[Str8] [Fantasy] [Celeb] [Swing] [Fantasy] My first wet dream at the age of 25.. All of what I can remember from it..

Not sure if it this is the right sub or not but I wanted to post it somewhere as it took me a while to write it all out.

My first wet dream at the age of 25.. The interesting dream..

So I go to sleep like I normally do holding my fiance. Yes I do have a women in my life so I thought it was odd that I got a wet dream. Though this being my first I guess I don't know a whole lot about wet dreams lol. Anyways I fall asleep and well I start dreaming. I "wake up" in this world where I am in a rather big house which was as big as a mansion but I only saw 2 rooms. 1 lead to the bedroom from the rather large walkway the other lead to a kitchen with a small table and a backyard door. Hardly a mansion from that description however that first walkway way was majestic. (This is from what I can remember one of my most vivid dreams)

So I walk into the bedroom to greet my apparently wife from what I can make out of it. My wife in this dream was actually Tina Fey. She was rather shy and wholesome as we talked (I don't know what we said I just knew we were talking kinda like the game the sims) We then walk to the kitchen to meet another couple that was apparently staying there to.

The other couple comprised of Jessica Alba and Jason Segel. Yes for some reason my dream is full of famous people. Anyways we begin to talk with one another and then Jason segal I again can't make out anything until Jason makes a suggestion. He says why don't we rent a porn together. We all look at each other strangely at first then the facial expressions change to more accepting look and our I am not sures start becoming alright lets try it.

We are then in the video/clothing store. I am not sure how we got there but we were there. There was a large rack of adult movies and content and behind us were just regular cloths like you would find in a Walmart. It was an odd mix up but we were looking. Out of no where Jason Segel ask the clerk if they have smurf porn. The clerk leads them a different direction and I am still there looking at all the porn on the wall rack.

I then appear back in the bed room I can make out the details of the room a little bit now though. It is a decent size room with a fire place with a ledge on it and a king size bed. Tina Fey lays down first and then Jessica Alba. Both in their bra and panties. Jason Segel looks at me and says for tonight we will switch wives and test it out. So he climbs over to Tina Fey and starts pleasuring her. Then Jessica Alba looks at me and says are you going to come over here or what. So I take off all my cloths and go to her. I get on top of her and I pull off what little cloths she has on. And there we were I was inserting myself into Jessica while Jason was fucking Tina. It was awesome… Now you would think this is where the ejaculation happened but it wasn't the end of the dream. It was over and we woke in a new area fully clothed and going about our day.

We were in a coffee shop this time. Drinking coffee and watching the news when all of the sudden the words sex tape scandal come up. Tina makes a joke like bet its a kardashian again and we all laugh. We saw 4 people on a bed and all identified. It was us our event that night was filmed and on news the next day. I then had an image of (I guess the house owner) this man putting in a secret camera near the fire place and sitting in his room with tons of screens filming that previous sex scene.

Apparently everything just blew over and I appeared randomly in the kitchen. This time Tina was cooking and Jason some how morphed into James Franco. I say he morphed and wasn't just another character because he was talking like Jason and knew all the details of everything that had gone on so far. This time however he kept saying come on man it is just a bro job while pulling at my pants. Tina was getting mad as I nonchalantly declined James Francos request. There was an argument then with all 4 of us (Tina, Myself, James, Jessica) Tina was upset that I was not more livid that another guy was trying to put his mouth on my member.

Everyone again disappeared and I was back in the room. This time however only 2 people were in the room. It was myself and Jessica. We began talking and we apparently had a rather significant past together. She asked me what do you think I am your gf now? That time has blown over. We can't just make up and be lovey dovey again. I then say but it feels like you are already my gf. She gives me a dismissing look as we both lay down on the bed and she takes my cloths off. She then pulls a board game out from the side of the bed. This game was called Pay the Toll. The bored consisted of a counter and funny looking guy that displayed the counter on the board and a coin. Jessica who was naked now played the coin on the tip of my dick and lowered herself on me. It was strange so I knocked the coin off and she told me no it is part of the game. So she places the coin back on top of my tip and lowers herself down on me. Going into her vagina I feel the coin slip to the top half of my penis. I go all the way in and 4 points appear on the counter. I pull back a little and go back in deep and another 4 points. I start to speed up and keep getting more points. I blank out for a little bit and can see a live stream of people watching us do this but my myself in the dream doesn't know the stream is happening. I come back to me thrust inside of Jessica and she is about to orgasm the counter at above a million points now. I start going in hard I can feel all the walls of her vagina pulsating around my penis. I start going in and out as hard as I can then we both ejaculate our liquids and I wake up…. Boxers having semen all over them.. My first wet dream..

I wrote it all out after I woke up here this morning while the dream was still fresh in my mind. From what I can recall none of the story was made up consciously while sitting here but all happened in the dream. One of the most amazing experiences I have had and I am not sure if any of it was normal or not.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/25pfyu/str8_fantasy_celeb_swing_fantasy_my_first_wet