My Daddy taught me…..

"Fuck me, baby where did you learn to fuck like that??" I lay next to my fiancé. The memory of you fresh in my mind.

I was 14.

You had caught me a year before tentatively playing with my fresh young pussy. Neither of us will ever forget that night. I had just gotten out of the shower. Mom was passed out on the couch from a full day at the office. You still hadn't found work after being laid off and you were getting supremely pissed because you're cooking skills were amazing but you resented being the "woman" of the house. Even though mom never made you feel inadequate. She would even let you fuck her after a long day. But she wasn't enough. You were drowning in depression. You could never be a man again until you were head of the household! This housework shit had to stop. You couldn't even get it up because of the depression. Even when mom would suck your dick for hours till it was almost raw. You had seriously thought of suicide…

And then the light under my door……

It was a fair glow. Maybe a flashlight or a night light. I was supposed to be asleep and I was too fucking old for a night light. Bordering on unstable you grabbed my door handle and turned… But you stopped… Had I just moaned? Was I having a bad dream? Your rage melted away because your little girl could be in trouble. You opened the door a centimeter. So quiet. So slowly. And you broke out into a sweat.

I was laying on my bed, which face directly to the door. My legs wide. I had a flashlight and a mirror. You watched as I shyly ran a finger through my slit. I closed my eyes and did it again. The mirror fell on the bed giving you a perfect view. I did it again.

Creeping into the room, careful not to disturb me. You close the door behind you. And cringe at the click. I'm too immersed in myself. I play with the hair surrounding my pussy. The silky touch of it makes me smile. You inch toward the bed. I've managed to make myself very wet. A wet spot is growing on the bed. You want to lap it up. You can smell my virginity. The fresh clean smell of a young vagina. Never touched. Never broken. Never violated. You're so hard it hurts. You stroke yourself a few times to ease the ache. Silently you cum in your shorts. You don't know how you didn't disturb me. Now you're at the bed. And hard again. You sit down before you do something stupid that you'll regret. You can make me beg you for it….

My eyes fly open as the bed sinks to your weight. I gasp as I place a hand over my opening. "Daddy!!! You're not suppose to be in here!!"

more to cum
