How I want every time to be… and I am a guy, [mf] [anal][oral]

Looking into her hungry eyes, I was all to anxious to get to bed with her. Knowing exactly how I get when I am manic, my stamina has been able to last up to 12 hours; I approach her an gently kiss her lips, once and twice. I slowly kiss down her neck and lightly tickle her neck with kisses. We seperate and I slowly pull up her shirt while gently running the palms of my hands up each side of her body and over her arms as I remove the shirt. Repeating the process with me, she runs her hands slowly up over my abs, up my chest and over my arms.

Gazing upon her beautifully tan skin and her breasts still hidden behind a lacey black bra, she began to unclip her bra as I place my hands upon her waist and slide my hands softly under her skirt and pulling them below while carressing her thighs, until they fell softly to the ground. Rising slowly to see her perky breasts free from the lacey black curtains that hid them so well. I move towards her and gently lay her onto the bed. I kiss her softly on the neck, slowly moving from her neck to her shoulder. While kissing, I move my hands softly down her arms and stop at her waist, where I move upwards and rub her stomach. Gently working my way down kiss by kiss, slowly tickling her over her breasts, over her stomach, and finally reacher her clit. I gently pinch her clit between my lips and as softly as I can, I rub the rough part of my tongue over her clit. I move my left hand up towards her right nipple and lightly tickle her nipple. Moving my right hand over her thigh, then under, I rubbed her vagina, gently tickling her before moving two fingers inside and began to vibrate my arm, by clenching my muscles as tightly as they can, all the while still tickling her clit and breasts with my finger and tongue.

Her gasps became moans and her moans became a cry of release as she had a vaginal and clit orgasm.

I briefly stand to unbutton my pants as she gazes at me in pleasure. I lower my pants, revealing my rock hard penis. The hunger returning to her eyes, she rises out of the bed as I sit at the edge, she kneels on the floor, briefly gazing at my cock and looks up smiling. She puts her mouth around my head and rubs the tip with her tongue, licking any precum flowing forth, into her mouth. Her left hand reaching below to masturbate and her right hand reaches underneath me to tickle my ass. Having caressed the head, she allows my cock deeper into her throat, while continuing to worm her tongue around my shaft. Feeling amazing, I gently rub her shoulders and arms as if to make sure she is still there.

Feeling a climax, I begin to breath deeper and deeper, and let out a huge sigh as I orgasm and release my semen into her mouth.

As she swallows, I lie back onto the bed and she stands and positions herself on top. Grabbing her gorgeous breasts with my hands, I begin tickling both as I had done before. She aligned herself and allowed by cock to reach deep inside her. Rising and lowering, the bed squeaking as we mounted into more and more pleasure. Unable to stop, orgasm after orgasm. Switching positions, so the other could rest from the constant up and down or in and out.

Both amazed at how long my cock remained hard. Three hours and fifteen orgasms and still strong. She rises and gets onto her hands and knees, ready to try something different. I position my cock to her ass and slowly plunge deeper and deeper into her ass. Once all the way in, I start slowly thrusting in and out and progressively go faster and faster. I reach my arms around and gently tickle the clit with my left hand and finger her with my right. Asking her to tell me when she is about to cum, I stop everything each time, so she wont orgasm. Then after a minute, I start again. I continue this with her for an hour, so that her sensitivity is so high that breathing on her would make her orgasm. At this point, I vigorously thrust in and out of her ass, quickly vibrate my fingers in her vagina, then rub her clit quickly; while she quickly goes from moans to screams as she finally is able to orgasm, but not just once, but three times, squirting for her first time. I continue thrusting and fingering until I can clearly tell the orgasm has stopped after what could feel like minutes after all the teasing.

Panting, she collapsed on her back. Regaining her breath, she asks, "How long did it take you to get that good?"

"Honestly, that was my first time."



  1. This is a daydream essentially… I get more turned on by pleasuring a girl than I do myself getting pleasured.

  2. As I would as well, when I am manic, I have the stamina of 25 men and the libido of 50… imagine orgasming then needing more, orgasm need more, etc… for three weeks, non stop. This time, I am on day five. I can’t even do what I normally do in this situation… tease myself to the brink of orgasm, stop, tease, stop… for three hours until just touching makes me cum. The things that I would do with someone with me, who can handle hours of fun. Like tease out a multiple orgasm.

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