I married a slut [MF] obedient, submissive, fisting]

The woman i married had a large sexual appetite, she also happened to have very loose sexual morals. Actually she was kinda innocent of the world, almost everything she knew about sex had come from sneaking her fathers porno tapes from his collection, the pervy guys she was friends with in school and the creep she'd gone out with during college… no one had ever so much as hinted towards the idea that sex was anything but extreme and all the time.

She was kinda shy when we first met though, it took me a long time to realise she was up for basically anything – i should have twigged when she agreed to do anal so soon, and so readily. When i got around to asking if she'd done it before she told me her college boyfriend used to do her in the ass all the time. She was great at blow-jobs too and eventually i realised she really didn't mind if i pulled her head hard into my crotch and choked her while i came, if that's what i wanted then she was fine with it, again i discovered being choked on a cock was another thing her boyfriend had taught her was a normal part of sex.

It really all came out when I was especially horny one night and I'd already fucked her twice so my dick was too tired to go again so soon, i started to finger her starting somewhat roughly but soon working myself into a furious pace forcing two then three digits in and out of her hole as hard and fast as i could – she didn't complain, she groaned but instead of pulling away shifted so it didn't hurt as much, i took to be a sign i could continue and a possible hint this was yet another thing her previous boyfriend had taught her! Internally i vowed to absolutely destroyed her cunt, my motions increased in speed and intensity twisting and pumping and forcing open her tight little clam until i could get all my fingers in up to the knuckle.

She started to jerk around as I hammered at her slit stretching it with my fingers as i pulled my hand out, she sighed in relief but bunching my digits again i rammed them in as hard and far as i could. Suddenly my knuckles were inside her velvet slit, her body shook and she let out a surprised yelp, the feeling was amazing, her insides felt amazing squeezed against my skin and i felt amazing with my hand so firmly up her. I let myself enjoy the victory leaving my hand buried deep while with my free hand i started to stroke my cock, began jerking myself while wiggling my fingers inside her and enjoying the feeling of her stretched over my knuckles – i knew then was getting my thumb in her and that's all there was too it!

She squealed when she felt me trying to force my thumb in beside my fingers so i withdrew my hand completely letting her relax 'i want you to watch' i whispered panting, she groaned but dutifully lowered her head to watch as i wriggled the tips of my fingers back into her stretched cunt, this time my thumb was bunched tightly with them and i began to twist all five digits into her pussy -she gulped loudly as i increased the pressure but continued to watch wide eyed and with laboured breath.

'Watch' i reminded her firmly before shoving hard and forcing her butt against the table as i rammed my hand hard into her no-doubt aching hole. She let out a low moan of displeasure as my fingers reached the widest part then a gasp of relief and disbelief as my knuckles popped past her lips and vanished inside her – suddenly free from restriction my hand slid deep enough to narrow at my wrist before becoming jammed amid the warm insides of the wide eyed and now panting heavily woman. 'oh god…' she gasped as I clenched the fist inside her and pulled back slowly, her whole insides seemed to grip me firmly, i could feel her pussy stretch against my forearm almost as if her loins would come loose before my hand and I slowly I lifted her from the table by nothing else but my fist clenched in her hole. 'fuck….' i whispered marvelling at the sensation before pushing down and again pressing her hard into the table with the fist buried inside her. She looked down at the awful things i was doing to her panting and grunting, i wiggled my fingers and explored the inside of her pussy enjoying every whimper, grunt and gasp i could elicit.

Overcome with excitement again i loosened my hand and pulled it from her while holding her ass against the table with my other placed firmly on her pubis. I paused watching her gaping hole slowly starting to close for a moment before ramming my pointed fingers right back in, i fucked her like this cupping fingers and forming a partial fist so as to stretch her wider with each thrust. Pulling right out then thrusting back in until i could feel her pressed against the table I kept this heavy pace up while each time moving my hand into more and more of a fist shape, with each ramming thrust i increased the size of my fist, stretching a bit more each time until finally i was pretty much just punching my way into her fuck hole while she groaned and swore to herself, all the while I was grinning and wanking furiously.

Suddenly and without warning I ripped my hand from her hole and exploding with a thick stream of cum which i fired into her gaping cunt i had the hardest and best orgasm of my life. Stream after stream sprayed onto and into her ruined hole which hung open like a cave, a red puffy cave with screwed up lips and cum dripping all over it.

'oh god what have i done!' i gasped suddenly seeing through clear eyes how stretched and sore looking her hole was, suddenly loosing the desire to make her suffer and to abuse her i became panicked but she seeing i was done simply reclined onto the table with a sigh and began stroking her wounded hole tenderly. 'it's ok, it'll be ok.' she said still panting. 'but…' and that's when i found out all about her pervy college boyfriend, while she lay there massaging her hurt hole i made her tell me all about him and how he'd enjoyed stretching her hole with toys until it was even sorer than this. She told me that he also liked to make her lay nursing her stretched hole while his friends came round to sell him speed or video games. Apparently she'd just lay there rubbing her hurt little loins while he pointed out the various marks he's left to his friends – she said she used to be so embarrassed and humiliated that the actual pain she was in almost slipped her mind! As twisted as it was and as vile as this guy sounded it excited me just to think about her like this. he sounded truly awful but part of me wanted to be him, wanted to out do him….

I sat deep in contemplation watching as she gently massaged her stretched little pussy, it was cute how she was checking for damage and trying to ease the pain at the same time – i dunno, the perverse feelings had came back, what can i say? I made her tell me all about him, everything he'd made her to and all the games he used to play with her – i won't bother retelling her life here but i realised she was willing to put up with quite a lot, i realised as well that i simply had to see where her limits are… i had to take her past them and prove i was better than her previous boyfriend!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/3294v0/i_married_a_slut_mf_obedient_submissive_fisting