A Master’s Reminder [MF][Mdom]

You confess to me your latest dirty thoughts and how much you long for attention. i wrap my fingers slowly around your neck giving it just enough of a squeez to make you shiver as my other hand runs down the small of your back and across your ass as i whisper in your ear "then it's a good thing you found a master to control you and use every inch of you" as my hand slaps your ass suddenly making your body squirm as i slowly lower you onto just the head of my throbbing cock. the heat from it lights your clit on fire as you feel every pulse passing through my tip and into your pussy lips as i start to nibble across your neck and down to your perfect tits where i suck gently before taking each nipple between my teeth and grinding back and forth as your pussy starts to get so drenched you trickles down my shaft making it slide further and further inside you.

once the final rock hard inch of my cock has pushed inside you, your back arches towards me as your pussy feels so completely full and stretched to its limits that every motion your hips and body makes forces my cock to grind against and stretch your tight pussy. you squirm trying to adjust to the tight fit but every move just makes your pussy clench tight and tighter around me as your body is helpless and unable to find a position that doesnt send constant pulses of pleasure crashing through you .as i watch your futile efforts to restrain your moans by biting your lip, my hands rake down your back before resting on your hips as i kiss down your chest lettign you lean all the way back as my hands control your grinding. I force you to slide all the way forward, pushing my cock even deeper and pressing my bulding head all the way inside you before sliding your hips back, drawing my cock out of you just a little but forcing your clit to grind against my shaft and this grinding starts to get faster as your body quickly picks up and matches my rhythm and your hands reach desperately for my hair to hold onto something as i bite down on your nipple roughly between motions of your body

You wince as my cock stretches your pussy out more than its ever been before. You lean back and thrust your hips into me, my cock pushing your limits. I pull back and you gasp, not knowing whats next. but your pussy just gets hotter and wetter with my cock inside and rubbing against your clit. You groan as I bite your nipple and your fingers run through my hair, grabbing on. your other hand squeezes my arm around your body and you lift your hips wanting me to push farther inside of you. you see a devilish smirk cross my face when i see you lift up your hips knowing I was waiting for you to show you wanted to take it deeper so I fall back onto the bed and run my hands up your sides and across your chest where i firmly squeez each of your tits and give your nipples a light twist before my hands wander back down to your sides as you feel my arms slowly lift you straight up, you steady yourself by holding onto my fore arms but the hardened muscles lifting your body higher just makes you feel even more within my control as i stop with you teetering just abover the tip of my cock as it brushes your dripping pussy that now feels cool and empty. you realize that if you want to feel my cock slam even farther inside of yo youre going to have to work for it

You look down at me with puppy dog eyes, your pussy quivering and wet. You slide your legs back, so your pussy isn't hovering just over my cock and you let go of my forearms, you tell me to let you show me you deserve it and when I let you hips go you kiss me and slowly begin making your way down my body, kissing, licking, and biting your way down to the head of my cock where you run your tongue in a slow circle."mmm that's a very good girl" I groan feeling that much more satisfied at your first showing of initiative to please your master. i run my fingers across the back of your neck and tilt your chin up just a little reminding you to look into my eyes as you please my cock like a good slave. and i brush my hands down the sensitive sides of your arms before resting one hand on the back of your head to urge you onward.

You smirk and keep your eyes on mine as you grab hold of my cock and run your tongue along the underside of my shaft. you flick it against my head a few times and smile before putting my head in your mouth and sucking hard, right away without hesitation. you suck just my head a few seconds and then you pull away, flicking your tongue against it some more. your eyes stay locked on mine and you bite your lip, lean down and ease your way down my cock, your mouth taking in inch after inch. my fingers clench your hair roughly as my head leans back with a groan as i feel my cock enter your throat knowing its one of my favorite things to watch every inch dissapear down your throat as your eyes stare into mine. i tug your hair just enough to make you moan around me as each intense sensation of pleasure you give me is reflected in my peircing gaze looking right through you.

You moan again and start moving your mouth up and down my cock, your hand on my balls, squeezing firmly and massaging me. Your tongue flicks against my shaft as you go up and down, swirling and moaning as my cock hits the back of your throat with every bob of your head. you see it in my eyes that I'm getting close and you stop going up and down and just hold my cock in the back of your throat, groaning and rubbing my balls harder wanting me to cum. it takes every ounce of restraint i have to not cum right there as my fingers ring through your hair and hold on tightly as i let out a long groan before reminding you "mm you can have my cum but only if I hear you beg for it like a good slave and tell me why, where, and how badly you want it before you take it. and when you take it you better not spill a single fucking drop"

You suck me gently and your hand moves to my shaft as your eyes stay on mine "I want you to cum down my throat, master. It's been way too long since I've tasted a good load and I want it bad. So badddd. Let me taste you" You say stroking my shaft. "mmm fuck you know just what I like to hear now show me you know how to take my cum and force out every last drop like a good girl" i groan as my hand wraps around your neck giving it a firm squeez to take out some of my agression of how close i am to exploding right this second. my hands franticly tug at your hair and brush down your arms as my eyes stay completely locked with yours letting you know im on the verge of cumming. You bite your lip and lean back down, your eyes not ever leaving mine and you quickly take alll of my cock inside of your mouth and let your hand rest back on my sac. You go up and down, scraping your teeth against my shaft and sucking harder than before as you try to force the cum out of me. i let out a low groan that slowly builds louder as my hands tug your hair suddenly as a massive load errupts from my cock pent up from months of not having a slave to take it as my body arches back into the bed. You moan as I start cumming and you keep sucking me just as hard and you let your teeth nibble here and there as you feel my cum shooting down your throat and you swallow every drop of what I've been holding back. As I finish you suck me clean and pull away, your tongue trailing over your bottom lip as you smile.

"mm thats a very fucking good girl" i say as my hand brushes across your cheek giving me a moment to catch our breath when you slowly realize my hand has been tightening around your neck and its getting harder to breath when suddenly I pick you up and push you towards the side of the bed and the sensation of falling washes over you and a deep fear pulses through you as you feel your body swing towards to floor but suddenly my arms catch you under your back sending you swinging back towards me as I stand holding your helpless body over the floor. it all happens in slow motion as your hips come crashing back to mine mid fall sending every inch of my already rock hard cock tearing through your tight pussy violently. you barely manage to reach up and wrap your hands around my arms beofre I start to fuck you standing up. Each massive thrust of my cock through your pussy sends you swinging away and building potential energy that only sends you crashing back down around me allowing for me to fuck my slave with a speed you never thought possible.

You moan as my rock hard cock tears through your pussy and you attempt to wrap your legs aroudn me as I don't hesitate to thrust in and out of your. Your pussy is drenched and nearly on fire as I fuck it hard and fast, like nothing you've ever felt before. Your moans quickly turn to screams and you dig your nails into me begging for more. Your entire mind is trying to grasp everything going on around you as your helplessly body is at my mercy. your hands cling to my flexed forearms that guide your pussy onto my cock but you cant help but know that I could drop you and any time so you surrender all trust of your body to me as i lean down and steal a sloppy passionate kiss from you right as i send my most massive thrust yet quaking through your body. You dont even have time to appreciate the feeling of your lips against mine because the impact sends your body swinging away again until just the tip of my cock is inside you before you crash back down again and again. Each feeling of complete emptiness is contrasted by the stretching and tearing of the crash that comes after each thrust until its too much to bear as the pressure inside you comes to a climax.

I see your eyes begin to tilt back knowing you're about to lose control so i wrap my arms all the way around your perfect helpless body and pull you towards me as i take my last hard and fast thrusts as short jackhammer motions all the way into the deepest inches of your pussy as your entire body ignites from the friction of my massive cock tearing through you. You lose all control as a paralyzing wave of pleasure cascades through every nerve ending, every limb, every sensitive inch of your skin as you cum around my cock allowing me to send my last devastating thrusts inside you slamming your body so hard you almost swing all the way off my cock before you come crashing down one last time and a massive burst of my hot cum errupts inside you blasting against the very depth of your pussy as I coat your walls and fill you completely making you mine once again.

After the last aftershocks leave our bodies, I carry you to the bed as my knees almost buckle underneath me from being completely drained. We collaspse together with our exhausted bodies pressed against each other for the first time in too long as my mind finaly calms from the long frustration that once clouded it.

My first time posting to thus subreddit. Depending on how this is received, I may bring more of my short stories over. They are all first person, male dominant.because they are mostly done as requests or rewards. I tend to do very minimal plot development and focus mostly on a description of physical interaction. Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/25ufsx/a_masters_reminder_mfmdom


  1. Well written. This was really hot and steamy to read. Looking forward to the next one!

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