6'1" 240 7" or so white guy.

This story took place a couple months ago and I thought I'd share it here. It does require a little bit of back story.

In high school I dated Christine, we were great together – best of friends great sex the while damn nine yards. But ultimately it was high school and this is no hallmark movie, so we broke up. We did however remain very good friends for years and occasionally partook in some very hot nsa sex. Well I got married and we drifted apart but have always kept in touch sporadically and to be honest she is still the best friend of the opposite sex I've ever had.

She has grown a little since high school (but hey who hasn't) so she is squarely in bbw territory. 5'5" probably 160 nice c cup breast not much of an ass to speak of and one of the most sexy faces I've ever seen. I always joke around with her that I need a full time mistress and that she'd be perfect – we know how to make each other cum and we can keep a secret and well you get the picture. She has always laughed this off and politely declined blaming her "damn morals".

Well she recently split up with a long time boyfriend and we were chatting on the phone one night while I was home alone and we shared drinks (from 30 miles apart) and naturally the conversation turned to sex – more precisely her lack there of. One thing led to another and it was full fledged phone sex ending with her fucking herself with her new rabbit and moaning into the phone that she wishes I was there to fuck her ass at the same time while she had an "earth shattering orgasm" while I frantically jerked myself into the same. "Well that was fun" she said to which I replied, "that's what friends are for" and we talked awhile longer and hung up.

  • this is getting long but, I'm going to keep going because that is not the story I came to tell.

About a week later, I was near her house one morning and called her to offer to bring over some coffe before I went on to work. She agreed, and said she was going back to sleep until I got there.

I arrived, climbed the stairs to her bedroom Java in hand. I got into her room and knocked on the open door to wake her as I sat the drinks on her dresser. I have to admit she looked sexy as hell laying in bed in a very short thin summer dress and when she shifted to greet me I caught a glimpse of her pantiless unshaven pussy which got my mind whirling. Having said that, I was honestly just there as a friend. She yawned and patted the bed next to her, where I sat down and she pulled me in to spoon her. As hard as it is to believe I did this and was still very much only there as a platonic friend although I would be lying if I said I wasn't up for anything!

She then took all that morality shit and threw it out the window as she began no so subtly grinding her barely covered ass into my steadily rising dick. I know a sign when it comes so I began running my hand up her thigh pushing her dress along with it until her ass cheek was exposed which I grabbed hard and then and practically growled into her ear "is this want you want?"

Her only answer was a long moan and she raised her leg to allow me access to her already soaking pussy. I eagerly pushed two fingers into her from behind. I finger fucked her from this position for a minute or so and and then maneuvered her so she was on her back.

During our previous phone sex session she had told me that she needed to just be taken so I knew she was not in the mood for any sweetness. With that knowledge I basically ripped the top of her dress down exposing her tits and began mauling them with the hand not busy rubbing her clit with a fury.

I raised up on my knees and undid my dress pants to release my now throbbing cock. She damn near yelled fuck in an almost angry way and it took me aback a little so I slowed a little and looked her in the eye inquisitively (at the time I thought shit, her morals).

She reached out and took my cock in her hand and looked up and practically spit "you haven't been fixed so we can't fuck! And that sucks!" I took that as an invite to at least continue playing with her as I could tell she was already nearing an orgasm. I let her stroke me for a few seconds as I inserted my first two fingers into her completely drenched hole then pulled her hand off my cock and told her to focus on cumming for me and pushed my fingers in deeper placing her hand on her clit. She took the hint and began rapidly frigging herself as I pounded her g-spot with my fingers. In a matter of minutes she was growling and literally spitting and telling me to fuck her pussy she was getting close! At that moment I slid my third finger into her asshole that was nice and lubed from the ridiculous amount of her juice dripping down from her pussy. This sent her over the edge as she began violently shaking and just repeating fuck fuck fuck progressively getting louder as the waves of her orgasm rushed over her. Her hand fell away from her clit as she continued cumming and I kept hammering both of her holes and bent down and sucked her engorged clit into my mouth. This sent her immediately into another smaller orgasm that I tried to keep pushing her through but she quickly pushed me away as she shook and muttered things to herself that no human could understand.

I stood up and looked down at my friend in complete disarray and the mess forming under her in her bed and began to stroke my own cock at the sight. She looked up and saw what I was doing and quickly spun around so her face was on the edge of the bed I just kept pumping my dick looking at this sexy ass mess before me and she starting lapping her tongue on the underside of my balls (she knows that's a sensitive spot for me)

And this is where it flipped from about her to me – she began talking even dirtier to me. "Beat that cock, cum all over my face" and as awful and dirty as it is this was the end for me she demanded "cover my whore face like your wife won't let you" (another fact that came out during our phone sexy) that did I began shooting rope after rope of cum all over her from her nose to tits to the dress that had been bunched up around her stomach. It felt like I was never going to stop cumming. It was everywhere.

After my own amazing orgasm subsided she was still laying there covered in my cum as we just sort of sat in stunned silence. I had to break the tension I stood back up pulling my pants up and told her that was amazing lets get you cleaned up and have some coffee. And then in one of the sexiest moments of my life she looked at me took a finger and wiped up some of the cum from around her mouth and said with a smile "that's what friends are for" and sucked the cum from her fingers and got up to go clean up in the bathroom.

When she returned we shared a smoke and a coffee and chatted like the last 30 minutes had never happened.

Like I say at the end of every story im in central Ohio and always looking for some new discreet fun or a dirty chat partner from anywhere hit me up in a pm or leave a comment.



  1. Nothing hotter than a woman grinding away on a VCR multi-room device.

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