Ambulance crew take advantage [Fdom][ff/m]

Hi. Hopefully you will enjoy this :)

I had been laying on the floor for what had seemed like an eternity, feeling the cold and unforgiving concrete on my back. My poor attempt at parkour had caused me to land awkwardly on my hip and I was in too much pain to move anything below my waistline.

I heard the sound of an engine in the distance, sounding loud to be a normal car. How could I have been so stupid? I don’t need this right now. Not that there was ever a good time for this.

My self pity was briefly interrupted by the ambulance appearing round the corner. I know they are professional, but how stupid am I going to seem when they learn that I, a not especially fit man in his mid 20’s, decided that using some brick work to attempt a parkour wall jump was a wise idea?

This embarrassment got even worse when the two people in the ambulance were both women.

The girl with the brunette hair was first out of the ambulance and heading towards me, while the blonde went to get whatever items she felt they needed for my situation.

“Look’s like you’ve got yourself into a bit of a pickle”, the brunette said.

“Heh, yeah”, I awkwardly replied.

“Can you tell me where it hurts” she asked.

“My hip really hurts. I landed on the right side of it. I'm worried it might be broken” I replied.

At this point, the other ambulance crew member came over, smiled and nodded her head to me and went into her first aid back.

“Right, because we don’t know what the exact problem is, we’re going to give you some oxygen to help ease the pain, and we’ll then move you across to a spinal board and take you to the hospital, is that OK?” the brunette asked

“It…….it sounds painful” I replied

“Don't worry, you will be completely fine” she said

The brunette looked over at the blonde and said “Emma, could you pass me the oxygen please? Thankyou. It’s a c-spine injury so we’ll move him into the board and cart him off to the hospital.”

Emma nodded

“Don't worry, just remember your training” said the brunette.

Emma went back to the ambulance to bring out the spinal board. The brunette kneeled down beside me, looking down at me, and said “Oh sorry, I don’t recall asking you your name. I'm Jodie. The girl I am with is Emma”.

“Bit….bit unfortunate to meet in these circumstances. I'm Robert” I said.

At this point, Emma was coming back with the spinal board. Jodie leaned over me and put an oxygen mask over my face. “Breathe this in, it will help” “That’s it, deep breaths”.

“Right” said Jodie. “We are going to push you over to one side, just gently, and then we’ll place you back into the board, ok?”

“Y..yeah” I replied. I knew this was going to hurt.

They placed the board beside me. Both girls had their hands on me and Jodie started the count.

“OK, in three, two, one, push”.

The pain was agonising. I screamed out, wailing, hoping it would ease off. It was no longer just my hips, it felt like my entire body had been damaged in the fall. They then rolled me back into the board. I was still moaning in pain.

“It’s done, its done, the worst is definitely over, You've done really well” said Jodie.

I was in a lot of pain. I wanted to faint and wake up in the hospital and have it all be over and done with. Even better, wake up from this nightmare. How was this injury going to affect my life? Could it be bad enough to be present during the rest of my life? Is it going to involve a few weeks of recovery?

My thought process was interrupted by the sight of her standing over my head. Jodie was a very attractive girl. Couldn't have been much older than 25. She was holding the oxygen mask when she crouched down and placed it over my mouth. I could feel her thighs touching my ears. I figured this was part of the training, to keep my head still.

She was looking down at me, into my eyes. Telling me to take deep breaths. Somehow, this view gave me comfort. It was one of life’s small pleasures. They both started strapping me into the board, to secure me as much as possible.

She looked up at Emma and asked “are you ready?”.

Emma, who looked to be early 20’s, replied “yes I think so”.

I closed my eyes, figuring I was going to be lifted into the ambulance. I'm skinny, so I hoped they would be having an easy time lifting me. The fewer the bumps, the better.

As Iaid there with my eyes closed, expecting to be lifted any moment, I felt a sudden coldness around my hips. I opened my eyes and gazed up to Jodie, as if to visually ask what that feeling is. Jodie just smiled. I figured Emma was probably checking my hips for damage so I didn't think much to it.

I closed my eyes again, tried to calm myself down. Mind over matter. Think positive.

Then I felt warmth over my penis. I immediately opened my eyes and looked up at Jodie.

“What is happening?” I asked.

She smiled, looking down at me, and said “standard procedure, enjoy it”. Standard procedure? Wha……..then all of a sudden, I felt the warmth of lips go around my penis. It was warm and it felt good……….but what in the actual fuck were they playing at??

I looked up at Jodie while panicking and asked her what was happening. She smiled.

I was very restricted in how far I could move, but I tried with all my strength to lift my head up to see what the other girl was up to. I was able to move up just enough to see her head around my crotch area. The next thing I knew, my head was being restrained by Jodie, who was actively applying force to my skull to keep me down.

I looked up to her with fear, asking “stop this please!!”

She continued looking down at me and said “it will be over soon, just co-operate and enjoy it for what it is”.

I started hyperventilating. The other girl, Emma, I think, I can’t remember, I just felt stronger and faster suction. I was being brought to climax.

I looked up at Jodie and said “I’m………im going to fucking climax”

She replied “good!”.

Her mouth was moving up and down my shaft. This girl was like a machine. I could feel her saliva running down my penis.

Then I climaxed.

I felt shudders all over my body. I shook and spasmed but my movement was limited to whatever give the straps that restrained me to the board had. Jodie was smiling at this point, her eyes looking down at me, fixated on mine as I briefly went through several seconds of ecstasy.

“Feels good, doesn't it?” she said.

She looked up at Emma, and asked if everything was ok. Emma wiped my cum from her mouth while nodding her head.

“You did really well”, Jodie said looking at Emma. “I will be sure to tell the others that you passed the test”.

Jodie looked down at me and said “you did really well too, Robert”. You won’t remember this though.

She then gone out a syringe containing a green liquid and injected it into my arm.

By this point, both Jodie and Emma were looking down at me, clearly very happy. Jodie said “now, count backwards from 10”. They both giggled and it went dark.

I woke up in a hospital bed, feeling all sorts of aches and pains. I remembered how stupid I was attempting to mimic some parkour video I had seen on youtube. Hopefully the worst part is over now.

The curtains slid backwards and a doctor walked in.

“Ahh, you’re awake. Fantastic. I am Doctor Pjabodi. Apparently you had a nasty fall” he said.

“Yeah…..I won’t be doing that again” I replied

“Well, you have a broken hip bone and your right arm is fractured. I'm recommending you stay in the hospital ward for a few weeks while you recover. Then you will go on to do physiotherapy, but that is something we can discuss at a later time. Is there anything I can ask the nurses to get for you?” he said.

“No……no that’s all, thanks”, I replied in a pitiful voice.

“Ok, he said”, then he walked out of the ward.

As I lay there, thinking of my stupidity and the pain I was in, and the recovery time and how this effects my life, I couldn't help but think one thing:

Why does nothing interesting ever happen to me?



  1. I love this scenario. Nicely written too. I often think about what it would be like to be "taken advantage" of by a nurse or a teacher.

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