Mindless domination.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Your pussy throbs painfully, from the abuse with the vibrator.

You passed out from the cycles of pleasure and pain. One moment, you were feeling the buzzing of the vibrator attack your lady bits, the other, you felt nothingness, a sheen of black overcome your body, as you collapsed from exhaustion.

You are still in the dark room, however. You feel the cold breeze of the dark room over your exposed breasts; the cold concrete tile on your back. That's when you realise – you're naked again.

No more pesky skirts I suppose you think. Your wrists are sore from the cuffs, and small lacerations pepper the delicate skin around your wrists. You are free from the cuffs; but the cuffs has been replaced by a collar around your neck, chained to the wall.

Something warm and sticky flows out of your pussy. You dip your fingers, now free from the cuffs, into the warm and sticky mess, and you sniff it.

It is tangy; an iron stench pervades your nostrils.

You feel an ache, an emptiness, one different from the lust you desired some time back. It was as though you lost something, but you don't know what.

A distant memory of the same iron stench floats to your mind.

"Ms Aldermann? Is anything the matter?" the gentle, smiling man asks. You blush, as your classmates begin to laugh at the red, bloody mess soaking your skirt and panties. The man – what was his name? – brought you to the washroom, where he brought you a fresh set of clothes… you blush as you notice him bulging in his pants… the bulging in his pants… bulge…

A vague memory of a penis floats by. The man's penis. He holds you down. This time you are in your own bedroom. You struggle as he enters you. You scream.

You come.

Cold water sprays onto you, cleansing your body; you pass out, into a dreamless sleep.

You don't know it, but three days has passed in the dark room. In the mansion, life goes on. The three girls – Esther, Sammy and Wendy – have begun playing with each other once more. Wendy, however, has become more and more radiant; a bump, though not so obvious, has appeared; and her breasts have become more tender.

Master, sensing that she has become pregnant, sent for a pregnancy test. The results were positive.

Soon, Wendy was accorded with all the privileges she could have. She gave Master his morning blowjob, and had a servant attend to her every single moment, even helping her with her sex toys in the Playroom, although she stopped going quite a while ago. And at night, she spent her Special Privileges time with Master.

Needless to say, Esther and Sammy were jealous.

"I want to be pregnant too," Esther whispers to Sammy in the Playroom, as Sammy's fingers caress Esther's nether lips. Esther moans as Sammy pushes them inside her, and Sammy voices agreement.

"Let's follow Wendy when she goes for her Special Privileges," Esther says. "Maybe we can beg Master to fuck us. He hasn't done so in weeks."

Esther's blond curls shivered as she came.

"Maybe we can," Sammy whispered back. "Maybe we can."

"Wake up."

Master towers above you, belt in hand. He walks you – with the leash – to the other side of the room, a side you've never seen before.

A piston-like machine is at the centre; your head fits inside the cradle, attached to a pole. You lay splayed on the floor, with a dildo angled towards your snatch.

"Open your mouth."

Master straps your head to the cradle, and forces a ring gag into your mouth. Cold air blows over your tongue, drying it. He straps you to the machine, and adjusts the dildo – it seems huge, at this point – to point directly towards your snatch. You notice that it is attached to yet another piston.

Your nipples, hard like bullets, are clamped; you feel their metal vice crushing your sensitive spots.

Master offers you his rock hard cock; pulsating, each vein so distinct. Your tongue moves to lick it, and he growls. "Not yet."

He switches on the machine, which slowly and gently pushes your head forward to welcome his penis. Master fills your mouth, forcefully, while you drool all over him; you feel his heartbeat on your tongue, which curls up to receive him.

At the same time, you feel the head of the dildo pushing right into your snatch. The tip squeezes into your tightness, filling you up as though you have never been filled. Both machines work in tandem with their slow thrusts; one moment, you are gagging on Master's cock; the other, you are filled with the huge dildo.

It is too much to bear.

Esther and Sammy follow Wendy to her Special Privileges room, hiding so as not to be seen.

The room is well-lit, with a chandelier in the middle, and a four-post bed in the center.

The naked duo hide in a niche behind the door.

Wendy stands next to the bed; servants help her attach a strap-on.

A strap-on!

One of the butlers undresses. Wendy pushes him down onto the bed, exposing his anus. She lubes up her strap-on, and pushes it right into him.

The butler groans. He screams, as the large strap-on invades him.

It was painful, but he was ready for it; the strap-on is clean as Wendy continues her thrusts.

"Thank you mistress," the man groans. Wendy looks up, while continuing her dominating moves. She notices the duo.

"Come in, you two." Wendy knew they were coming. Master told her so.

Master also told her what she could do to them when they arrived.

Master's cock pulsates in your mouth; you swirl your tongue all over the tip, wanting to pleasure him more and more.

"Good girl," Master says. The fucking machine has become faster now; the dildo thrusts in and out of you, and your throat squeezes around the tip of Master's cock as his hips gyrate, fucking your face along with the machine. You arch your back, welcoming the plastic cock thrusting in and out of your slick hole as it pleasures your very deepest parts.

"Make me come, Betty," Master orders, as he pushes your head right down the entire length of his cock. You gag, and your throat tightens around his tip; his throbbing dick erupts with white hot semen shooting right into the back of your throat.

Your pussy begin contracting on the dildo, as sensations of pleasure danced in your torso, generating that whimsical feeling, an odd mix of satisfaction and desire. You let out a muffled moan.

Wendy continues thrusting into the butler, as she orders Esther and Sammy to kneel in front of her.

The feeling – the need to cum – has apparently overtaken the butler, as Wendy's strap on begins to stimulate his prostate.

"Mistress, please, make me cum," the man groans.

Wendy stops her thrusts, denying the man any of her special privilege.

"Beg me," Wendy says. She grabs a Hitachi, turns it on, and presses it against the man's cock.

"You should expel your shame juice," she says, as the man groans, close to the edge. Just as he is about to come, Wendy stops, turning off the vibrator.

"That's what it is," Wendy continues, as the man's cock throbs pathetically. "Shame juice."

Wendy slowly teases the man's penis, with gentle caresses with her finger, and small licks with her tongue. Esther and Sammy are shocked and amazed, as the man's cum – no, shame juice – drips right out of his cock, onto Wendy's perky, naked breasts.

"Lick it off," Wendy orders the butler, turning to address the duo. "You bitches don't deserve any. You love this shame juice. So why should you have some?"

"You can have some of this, though," Wendy says, pointing the wet strap-on at the duo. "Master knew you would be coming, sooner or later. He gave me instructions on how to dominate the two of you. You can't resist the smell of this, I'm sure."

Esther was visibly aroused, her wetness dripping down her legs. She stepped forward, and gave the strap-on a tentative lick.

"Yes, you want all of it," Wendy says, as the man's saltiness pervaded Esther's senses, and she took all of Wendy in.

It was a powerful feeling, the new dildo. Wendy moaned as every push, every thrust, stimulated her clit directly.

The butler was now aroused again, and Wendy broke out of her trance. She remembered the pill, and how Master had ordered her to give it to the butler.

"Come, my servant. Bring the pill with you," she said, as Esther's blonde head bobbed up and down her strap-on. Sammy was still looking on, secretly touching herself, aroused by this erotic scene.

The butler obeyed, his little penis still dripping some of that shame juice.

"Take the pill," Wendy says. "You will become a girl, like us."

After Master was satisfied, you were led to a bed, adjacent to the dark room. The bed had a shower adjoining it.

How many beds are there in this house? you wonder.

"Take a bath, Betty," Master says, gently, as he leads you into the shower. As hot water pervades your senses, Master lies down, spent, on the bed.

You get to clean yourself, at last. The punishment is over. You dry yourself, and your hair, and lie your naked self next to Master, who is now asleep.

And you wonder – do you love Master?

Does he love you?

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2hyoq4/mindless_domination


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