My[20/m] first time with a thick girl[20/f]

This is my first post, so please be friendly! This story happened a few days ago, and y'all came to mind as a good place to share it. Constructive criticism would be awesome, I'm not a very good writer.

Thea was a girl I met online (OKCupid, if you care). She was 5’ 8”, with maybe C or D cup boobs. She was by no means skinny, but she wasn’t fat either. Thick might be a good word to describe her. We had chatted online for maybe a week before I gave her my number, and it was clear we both wanted to get into each other’s pants. We talked about fetishes, things we’ve never tried, and other things, but she was very at ease talking about herself and what she wanted. We decided to meet up and see if we clicked in real life as well as we did over text.

I picked her up at her place, and she hardly looked at me the whole car ride. Her hair smelled amazing, and she had the cutest half smile I’ve ever seen. We both knew we wanted sex and had agreed to drive to the beach to wait for sundown to keep a semblance of privacy since we were planning on staying in my car. We made small talk until we reached the ocean, and then sat in awkward silence. It was the first time I’d been with a girl since me and my ex split a few years ago, and she hadn’t been with anyone recently either.

We made a little more small talk, and then I asked Thea if she wanted to start off the night kissing. She laughed, hiding her face with her hair and said only if I closed my eyes first. I thought it was a little odd, but I obliged. She attacked my face with such force I almost pulled back, but she felt so good…so right that I kissed her just as hard. She bit my lips and pulled at them, something I never knew turned me on, and our hands roamed all over each other. I pulled away after a few minutes, and we moved to the back seat.

I guess at this point I should add a little description. I’m Mike, about 5’11” and 130lbs on a good day. Dark brown hair that’s usually in a fauxhawk-esque poof, hazel eyes, and big lips. I know it’s cliché for this subreddit, but I’m a little under 6.5”, and I curve up some. The car I used that night was an early ‘00s SUV, the kind that you can fold the seats down and make a space the size of a mattress; perfect for lying down in and getting some action. I live in a place where getting to the beach is trivial. Back to the story.

Sitting in the very back seat, we kept making out. She reached for my shorts to grab my dick and start jerking me off (I’m wearing a t-shirt, compression shorts, and a pair of basketball shorts). We messed around for a while, me biting her tits, her giving me head. She took all of me in her mouth, right down to my base, without even trying. She’s super into pain, so I bit her hard and left pretty good sized welts all around her nipples. She finally decided she wanted me inside her, so I slipped on a condom and gave it the old college try. What I didn’t count on was that her being my first thick girl, I had no idea how to approach it. We tried a few different things, but eventually decided to try in a little bit in a roomier place and gave up for the time being. The car was getting too hot, and we didn’t want the cops getting called, so we went out and walked on the beach.

We walked and talked a little more, and then she got a mischievous grin on her face and said she needed to go to the bathroom. I caught her drift, and we made our way to the beach stalls. She checked them all before pulling me into one, dropping her pants and turning around. I stood there dumbfounded for a minute, then dropped my shorts and worked myself up. This, I knew how to do. I slid my tip up and down her slit, feeling how wet she was. Something hot about bigger girls is they get really fucking wet, and there’s a lot to hold on to from almost any position.

My head popped into her pussy nicely, eliciting a moan, and I started working her in and out, slapping into her ass and holding on to her shoulders. She gasped as I railed her, pressing her arms against the wall while I fucked her pussy. She was so wet I slipped out once or twice, but she guided me back in without missing a beat. I started to lose it, and told her to turn around quick. She dropped to her knees like a pro and sucked me dry, bobbing her head back and forth. I lost control of my body for a moment, holding myself up on her shoulders as her tongue flicked back and forth over my head. Four or five ropes of cum flowed out of me, each rope shaking my body as I orgasmed. She kissed me, letting me taste myself on her lips, and then we put our clothes back on and made our escape.

Back out on the beach, I was determined to get her off for giving me such a good fuck. I told her to lie back on one of the benches, and then pulled down her yoga pants. I’d never gone down on a bigger girl before, but I wasn’t about to let that break my determination. I dove in, tasting her pussy and shooting my tongue out at her clit. She tasted almost bitter, with a tinge of sweetness. All in all not bad, but not great. I started essentially making out with her vagina, sucking on her clit and fucking her with my tongue. She ground her pussy into my face, and moaned loudly. I stuck a few fingers into her, finding her gspot and focusing my mouth and tongue on her clit.

Her hips started bucking, and I knew she was close. She picked up her pace, and I felt her clench on my fingers. She pressed my face close, and for a moment I couldn’t breathe. Then her pussy spasmed, and she rode out her orgasm onto my face. It took her a good fifteen minutes to come down off her afterglow, and she told me that was the best sex she’d had in a while. We made small talk after that, and then packed up since the beach park had closed about an hour ago. Thank god the cops didn’t find us, or anyone else for that matter.

I've got a few more stories, let me know if you want them!



  1. Sounds like you had a great time with a hot woman. Was she worth a second helping?

  2. We’re gonna hang out again in a few days, so I’d say so :P

  3. Treat them like a person and learn what makes them tick, and you’ll have the best sex of your life! But that goes for anyone, not just bigger people! :P

  4. You are almost double my size as I sadly not packaging much, and I love thick/big booty women, so I guess I dread the day my fantasy of a big boott woman comes to life. The thing about a small penis, it makes me good at other things, like giving her oral. I’m sure a woman won’t complain from good oral. Nice job, man.

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