Bored at the Club [M,F,STR8,Voy…long]

The bass beat continued to thud through the darkened room. The DJ had just announced the arrival of “Chevelle” to the stage. If these girls weren't named for expensive materials, like Diamond or Ruby…they were named for cars. So far it had been Porsche, Lamborghini, Chevelle and T.A. I figured T.A. stood for 'Tits-n-Ass', but she corrected me. Surprise, it stood for 'Trans-Am'.

Surrounded by strippers and I was bored.

I sipped my drink, and watched as Chevelle's set began. She was a little too meaty in the legs for me. She could probably crush that pole with her thighs if she wanted, but her tits were disappointing. I fished out a dollar and threw it on stage. I'm a nice guy, but not that nice.

I sensed someone sit next to me and was surprised by the redhead that occupied the chair. I didn't recognize her, but then again Amateur Night was coming up later. Plenty of fresh faces were beginning to trickle in. Most of them were ringers from other clubs in the area. I smiled at the redhead.

“Hi,” she said. “What's your name?”

“Sam,” I lied. I always figured that these girls used stage names, why shouldn't I? After all, wasn't this entire scene one giant lie? Think about it, guys (and some girls), come in to a strip club to fantasize about the possibility of scoring with any of these women. And as long as we schmucks have the cash, they treat us like we're the greatest thing since the invention of the dildo. I've been here enough and I've dropped enough cash to know how it goes.

The redhead smiled back and said, “Nice to meet you. Mind if I smoke?” She pulled out a cigarette case.

Normally I mind, but there were enough smokers in the room that I was already saturated by the smell. I shrugged, “If you want.” I tried to play nice and smiled again when I said it.

She lit up but was kind enough to turn away when she exhaled. It was a small kindness, but noted. We sat for a bit and watched from our floor seats as Chevelle unzipped her leather bustier and exposed her brown, quarter-sized nipples over slightly droopy breasts.

Chevelle danced, swinging her hips out and shaking her barely covered ass for all it was worth. From what I gathered, Chevelle had been doing this for quite a while and was probably in her mid-thirties. Younger than me, but retirement age for most dancers. If she was still dancing, it wasn't to “help pay her way through college” anymore.

The redhead and I watched the end of the set. Near the end, Chevelle coaxed another dollar from my teeth with her breasts. They were sweaty and had an interesting mixture of alcohol and perfume smells emanating from them.

I stood as the dancer left the stage to be replaced by someone else. The redhead waited by the stage for a moment or two and then walked over to join me at a small table. I watched her approach and realized I must have been blind to miss the finer details.

She was a little shorter than I thought; five-foot and some change in height. Her outfit was designed to show off her hourglass figure. Short skirt, tight black blouse with a beaded throw over her shoulders. Framed between the ends of the shawl were her breasts, struggling to escape out of the bra and threatening to spill right out of her scoop neck blouse. These were not the sorry teardrop tits of Chevelle; nor were they the oversized monsters that dwarfed Porsche’s petite frame.

These were quite possibly the most beautiful breasts I had seen. They were, as far as I could tell, the genuine article; no silicone here. They moved naturally, despite being confined in the restricting brassiere.

She walked toward my table with a sly smile and easy grace. Her legs were accentuated by the stiletto heels and she negotiated the darker areas of the club with a smooth stride. The skirt slithered over her hips like a leaf in a gentle breeze. Even as I watched her approach my table, I wondered what delicious secrets that skirt hid.

“Mind if I join you?” Her voice, a little husky…all sexy, had a distinct effect on me. What was going on? I was bored not five minutes ago and now this woman gets me all star-struck and shaky in the knees?

“Please,” I said, offering her a seat.

A waitress came over, and without missing a beat; I bought the redhead a drink. She smiled again and now that I was paying attention, I noticed how her smile reached all the way to her blue-green eyes. She was genuinely enjoying herself! She had finished her cig and was tapping the table to the beats laid out by the DJ. New dancer meant new music, in this case 80's hair metal. Not my first choice, but it was catchy…and the redhead was digging it.

Her eyes went to the stage, so I made an unabashed appraisal of the rest of my new friend. I asked myself, why I don't see women like this in the clubs? Typically, it's these way-too-thin quasi-cheerleaders with a nice ass, but no tits. Alternately, it was someone who was a 'friend-of-a-friend' that didn't really belong in a dance club, much less a strip club like this. No, if this auburn haired minx was going on stage for amateur night, I wanted to be front row center.

She started really getting into the beat, howling as the dancer on stage pulled some impressive acrobatic move while suspended on the pole. The redhead was thumping the table with gusto and I couldn't help but be hypnotized but the subtle ripples dancing across her tit-flesh…definitely no silicone here.

My guest's drink arrived and my glass was refilled. She turned and smiled at me, her eyes catching the light from the stage. “Thank you,” she mouthed over the music. I couldn't help but smile. I raised my glass in salute as she sipped her drink. Her lips pulled together in a tight bow around the tiny straw. She was going to make the drink last and enjoy herself. She looked up at me and realized I had been staring. I looked away, embarrassed.

I watched this new dancer slink around the stage as a Guns 'N Roses song began. I tried to collect myself. This redhead was more intoxicating than any drink in the house. I was feeling light-headed, flushed and excited…and I had only been drinking Coke to this point! What was it about this redhead that made me act this way?

I turned back to my guest and found she was rocking back and forth with a fresh cigarette in her hand. She glanced at me and smiled again. It was contagious, I smiled back. Her smile widened and she squeezed my leg, just above the knee. Then her attention went back to the dancer that was finishing up her set.

When she touched me, a rush ran through my body. It ran up my thigh and right to my crotch. I almost shuddered and goose bumps rose on my back and arms. Even the small hairs on my neck stood at attention. That's not all that wanted to stand either, my jeans suddenly felt a little tight around the zipper.

Now you need to understand that I have spent a fair amount of time in the VIP rooms of places like this, and those girls were worth every dollar that I sacrificed to that particular altar of lust. Having a woman squat over me, tits in my face, grinding her hips into me and in some cases, squeezing my crotch with surprisingly well muscled ass-cheeks…well, that is just too damn hard to not get aroused. But I have seen plenty of women doing this and after a while, tedium has a way of settling in. So most of the girls here know that if I choose them, it's not going to be an “easy” sell. They're going to have to work to get me aroused.

Not the case here. My newfound friend had my cock screaming, “Fuck me!” in all of about three seconds. If she was like that just sitting at the table, God only knows what she would be like doing a couch dance in the back.

The DJ finished the song and announced that it was time for “Ladies choice”. This meant that the dancers would tour the room and choose someone. If the person chosen went back to the VIP room, it was half price. Of course, the club also played shorter songs, so it all worked out.

The girls began circulating around the room and I turned two of them down. They even asked my guest if she was interested. She appeared to seriously think about it for a moment, but declined as well. The redhead then turned to me. “Well?” She grinned that smile that made my pulse jump and my pants throb a little harder.

The only thought I had was how difficult it was going to be to stand and walk back to the VIP room with the stiffie I was packing. But I smiled back and said, “Sure”.

She stood and grabbed her purse. I followed her, mesmerized by the swaying of that perfectly rounded ass. It wasn't until we arrived in the club's lobby before I realized that we weren't going to the VIP rooms.

“What's going on?” I was hesitant to ask this, but curious.

“I thought we could use some fresh air,” she said and pushed open the front door to the club.

Once outside, the chill of an autumn breeze washed over us. I breathed in the crisp air and reached for her, pulling her close without squeezing. Touching a dancer without permission is a major offense, but I figured since she invited me out here, the rules might allow for a little bending.

“Fresh air…and beautiful company,” I noted. Hey, it never hurts to be polite.

She laughed a little, “You're sweet,” she said and she started walking again. I followed like a lost puppy, wondering where she was headed. She arrived at a dark sedan and unlocked the doors. “Climb in,” she said.

I stopped next to her, “Aren't you going to miss your performance?”

Her mouth opened a little in surprise. “You…you thought I was one of…one of the? Oh my God!”

My face flushed in complete embarrassment as I finally realized my mistake. This woman, this goddess of my evening's fantasy was not a dancer, not even for Amateur Night! She was just another patron and I had totally screwed the pooch on this one. This was almost on par with mistaking a heavyset woman for one that is pregnant. I was about to blurt out some kind of apology when the redhead did something surprising.

She laughed. Not just a polite chuckle or giggle, but a full-blown knee-slapper of a belly laugh. “Oh, Sam! That is the best thing I have heard in days!” She fought to control herself as her laughing fit gave way to a coughing jag. One of her cheeks had a tear running down it. She gasped, “Oh…oh my. That is precious!”

I was torn between being relieved that I had not made a major faux pas and slight disgruntlement as she sounded like she was making fun of me. I stepped back to judge her reaction further.

“Oh sweetie,” she had managed to compose herself, “I love the fact that you think I had even a shot up on that stage.”

“Why not?” I asked, “You're all kinds of sexy and you seem to like the music.”

The redhead stepped up, closing the gap between us. “How old do you think I am?”

Now, I know that is the ultimate loaded question when talking to a woman, but I was already in over my head. What else did I have to lose? She looked about thirty, but I decided to pad it a little in my favor.

“Twenty-six?” I said.

She smiled again and kissed me on my cheek, “So sweet.” She put her arms on my shoulders and pushed me back towards the passenger side of the car. “Climb in,” she repeated.

My cheek was still warm from her kiss. It was a friendly peck, but still a sign of interest. In a haze I opened the door of her sedan and sat down. She slid into the driver's seat and started up the car.

She pulled out of the club's driveway and onto the street as she starting singing with the radio. It took me a second to really come back to myself. Was this really happening? Was I alone in a car with the woman that totally jump-started my libido? I was half-tempted to check the car for hidden cameras, because things like this don't really happen, do they?

The car had a faint smell of cigarette smoke and something vaguely floral. She turned the radio onto a Top 40 station and continued singing along. I was still attempting to collect my thoughts when I noticed something warm resting on my thigh. The redhead had placed her hand on my lap just a scant inch or two from the creeping erection that was now trapped in the denim pant leg. The tension of the jeans only made my cock squirm. Her hand resting there did not help matters.

My thoughts were completely focused on her hand and the possibilities that it could contain. I didn't notice that she had stopped singing along with the radio and she was studying me out of the corner of her eye.

“I take it you approve?” she asked coyly.

I stammered a pathetic squeak, “Yes,” and she laughed again. I tried to pull myself together and cleared my throat. “Definitely,” I said, more confidently this time.

“Good,” she purred and slid her hand up my pant leg and squeezed the stiffness encased in denim.

I gasped involuntarily and she responded by squeezing my member again. My cock loved the attention because it throbbed seemingly with a life of its own.

She gave a little sound of approval and began rubbing my leg back and forth, making sure to spend extra time on my cock as it strained against the blue jean prison.

I took a chance and ran my hand across her shoulder and then down her back until I met the seat back. My cock pulsed a little faster as I then brought my hand around towards the front of that black blouse and cupped one ripe breast. I squeezed gently and she mimicked my action by squeezing my cock once more. I looked up and she glanced at me. We smiled at each other and she blew me a kiss, which made me smile more.

She took her hand away long enough to pull into a parking spot behind a row of darkened buildings. The area looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place it exactly. I knew we were still near downtown, but the alley behind the buildings was foreign territory. As she turned off the sedan's key, I could hear the muffled thudding of techno music booming from somewhere near.

The auburn-haired bombshell then proceeded to dance to the beat across the alley toward a set of rickety stairs leading up to a door. The shift of her hips in that tiny skirt was like the swaying of a cobra and I was a helpless sparrow caught in its gaze. I followed right behind her, admiring the view. A view that became more provocative as she ascended the stairs and I could see the underside of tender ass-flesh. The rest of her feminine treasures remained hidden in shadow.

She led me through the door and down a dark hallway. She stopped before an old door that had been painted black to match the rest of the hall. I almost hadn’t seen it. She looked at me and smiled when she opened the door. The techno-music thundered through my shoes and I knew we were next door to the bar or dance hall that was playing it.

I followed cautiously around the doorway and into a small room. A small fixture above the door barely lit the room. It was simple, with a table in a corner, a small fridge against the near wall and a goose-neck torchiere lamp aimed at the most important piece of furniture…a bed. Behind the bed, the far wall was mirrored to make the room seem larger.

My auburn-haired goddess of the hourglass figure made her way to the fridge and pulled out a wine bottle and two chilled glasses. “Close the door,” she winked as she poured the wine.

I did as she bade and then realized the bed was the only true place to sit. She placed the wine glasses on the table, bending over to give me ample time to admire her ass. She stayed in that position just long enough for me to slip behind her and press my hips to hers.

She straightened up and leaned back into me. Her hips began to sway with the house beat from next door. Her skirt rode up a little and it did not take long for my cock to take notice. Just as it had in the car, the bulging member responded to her touch; growing and throbbing against her now exposed ass-flesh.

I reached around, cupping her perfect breasts, and pulled her against me. I kissed her on the neck and moaned my approval. After a moment, she turned in my arms and backed away. With a flick of her wrist, she turned off the fixture above the door and then turned the torchiere lamp on. It cast a surprisingly reddish hue to the room. The wine looked black and the light reflected off the mirrored wall.
She pointed to the bed and smiled, “Time to see what we’ve been missing.”

I sat on the bed, waiting to see what this gorgeous woman would do. I was not disappointed. The techno music even seemed to sense the mood as the DJ put on something slower but with a primal beat. The bass beats matched my thudding heart as my goddess approached. The shawl went first, pooling on the floor. I decided to try matching her intent, and as silly as it may sound, I kicked off my shoes.

She stopped at the foot of the bed, and slowly started swaying to the music. I turned, feet hanging off the edge, and watched her dance slowly towards me. At one point, she bent over a little and her cleavage proceeded to garner my complete and undivided attention. In the shadow of the maroon lighting, her breasts shone against the black fabric. She obviously noticed and said, “You like these?” She brought her arms together, pressing her breasts into each other. They threatened to spill out from the low cut blouse.

I smiled, “Oh, yes,” I murmured.

She bent further down and kissed me on the forehead, “Then show me.”

I reached forward, took the bottom of her blouse and teasingly lifting it out from the skirt. She lifted her hands up and watched me with great interest. Her hair spilled forward slightly, putting her face into further shadow. Her hips rocked slightly to the primal beat.

I had worked the blouse free of the skirt and slowly started unbuttoning it. The low cut made it a short task, but one I enjoyed. I opened the blouse as one would open the doors to a temple; reverent and in awe of what lay beyond.

My heart pulsed to the bass beat from next door and I dare say that my hands trembled a little as well. The low-cut lace-trimmed bra was simple, yet elegant. Sheer fabric cut her perfect breasts at a slight angle to meet in the center with a simple plastic clasp. Playfully, I slid one of my fingers across the fabric of the bra, as smiled as it met a ‘speed bump’ created by the nipple beneath. She let out a slight gasp as the sensation electrified her nerve endings for a second.

“Your turn,” she said and unbuttoned my shirt with a trained hand. I shifted my shoulders and it slid to the bed. “Hmmm,” she smiled back at me and looked me over. I always considered myself to be an average-looking guy, but she smiled approvingly. She pushed me back onto the bed and the light seemed to create an aura around her.

The tribal bass rumbled through the bed and she crawled onto the bed, straddling me. Her hands slid up my legs, my thighs and my waist. Her thumbs pointed in and brushed the bulge that was pulsing on its own primal rhythm.

“Ooo, “ she noted, “I think he likes this.”

Her hands slid up my stomach and I fought the urge to squirm as it almost tickled, but I was too turned on to make her stop. She squatted down on my trapped erection and ground her warmth against me. I started to push up against her but she clamped her hands on my chest. Her nails dug in slightly right around my nipples. My hips dropped and I hissed inwardly in surprise.

“Listen to the music,” she said. “Dance with me.” She sat up and rocked to the beat, back and forth, her hands kneading my chest. I brought my hands up to her shoulders and ran my hands down her sides. I felt the bass beat rumble through the floor and the bed. I let the primitive beat take my lust and focus it into a beat that she met as I gripped her hips.

Her breasts were rocking in front of me, taunting me and I rose to the bait. I leaned forward and pressed my face between those luminous mounds. My auburn goddess put a hand behind my head and held my face to her cleavage and I inhaled her scent greedily.

Now I am not without my own talents and I remembered that simple plastic clasp. I just needed to get behind it and pull forward to loosen that bra. Needless to say, she was surprised when I managed to get my tongue behind that clasp and lift. There was a faint click against my tongue as the lock snapped apart.

She smiled down at me. “I think we may need to find a use for that tricky tongue of yours.” She sat up, continuing to grind her hips against my jeans. With practiced ease, she opened the bra and it joined the shawl and blouse on the floor.

The perfection I saw, shadowed in maroon light, was almost beyond description. Her breasts were taut, round, natural with just a hint of freckling. Her areolas were deep brown in this light and constricted with desire. The nipples threw their own shadows across the darkened breastscape. Each divine bulb was the diameter of my pinky fingertip and just a tad longer in length.

My mouth hungered for those tits with such force that I literally began salivating. I also stopped thrusting.

“Something wrong?” she asked sweetly, knowing full well the effect she was having on me.

“You are amazingly hot,” I stammered. “And I don’t know if I deserve you.” What was I saying? This woman had been seducing me since she sat at my table and I was talking like a horny teen school kid.

To her credit, she took it all in stride. “Let’s see if you ‘deserve’ me or not, hmm?” And with a sly tilt to her head, she bent down and proceeded to kiss my neck, just under the ear.

I couldn’t help myself, my leg twitched like a dog’s. She giggled and proceeded to slowly work her kisses down my body, dragging those luscious tits against my chest and stomach as she went. If I focused, I could feel her nipples pressing against my bare chest. This feeling kept my cock dancing its own beat in the confines of my jeans.

Her lips played over my nipple and she used a free hand to work the clasp on my jeans. By the time she got it open and the zipper down, my cock actually ached with relief. It strained the fabric of my briefs and her breasts dangled tantalizingly close.

She laughed in her throat when I thrust against her tits. She pulled me down the bed slightly so more of my legs were off the bed. She had managed to back herself down to the floor, and worked my jeans off the rest of the way. When she finished with that, she started climbing back up, but stopped with her face just inches away from the cotton tent that was my crotch.

Her red hair spilled over her face as she took a breath and breathed warmly against my hardness. The heat and attention made my cock pulse as it tried to engorge even further than it already was. She took a hand and wrapped it around my erection, squeezing in time to the techno music.

“Mmmmm,” she murmured, “Nice.” Her other hand slipped up one of the leg holes of my briefs and began running a finger over my balls. They were already constricted by lust and cotton, but at her touch they almost released their load right through the underwear.

I couldn’t manage a single word, to say the least of a coherent sentence at that point. I was so under the thrall of this divine sexual being. My hips bucked against her hands involuntarily.

She looked at me over the cloth-coated rod in her hand, “A little anxious. I think we need to do something about that.” With a move that would have made any of the dancers back at the club jealous, my underwear was off and dropped to the floor. I still don’t know how she did it.

Finally freed, my erection swayed slightly in the reddish light. For a moment we both looked at my cock; how it pulsed to my heartbeat and the tip swelled with each beat. She gripped it again and slowly started pulling on it, fingers stopped just on the ridge of the head. She traced one fingernail in a figure eight pattern over my balls and I shivered.

“Lie down,” she purred. I lay back with my feet hanging over the end of the bed. She slid over to my knees and looked up the line of my body, with her chin resting on my leg. Her hand stroked my cock slowly now. I’m not sure if she knew the music that well or not, but the bass beat seemed to slow down after a moment and she matched the bass, stroking to the beat

I lay there in sensual amazement, taking it all in. Her hand alternately sliding down my cock, then a combination of twisting and gentle squeezing. My erection fought against her squeezes, throbbing against her hold, trying to break free. There was a gentle tickling on my balls. I first thought it was her other hand, but the alternating heat & wetness told me she was licking them. I moaned my approval and she breathily laughed against my crotch.

I reached down and took some of the magnificent auburn mane and ran my fingers through it. She responded by moving her mouth slowly up my shaft, her moans vibrating against my hardness. With an intake of air, like a diver about to hit the water, she wrapped her lips around the shaft and slowly took me into her mouth.

I couldn’t help but thrust against her mouth, and she made a noise in her throat. I withdrew and she sucked hard on me as I did. My cock slipped out of her mouth with a soft, wet ‘pop’. My lovely goddess began devouring my cock to that bass beat, using her hand to guide her down, wringing my hardness with her hand on each upstroke.

I lay back and felt the bass beat pulse through my skin in time to her suckling. Her hands moved with precision; one on my cock, the other fondling my balls. I could feel my sac tighten under her expert hands and my legs began to twitch as I fought off the urge to cum too soon.

She made noises as she sucked me off, half-moans, half-gurgles as my cock slammed into her throat. Yet, she could tell I was near the brink of spraying the inside of her mouth with my sticky seed and she slowed down and matched the bass beat again. Finally she stopped all together, and I swear my cock could not possibly get any harder.
It felt as if it would split apart due to the throbbing blood coursing through it.

Sweating, I sat up slightly, but she pushed me back. “Time to put that tongue of yours to work,” she said and stood. The lace-trimmed panties she had worn joined the matching bra on the floor. She brought a leg around and straddled my face. She squatted over me, bringing her neatly trimmed pussy down towards me. She leaned forwards and began playing with my cock again. I felt the heat of her pussy against my face and groaned a sound of lust and need.

At the sound of my wanton desire, she lowered her snatch to me and I inhaled deeply. I licked her pussy like a man who had been fasting for a week. I licked and sucked and drove my tongue inside her. I savored the juices that trickled into my mouth. I flicked my tongue across her clit and along her opening and all the while, my tasty red-haired fantasy rubbed my cock…gasping as I coaxed her wetness into my mouth.

Her breathing came in rasping gasps and it was only when she tore her dripping snatch away from me that I heard how the house beat from next door had changed to a rapid techno-rap tune. Without even missing one of those beats, she whirled around and sat confidently on my crotch. I slid into her easily and she ground against me in circular movements.

With precise movements she rode me like that for an eternity of ecstasy. She lifted her arms over her head and arched her back. I reached up and took a breast in each hand and squeezed. I ran my thumbs across her nipples, back and forth. She straightened and then fell forward slightly. Her hair fell across her face as her hands landed on my chest. I pumped against her circular movements and I could feel the wetness trickle down my thigh.

Through the sea of deep copper hair, she peered at me through half-lidded eyes and smiled. She moaned as I thrust again and squeezed her tits tighter. She changed from a circular motion to a more frantic up and down one, slamming against me. I counter-thrust against her as best I could and I could feel the bass beat buzzing against my back and ass.

She was panting, “Fuck, fuck, yessss, fuck, mmmm, fuck meeee…” Dirty talk doesn’t normally do anything for me, but I was completely under this woman’s spell and hearing her like this was more than I could handle. I had been fighting it for several minutes, but I knew I had to cum and her surrender to the intimate of intimates had me moaning as well. But I knew I had to let her know.

“I’m coming, oh God, I’m coming!!!”

It was her turn to grab breast flesh, and this time it was mine. Her nails dug into my chest, curling into my chest hair. For the first time since we started, neither of us moved to the music that had been playing, we moved to our own beat. Sensual heat and rising desire with nothing to stop us but the completion of our lusty deed.

She let me cum inside her and was more than happy to ride me out as she let out a squeal I didn’t think the human voice could make. She shuddered, and I felt the trickle of fluid between my thighs suddenly become a spray as she came. Each thrust was met with a virtual fire hose of her squirting. She bucked and I lifted her with my hips as the last of my orgasm spurted inside her. We moaned our satisfaction to each other and eventually collapsed in each other’s arms.

In the dance hall next door, the music had stopped and the crowd was cheering the DJ for the awesome tunes. A few moments went by in relative silence before we moved. Finally, she climbed off me and reached for her purse. The cigarette was lit before I managed to sit up. My waist was completely drenched, as were my inner thighs, the edge of the bed and a bit of the floor.

“Mmmm,” she sighed as she exhaled the smoke, “That was one of the best I’ve had in a long time. Made quite a mess, didn’t we?” I nodded, trying to get my voice back from all the panting and heavy breathing.

She reached under the bed and pulled out a towel that was stored underneath. Together we dried each other off. She enjoyed wiping the mess from my crotch and smiled as my cock even attempted to rise again. “We’ll have to save that for round two,” she said. We got dressed, and somewhere in the middle of it all, another DJ began spinning tunes.

We left the cozy little love nest. She led me down the black hallway again and, after a brief pause in a restroom for us both to freshen up, she took me to another door. This one was a large, beautifully stained wooden door. She opened it and the music became quite loud and clear. We had literally been next to the dance hall the entire time.

A waitress in a very low cut top brought us each a small fluted glass with champagne in it. I took the glass and the waitress kissed me on the cheek. Before I could react, she was gone.

At my confused expression, my busty goddess replied, “Get used to it. You’re a member.” She took me into the room proper and the entire crowd went fucking bananas. There were hoot and hollers and cheers and whistling. I was patted on the back, kissed and had my hand shook by numerous patrons of the dance hall. There was a stage with a stripper’s pole and a projection screen that played rhythmic patterns to the music. On the far side of the room was an impressively large bar and each patron seemed to have a very attractive lady sitting on their lap or in the chair next to them. There had to have been about three hundred people in the room.

I took it all in and was astonished at the generosity of the other ‘members’ and the size of this strip club that I had never seen before. Then the lights went down and a familiar beat started. I heard hushed whispers.

The images on the screen faded and were replaced with a reddish glow. Silhouetted in the red was a shapely female with a pony tail and a man. There was also a shadowy hint of a bed. Then I realized what had happened.

My goddess-hostess recognized that look as well. “That’s right, Sam. You had sex in front of three hundred people and they loved it. I saw you at the old place a few times and figured you were bored. I hope you didn’t mind.” She smiled a knowing grin.

I didn’t answer right away. I took her in my arms and kissed her. “I think I’m ready for round two.”



  1. Glad you enjoyed it. I liked leaving it open ended this time. Who knows? I might have some more stories down the road.

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