Ducal Privilege [Mf] [blkmail] [anal] [oral]

Edit: Apologies to /r/SexyStories, I missed the "significant portion" bit in the sidebar. This is 10% of the story. All that would fit in this box.

The tale of a young noblewoman who is desperate to avoid the fate of her older sister.

Written by the authors via email.


Merith Lasker – Duke's youngest daughter http://i.imgur.com/G2RFbqB.jpg Jens Leiben – Captain of the Guard http://i.imgur.com/sSHcorz.jpg Michaud Lasker – Duke's eldest son http://i.imgur.com/XEZPu3W.jpg Shalla Lasker – Duke's wife http://i.imgur.com/kvBMRS2.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I frown and toss back my red hair.

"You have GOT to be kidding me, Delia," I pout at my maid, my eyes narrowing.

"Miss Merith, it's by order of your father. Apparently, Miss Lissette told him something before she left for her new home with her husband. As such, your father has declared that all male members of the staff as well as boys from the village are never to be left alone with you."

I clench my jaw. I had told that to Lissette in confidence. I suppose that the only good thing in the situation is that I didn't tell her which boy I'd kissed.

"So, because my sister told my father something, he has demanded that I see no men or boys…for the rest of my life, I assume? That may make producing heirs a little difficult." I know that I'm being spiteful. And I know that Delia is just following her orders.

I grit my teeth, hating feeling this….helpless…again. Still.

I may be young, and I may be helpless in most aspects, but this was going too far…and is something that I won't stand for. If my father is so sure that I'm some sort of whore…well, perhaps it is time to find out what he's afraid of, exactly.

I go over in my mind the small bits of leverage that I have, trying to find one that might work. Almost forgotten, I pull the information out of the past.

Yes. Jens Leiben. That would work.Father's oh-so-proper captain. The one that I'd seen kissing mother a little too familiarly that time. He knows that I saw, she does not. After that, he avoided her for a long time. I don't know if it got beyond a kiss here and there, but, knowing what a stick in the mud Jens was, and that she was his liege's wife, I doubted it. It was probably courtly unrequited love.

"Go." I wave my hand at Delia, and frown at Annie until she hurries after with a squeak.

Putting quill to paper, I write my missive.

Dear Captain Leiben,

There is something that I must talk to you about. I will come to your office this evening after supper, Please speak of this to no one.

~ Merith Lasker ~~~

"Hold!" I growl at the young guardsman. He drops the tip of his practice sword to the flagstones and takes a step back from me, his free hand going to his hip. His chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath under the mid-day sun. "That was the sloppiest sopra il braccio stance that I have ever seen, Tholfin! And now you have the bruise to show for it." I say, pointing to his hip with my own practice sword. "You know better than that, man. What is wrong with you today?"

He takes a deep breath and stands up straighter. As he starts to speak, I raise my hand. "Your wife is still sick then?" He just nods. "Then off you go, son." I hold my hand out and he tosses the practice sword to me. "I will inform your sergeant. Go."

"Thank you, sir." He says with an embarrassed smile, then he turns to run across the courtyard towards the front gates.

I walk over to the water barrel, take up the cup and drink. I take out my kerchief and dab at my brow. "Maybe I'm getting too old for this." I mumble to myself. I should have caught that the boy, no, he is a man. The man was not all together here.

Sitting down under a nearby tree, my eyes automatically scan the courtyard, noting the other guardsmen sparring, the wagon entering through the gates. The group of girls riding out of the stable. The groundskeepers tending the flowers arrayed around the entrance to the keep itself. The young page headed his way. Seeing it all with a practiced eye.

Yet I am blind to my own distraction. I saw her, but did not. She was standing at her sitting room window, high in the keep. She knows to stand back in the shadows, so that she is not readily visible from the courtyard. But I saw her there. Her golden tresses gleaming in the soft light like spun gold hanging over her shoulder, flowing over her bust. I could feel her eyes on me as I worked with the guardsman. I knew she was watching my muscles ripple as I moved. I did not know it, but made an extra effort to show off my skill with a blade. And Tholfin paid the price. Though since I did not see her, I was just being firm with him. That's what I tell myself.

I open my eyes to find the page standing patiently in front of me. "Yes?"

"A message for you, Captain." She says as she hands me a square of fine paper. I note that it is the pale blue paper used by the Duke's family for personal matters, as opposed to the pure white of official missives. I pause as I control the urge to look up to her window. She would not put anything in writing, I know. But it is always lurking in the back of my mind. I turn it over and note that the wax seal is that of the young Lady Merith. That little minx is going to be trouble some day. I have seen her type before. The ones who take to the intrigues of the court like ducks to water.

I sigh as I break the seal and open the note. I read it and groan inwardly. No doubt she has some terrible injustice that she needs me to right for her. Some slight, likely imagined, that must be rebuked. Some minor noble's boy who needs to be spanked.

As I fold up the note and tuck it in my pocket, I dismiss the page. I lean my head back against the tree and close my eyes again. Yup. Too old for this. ~~~ Supper was boring and just made me angrier. I'm served by one of the kitchen girls, nervously, as though she's afraid that I'll bite. I notice my father smiling at my anger, so I swallow it down, talking civilly with my brother, Michaud, inquiring about the seasonal riding of the borders that he just completed this week.

He's more than happy to talk about it. After a little, I forget why I'd asked him and relax into his account of the week, the people he met and the petitions he heard while on the ride. When Michaud finishes his account, I look to see Father looking at us, visibly annoyed. I smile charmingly at him.

My mother looks between the two of us, wary, and says nothing. She never says anything.

"Michaud, you're doing such a good job on the circuit, I'm proud of you." I smile sincerely across the table at him and he blushes.

Only two years older than me, but he's doing well learning the running of our holdings. As opposed to what I'm learning: Nothing useful. Not how to cook, but how to manage a cook and menus. Not how to sew, but how to judge the fashions at the court. All so I can be sold to the highest bidder as my older sister just was. Father has a nice new parcel along the western border, richer coffers and my sister gets to be the broodmare for more snotty little lordlings.

Slowly, the idea of what, exactly, I'm going to ask Jens Leiben for solidifies. I can't keep a little smile from my face. That makes Father frown. That makes me smile more. ~~~

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/25rq1i/ducal_privilege_mf_blkmail_anal_oral


  1. Ah, thanks! Okay, I got the hint now. *facepalm* Fixed!

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