Inspection (fMMMM)(BDSM)(exh)(oral)(buk)

As she stood blindfolded with her hands tightly bound behind her back, she was only vaguely aware of what was going on around her. Debra felt a short cool breeze across her nude skin causing her nipples to harden and she could feel the grooves in what she assumed was a wooden floor beneath her uncovered feet. The room she was in she thought must have been cavernous as the voices she heard seemed to echo all around her. Her thoughts raced as she stood there nervously. She had agreed to this, to all of this. In fact she had secretly fantasized about exactly what was happening. But now that it was happening, momentary waves of fear washed over her. She had no idea what the days and weeks ahead of her would bring and having signed away any control over herself or her body made her second guess her decision and she could feel her body begin to shake. Her thoughts began to race faster and become incoherent in her mind. Her mind. MY mind. She began to steel herself with that thought. MY mind. She may have willingly signed over her body, but Debra’s mind was her own. That is what she told herself and that is what she quietly repeated over and over until the shaking dissipated.

She could hear footsteps move closer to her and a warm gentle hand moved across her back as more footsteps moved around her. She heard someone whimpering, another woman? And more and more footsteps. The gentle hand guided her a few feet to her right, stopped her and started positioning her feet, spreading her legs apart, pointing her toes forward and adjusting her posture so her breasts were out and her chin was up. The other woman was sniffling now and Debra could tell the waves of fear that were passing through her just moments ago, had moved on to claim it’s next victim.

The woman with the warm gentle hands began to softly whisper into Debra’s her ear, “We are about to begin, and I know this all seems scary, but don’t be nervous, ok five one oh three? This is just the inspection, they just want to look at you and see what they are working with. Don’t worry, ok? I’m going to take the blindfold off now.”

The woman with the gentle hands moved behind her and the large room became quiet. Too quiet. She began to feel the fear wash over her again as the woman untied the silky black blindfold that had robbed her of her vision and Debra began to shake again. As the blindfold came off, the lights in the giant room flooded over her and for a minute she was just as blind as when she the black silk was covering her face. As her eyes began to focus, she realized that she was, in fact, standing on a wood floor. The wood floor of a large stage, in a very large theater.

Debra’s eyes darted around as she tried to get her bearings and noticed there were three other completely naked women with their hands bound, all to her left in a perfectly spaced row, all with women standing behind them all wearing beautiful, black cocktail dresses, before the woman with the gentle hands, not so gently readjusted her head forward.

She looked forward and her eyes widened when she realized the first five rows of the theater were filled and she let out a short gasp. Filled with men all in impeccable suits of varying degrees of grey or black, all with perfectly white shirts and perfectly tied ties. All well manicured, all well groomed. There were also women, though not as many. All in evening gowns, with diamonds or pearls around their necks and in their ears. All of them drinking from champagne glasses while white gloved men in tuxedos with silver trays rushed keep their glasses from ever becoming half-empty.

From the corner of her right eye, Debra could see a nicely tanned, white haired gentleman in a dark grey suit that looked to be in charge of the proceedings, or at the very least, the Master of Ceremonies. In her mind, she dubbed him The Manicured Man as everything about him looked perfectly groomed, right down to his fingernails. His voice bellowed the word “Untie” and the women in cocktail dresses began to untie her and the three other naked woman on stage and place their hands at their sides almost in complete, practiced unison. The Manicured Man’s voice bellowed again, this time the word “Endure” echoed throughout the theater and Debra was placed in a squat position with her hands behind her head, elbows out, exposing her sex to the crowd in front of her. She could feel her skin flush with the embarrassment of showing herself to strangers. As The Manicured Man belted out commands the women in cocktail dresses would adjust and manipulate her and the others into different positions, exposing different parts of their bodies to the crowd of champagne drinking onlookers.

There was talking and pointing in the crowd. Some nodding, some shaking of heads. The positions were repeated over and over by The Manicured Man, almost like a drill. Each time their position changed and adjusted by the women in cocktail dresses. “Wait”, “Rear”, “Hands”, “Wall, “Expose”, “Rest”, “Endure”, “Punishment”, “Humble”, “Kneel”, and “Floor” all echoed through the theater over and over until Debra and the other women began changing positions and making adjustments on their own. When the Manicured Man gave his final command “Inspect”, the women in cocktail dresses adjusted Debra and the other women one last time, standing them with their legs spread, toes pointed forward, fingers locked behind their heads, elbows out, breast out and chin up.

As the socialites began to get up, leave their seats and make their way towards the stage, Debra began to feel a tremor of nervous energy make its way up from her feet, through her legs and rest firmly in her stomach. When whimpering woman beside her began to cry, she knew she wasn’t alone in her spreading anxiety. The first well-groomed, champagne drinking socialite to inspect her was a tall man with short cropped hair that walked circles around her, looking her up and down and back up again before moving on to the next girl. The next was a very hands woman in black pearls and no qualms about squeezing her breasts checking to see if her round, perky breasts were real or not. The next four or five “Inspectors”, as Debra began to call them in her head quickly moved their way along the line of women until a short man in a black suit and black tie stopped directly in front of her. When she looked down to meet his gaze she noticed a number written on her left breast. 5103, in thick black sharpie, and now the comment from the woman with the gentle hands made so much more sense and she realized that not only had she signed over her body, she had signed over her identity as well.

The Inspectors groped and fondled her perfect round breasts, squeezed her ass and gave her commands to Kneel, Rear, Floor, and Expose and to Rest. They opened and inspected her mouth and gazed down her throat and tugged at the hair above her sex and even spread her lips to inspect her vagina or gave her the command Rear to also inspect her small but well shaped ass. This went on for over an hour and Debra wondered if she had begun to enjoy this. The eyes of strangers looking her over, hands squeezing, fingers probing. She felt herself begin to get wet and when one particular gentleman with long fingers decided to get a better look at her sex, she found herself thinking about those long fingers inside her, coaxing out the orgasm slowly building inside her. “Oh fuck, do I like this?” When the final inspector had reached Debra, she was thoroughly wet and found herself squirming as she stood in her inspection position. The woman with the gentle hands and the other women in cocktail dresses approached and tied Debra’s and the other women's hands behind their backs again. They placed the black silk blind folds over their eyes and the woman with the gentle hands whispered into Debra’s ear. “5103, they really liked you. I mean, they liked you a lot. They decided to do something different this time. Usually something like this doesn't happen until later. But they liked you and some of the men don’t want to wait. Get in Kneel position. I’ll help you down.”

As Debra knelt blindfolded with her hands tied behind her back, she could feel a crowd surround her and the other girls on stage. She heard talking all around her and her mind was reeling, wondering what was about to happen. Her pussy was still wet from all groping and fondling and gazing, and was getting wetter with anticipation of what was about to happen. She knew two things at this moment, she was no longer nervous and her pussy was aching.

Debra felt someone approach her and a then hand on the back of her head, she pulled away at first, but stopped when she heard the crowd around her burst into laughter. This time when the hand pulled her she went with it and felt the warm pre-cum on her lips as the bulbous head of a large cock forced her mouth open. She let it in, all of it, right down to the base and he held it there when she started to gag. With her hands tied, all she could do was try to pull away, but he wouldn't let her. Only when her body started to convulse did he allow her to breath. She knelt there with her mouth open, thick saliva dripping down her chin, tongue out and waiting. When he pushed his cock back into her waiting mouth she took him all the way back and gagged again. She tried again and gagged again. When he pulled himself out, her mouth moved but no words came out. The anonymous man asked what she said and bent down to hear her grovel, “I can do it, I can take it”.

She opened her mouth again, wider this time. Her face wet and dripping with the thick saliva from deep in her throat and she could tell the silk blind fold was wet from the tears that eked out from all the gagging. Beads of sweat started forming all over her body as her wetness flowed down the inside of both her thighs. Earlier her mind was racing with fear and she was second guessing every choice she had made up until this point. Now the only word she could muster in her brain was “Cock” and cock is what her entire body needed right now. She knelt there on a stage, hands bound and blindfolded, surrounded by strangers, she was a slutty wet mess and all she wanted was cock. All their cocks.

The man pushed himself into her once more into mouth and past her lips. She felt the veiny underside of his thick shaft with her tongue and swore she could feel it push past her uvula as it entered her throat. She relaxed her neck and jaw until she could feel his shaven, hairless balls on her chin. He was as deep into her as the physics of his cock would allow and she took all of him. He slowly began moving his hips, slow at first, then faster. Hands started squeezing her ass and tits, pinching her nipples and holding her head in place as the man fucked her throat. Debra started moaning as the man fucked her face faster. She had absolutely no control over her body, her situation, anything at all. At this moment, her mouth wasn’t hers, it was his, it was theirs. Theirs to use like a hole where cocks go. And she loved every mouth fucking second of it.

The mans body moved faster, she could feel his body tighten, his cock throb and pulse in her mouth. The thick, salty, viscus fluid quickly filled her mouth in four very long gushes and began oozing from the corners of her mouth as she tried to swallow. A good portion of his cum ran down her chin and neck as he pulled his now withering cock from what in this moment she thought of as her “fuck hole”. The crowed of bodies around her quieted some and began to step back a moment while 5103 caught her breath. By her third deep breath, she let out a guttural, almost animal sound that she had never in all her 35 years heard herself make. She grunted “MORE”, and the crowd moved in.

The hands covered her body, squeezing and groping every inch of her, and holding her in place. This time she felt fingers probing her dripping wet cunt which caused her to writhe as the next cock began fucking her mouth. A finger pushed inside her tight, tiny asshole, while another pinched her clit. She could feel her orgasm build as the men took turns using her face. She wanted their cum, in fact, in this moment, she needed it, but each man would thrust fifteen to twenty times, pull out and allow the next man to use her. She had no idea how much time had passed, she had no concept of it. No, “when with tis be over”, no “what will happen to me after this”. There was only this. This was the only thing she needed in this moment, in the is life, just this.

The fingers inside her refused to give her pussy relief. They just teased and squeezed and flicked and fucked for their own enjoyment, bringing her so close, right to the edge and then stopping. Then they would start coaxing her again, then stop and she knew they were teasing, she knew she wouldn’t be allowed to cum tonight.

The cock in her throat began throb and pulse like the first one and she readied herself to swallow, but just as she could feel him tighten up, he pulled out of her mouth and shot his thick cum on her right cheek, just under her blindfold. she felt three spurts in all as it dripped and ran down her face and neck and she barely had time to enjoy its warmth before another cock was jammed into her mouth. A few strokes later, more cum. This time on her left cheek. Then another cock and another,all painting her face until she was completely covered.

5103 wasn’t counting, but there were eight in all. She knelt there on the stage, in the theater, hands bound and blindfolded, and completely used. Sweaty, her face completely covered in the cum of eight different men, never allowed to cum herself and her body heaving from exhaustion. Her pussy ached, her jaw was sore, her whole body hurt as she knelt there waiting for the woman with the gentle hands to come do, whatever it was that was going to happen next. She could hear the crowed of socialites shuffle away, out of the theater, leaving her to soak in her own sweat and spit and all their cum. Debra knew an absolute truth that moment, she wanted “MORE”.



  1. My first stab at writing. I wrote it for my GF as we are exploring fantasies about her being shared with other men.

  2. Your first go is damn good. A very hot scenario. Please do write more. I’d love to hear more about how Debra got into this situation and where she goes from here. She obviously is going to get MORE.

  3. Thank you, that is good to hear. I have a few scenarios for Debra (5103) planned out in my head. Thank you for the comment.

  4. lol, I have a few other scenarios in mind for 5103 ;) Thank you for the comment.

  5. I’m glad you liked the story;) I wrote it for my GF, she wants it to happen to her too!

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