Buffy and Faith have their way with Rob [FF/M][Fdom]

Robert rushed into the library having been late for class, which is unusual for him. He saw Buffy and Faith sitting opposite each other at a table in the centre of the library discussing their plans for the evening. He was friends with Buffy, but felt uneasy around Faith as she was more rebellious.

Buffy and Robert exchanged greetings, then he rushed over to a shelf to try to find some books he needed for class.

"In a hurry?" Buffy asked. "Yes, late for class" Robert replied. "Wow, you of all people late, first time for everything……I guess" Buffy said.

"Are you a virgin?" Faith asked.

“What??” Robert replied, immediately stopping what he was doing, while feeling the buldge in his pants getting harder.

Buffy turned to Faith "real subtle, Faith….

" “Not that there’s anything wrong with being a virgin” Faith replied. “I’m just curious”.

"None of your business" Robert replied, trying to regain his concentration while feeling out of his comfort zone.

"Oooh thats a yes then. We can help with that" Faith said.

"Nah Im good thanks" Robert said, trying to hide his nerve’s by implying he could do better than Faith.

"Maybe we wont give you a choice" Faith said. "You have no chance against one of us, let alone the two of us. We'd get you before you got to that door".

"You know you want this Robert, your virginity has been effecting your confidence and we just wanna help" said Buffy, which came as a shock to Robert.

"I keep telling you that Faith is a bad influence on you" said Robert, having found the book he was looking for. He started walking towards the door, but as he walked by the table that the slayers were sat around, Faith stood up, grabbed hold of him and threw him to the floor.

“Woah Faith, take it easy.” Buffy said.

“He’ll live” said Faith.

Faith immediately straddled him. Robert was hard as a rock now. “THE FUCK??” Robert shouted. He turned to face Buffy “YOU GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN??”

“I think this will be good for you” Buffy replied. She squatted down on his chest. “Just enjoy it” she said.

“Holy fuck. Hooly fuck!” was Robert’s response.

"Hold him down while I take my pants off" Faith said to Buffy.

“No no no no no” Robert said, almost channelling Shai Labeouf

Buffy sat astride his chest, her crotch no more than a few inches from his face. She was wearing black leggings and a plain white tshirt which had nothing more than a logo on the top right. She was holding his hands back and looking down at him. Buffy's chest was blocking his view of Faith, but he felt the cold air hit his skin as his jeans were removed. They say that each slayer has the strength of several men. There was nothing he could do to battle one, let alone two of them.

“Buffy please c’mon. This isn’t right. This isn’t you” Robert said as he pleaded with Buffy.

“Just enjoy it!” Buffy said, looking down at him.

"This can’t be happening" he thought. “This is so embarrassing. Why would she help her? She’s my friend. Do I just lay here or sh….” Roberts thoughts were interrupted by Faith’s moist pussy consuming his cock.

“ooooooohhhhh” he said.

So warm. The perfect temperature. He felt her pubes meet his. Her pussy felt like a cushion perfectly designed for his penis.

“oooooooooooh” he groaned as Buffy gazed down at him, smiling.

Despite Faiths reputation, she was being surprisingly gentle with him. So far at least. Grinding while sliding up and down smoothly. Buffy knew exactly what to say at this point. She was his friend but she knew he liked being teased.

"oooh fuck" Robert moaned as Faith was grinding agains him.

“Enjoying that?” asked Buffy. “You’ll remember this moment for sometime to come”

"ooooooooohhhhh" Robert continued to groan. "get off me" he said, almost as a whisper, knowing he didnt want them to get off him but said it to get a reaction from Buffy.

“No chance”, Buffy replied, smiling.

Robert tried to pusher her off. He knew there was no chance of it happening, but he was turned on by being overpowered.

At this moment, Faith got rough.

"I'm………I'm about to cum. Oh shit I'm gonna cum" Robert said, seemingly less than 30 seconds after Faith had first straddled him.

“oh crap ooooh oh crap its coming, I can’t control…”

And he came. His whole body spasmed. His toes curled, his legs started kicking, his seed was being launched into Faith's pussy and he even started thrusting his hips into Faith. "So embarrassing but so good" he thought as he gazed up into Buffy's eyes. His body wanted to spasm all over the place but his movement was limited with being restrained.

"Your kidding me" Faith said. "Seriously, you didn't even last long enough for me to have an orgasm" she said.

"It was his first time, he was never going to last long" said Buffy looking back at Faith, who had let go of his hands but was still straddling his chest. Faith slid off his cock and pulled her trousers up, leaving his down.

Buffy stood up and said "anyway, my turn"

"What? Wait a minute" said Robert "Youve already fucked me. Raped me. What you gonna do now".

"Let you taste pussy" Faith said, who immediately knelt astride Roberts head, appearing upside down from his view.

Robert gasped. “Buffy FOR FUCK SAKE what are you doing??” You are my friend, how can I ever see you the same way again after this?”

Buffy, standing over him, slid down her leggings and underwear to reveal her shaven pussy. As she squatted down, her pussy lips widened as she lowered herself onto his face. He tried to move, but Faith was kneeling on his arms and when Buffy’s weight came down, he realised his wasn't going anywhere.

First thing that he noticed was the musky smell.

"Lick it, cmon" Faith said. Which prompted Robert to just go for it. To his surprise, Buffy started moaning in ecstasy, which gave him a boost in confidence and prompted him to lick faster and harder.

“Oooh your enjoying that aren't ya" Faith said, though Robert wasn't sure if she was talking to him or Buffy.

At that moment, Buffy put her full weight on his face. She was smothering him with her pussy.

Faith looked at Buffy

“What’ya doin’?” she asked

“I hear he fantasizes over being smothered by pussy” Buffy replied, looking down at Robert

“Well I guess whatever floats your boat” Faith replied, also looking down at him

Beneath Buffy’s vagina, he could only just see her eyes looking down at him, but Faith’s face was in full view. For what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened.

He could feel his air supply depleting. He started struggling but knew it was no use.

Whereas Buffy was looking down at him, seemingly checking for signs to see that he was really struggling, Faith was more sadistic. That wildcard look she had. She wasn't just smiling, she was laughing. She would happy watch him asphyxiate.

Buffy lifted herself up enough for him to breathe, causing him to inhale and exhale deeply. Faith looked almost disappointed.

“Lick me till I orgasm” Buffy said. “Or else I’ll sit on your face till you black out”

Robert was in no mood to argue. He started eating Buffy’s pussy like his life depended on it. Buffy started moaning again and got progressively louder. The louder she moaned, the harder and deeper he licked. Then she let out a final loud moan. She following moans seemed to get quieter.

“Was that…..did I bring a girl to orgasm?” He thought to himself.

“Your…….your good” Buffy said.

“Real good. Maybe you do me next” Faith added while standing up.

Buffy stood up, giving some relief after having her sit on his chest for what seemed like a long time. She put her hand up to stop faith

“No” Buffy said

“I just wanna have some fun” said Faith

Buffy looked down at Robert

“I think he’s had enough for today” she said

Buffy lowered her hand to help him up, but Robert refused to accept it.

She looked almost slightly hurt. As if she was mentally saying “aww c’mon, it wasn’t that bad”.

Robert stood up and slowly pulled up his trousers, trying to take in what just happened.

“Hey Rob, your gonna be late for class” Faith said, walking slowly backwards the turning to leave, opening the door of the library and walking out.

Buffy walked towards the door, stopped for a second, turned around and did a half smile at Robert.

He looked away in disgust.

Buffy half smiled, then left the library.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/25r0z0/buffy_and_faith_have_their_way_with_rob_ffmfdom

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