How I learned I enjoyed being dominant [FFFF/M][FDOM]

I'm a girl who likes dominating guy’s. It’s not that I like hurting them or emotionally damaging them or making them bleed etc, but I do like control and I like to help other girls get have their wicked way. I don't limit myself to just dominating guy’s though, as I've made girls my ‘victim’s’ too.

I am quite an athletic build. No, I’m not some blonde haired chick with big breasts. I have dark medium length hair, with average sized boobs. Fortunately I have a history of ju-jitsu, so I know how to get people down.

One of my earliest experiences with domination was during college. As I was walking to class, there were a few girls seemingly picking on a guy, who was probably 18 or 19. He was shorter than me and slightly chubby. I had heard a rumour that he had a big crush on me, and when he noticed I was watching, his face went so red! One girl tried to pull his bag off his back, and as he turned around to confront her, another girl did the same.

Buffy and Faith have their way with Rob [FF/M][Fdom]

Robert rushed into the library having been late for class, which is unusual for him. He saw Buffy and Faith sitting opposite each other at a table in the centre of the library discussing their plans for the evening. He was friends with Buffy, but felt uneasy around Faith as she was more rebellious.

Buffy and Robert exchanged greetings, then he rushed over to a shelf to try to find some books he needed for class.

"In a hurry?" Buffy asked. "Yes, late for class" Robert replied. "Wow, you of all people late, first time for everything……I guess" Buffy said.

"Are you a virgin?" Faith asked.

“What??” Robert replied, immediately stopping what he was doing, while feeling the buldge in his pants getting harder.

Buffy turned to Faith "real subtle, Faith….

" “Not that there’s anything wrong with being a virgin” Faith replied. “I’m just curious”.

"None of your business" Robert replied, trying to regain his concentration while feeling out of his comfort zone.

"Oooh thats a yes then. We can help with that" Faith said.

"Nah Im good thanks" Robert said, trying to hide his nerve’s by implying he could do better than Faith.

Ambulance crew take advantage [Fdom][ff/m]

Hi. Hopefully you will enjoy this :)

I had been laying on the floor for what had seemed like an eternity, feeling the cold and unforgiving concrete on my back. My poor attempt at parkour had caused me to land awkwardly on my hip and I was in too much pain to move anything below my waistline.

I heard the sound of an engine in the distance, sounding loud to be a normal car. How could I have been so stupid? I don’t need this right now. Not that there was ever a good time for this.

My self pity was briefly interrupted by the ambulance appearing round the corner. I know they are professional, but how stupid am I going to seem when they learn that I, a not especially fit man in his mid 20’s, decided that using some brick work to attempt a parkour wall jump was a wise idea?

This embarrassment got even worse when the two people in the ambulance were both women.

The girl with the brunette hair was first out of the ambulance and heading towards me, while the blonde went to get whatever items she felt they needed for my situation.