How I learned I enjoyed being dominant [FFFF/M][FDOM]

I'm a girl who likes dominating guy’s. It’s not that I like hurting them or emotionally damaging them or making them bleed etc, but I do like control and I like to help other girls get have their wicked way. I don't limit myself to just dominating guy’s though, as I've made girls my ‘victim’s’ too.

I am quite an athletic build. No, I’m not some blonde haired chick with big breasts. I have dark medium length hair, with average sized boobs. Fortunately I have a history of ju-jitsu, so I know how to get people down.

One of my earliest experiences with domination was during college. As I was walking to class, there were a few girls seemingly picking on a guy, who was probably 18 or 19. He was shorter than me and slightly chubby. I had heard a rumour that he had a big crush on me, and when he noticed I was watching, his face went so red! One girl tried to pull his bag off his back, and as he turned around to confront her, another girl did the same.

Eventually, he ended up losing his balance and tripping up. The girls all started giggling. Then one of them decided to push him over as he started getting up, resulting in him being flat on the ground, face up. Two of the three girls then tried to pin him down. I thought they were going to hurt him, but they started tickling him.

He was tossing and turning while giggling, trying to break free. I walked over to where he was and stood over his head, looking down at him.

“HELP!” he yelled, looking at me. He had 3 pairs of hands tickling him.

I crouched down, looking down at his face.

“You look like your enjoying yourself” I said


He managed to free his hands and place them on the shoulders of the two girls either side of him, pushing them away, at least for a moment.

I grabbed hold of his arms, pushed them down to the floor and sat on them with my shins.

“What are you doing??” he said.

“Helping” I replied

“This isn’t helping me” he said.

“Helping THEM” I said.

He wriggled and tossed and turned, all while gazing up at me with such embarrasment and yet excitement in his eye.

“You know he fancies you, right?” said one of the girls, apparently the ringleader of the crew.

“This true?” I asked him.

He laughed nervously and said “I…………I dont know.”

I loosened my grip on his arms, stood up, then straddled his chest, making sure to drop my weight on his body so he’d lose some air. This was a more comfortable position as his body was like a warm cushion.

The girls all started giggling while the boy just looked confused. They had stopped tickling him when I sat on his chest. I held down his arms, turned to look at the girls who all looked at me as if to say “what’ya gonna do?”.

“I have an idea” I said

“No… you don’t” the boy said

I put my hand on his mouth to muffle his objections, then turned around to face the girls.

“Two of you tickle him, one of you bounce on him” I said.

As I said that, I felt warmth on my hand. Cheeky bastard had licked my hand!

As the girls positioned themselves, I was contemplating what to do next. I knew he was meant to be a really nice friendly guy, even if he didn’t exactly win people over in the looks department. Then I had an idea. I pinned his arms behind his head, lowered my face and positioned my mouth next to his ear, so that he could feel the warmth of my breathe, and I said “do you want to smell my pussy”.

His eyes opened wide in shock. He wasn’t even struggling anymore. He didn’t know how to react. I sat back up on his chest, and said “if you make a noise, I’ll take the answer as a yes”.

At that moment, the girl one of the girls sat down on his stomach.

“OOOOHHHHHH” he said, letting out a lot of air. I gave him a second or two just to get his breath back and said “take that as a yes then”.

I moved forwards and placed my crotch on his face. The look in his eyes was fantastic. I was wearing leggings at the time, so I figured he could smell my fragrance through them. The girls resumed tickling him, and his face went from side to side. Every time he managed to turn away from facing my pussy, I repositioned his face so that his nose was facing directly into it. This went on for a couple of minutes. I felt good. Really good.

For him, he was in heaven. This 19 year old guy, who from the sounds of it, had never had a girlfriend in his life, now had two girls tickling him, one bouncing on his stomach (who had stopped bouncing and started grinding), and the girl that he fancied sitting on his face, looking down into his face while he experiences absolute bliss.

Then he climaxed. I wasn’t expecting that to happen, but it did. I knew it was happening because the look in his eyes had gone into fear. He was really embarrased. It was something he could not control, and that turned me on. By now, although I was fully clothed, my pussy juices were beginning to flow and I have no doubt he could smell my pheromones.

His legs and arms twitched and his eyes went narrow. He was having 7 seconds of orgasm ecstasy. He started lifting his thigh’s, as if passing the seed to the girl who was straddling him. She stood up in disbelief.

I smiled down at him and said “there ya go”.

The other girls were giggling, but also in shock. The guy was wondering what on earth just happened.

I stood up, leaned over to give him a reassuring shoulder rub, then walked off.

Disclaimer: I'm actually a guy, this story is fictional, and yes, I know the ending was sudden, but hopefully this got you girls wet and you guy's hard :D


1 comment

  1. The ending is heartbreakingly abrupt. And glabally same story as the stories you posted before. (faith+buffy and ambulance ones) Please write on (potentially with new characters again) and continue the story, for example the next time our ex-virgin boy meets either other girls or meets the girls who abused him. ;)

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