[F][exh][fsub] Next Assignment

It seemed like such a dumb idea. I was being trained to be sluttier. Not by someone in real life, though I had a few people I would have sex with every now and then. But by some anonymous girl online.

It should have been stupid, but it actually had turned out to be… surprisingly hot. Maybe I just had needed someone to push me all along. Today was my first real assignment, she had told me earlier. A chance to actually be slutty. Masturbating at home where I could only get caught by roommates, and usually, not even then, didn't have any risk to it.

And a slut should take risks.

That's why I found myself at the university library, wearing a short skirt and with my pussy freshly shaved.

If I'd dressed normally, not too many people would pay attention to me. I'm pretty average, height wise, around 5' 4", and slim, but jeans and a t-shirt doesn't exactly turn heads. My hair does, sometimes, auburn and half way down my back.

Today I was in a plaid button down shirt, relatively normal, and a denim miniskirt, not normal for me at all. It had three buttons on the front, one at the waist, one in the middle, and one at the hem. If I was being generous, I'd say that hem fell on my upper middle thighs, but mostly I would just say that wearing something like this was asking to show off my holes if I took the stairs or sat down wrong.

I had to find a place to sit before I tripped and showed everyone that I wasn't wearing panties.

I expect to need to look around a lot, but the library was kind of empty, probably because it was just the beginning of summer session, so one of the study areas on the first wasn't too crowded. There were tables with dividers set up so that no one could see what was on their neighbor's computer screen, and I picked a seat in an empty row.

Sitting down, I felt the cold of the plastic chair so far up my legs it was almost touching my pussy. God, this skirt was so short. And the table didn't provide that much cover. It would have gotten me wet, if the stupid assignment I had planned didn't already have me dripping.

I had brought my laptop with me. My assignment required it. The pair of headphones was optional, but I wasn't crazy enough to do this without them. I plugged the headphones in and opened itunes on my laptop. If they didn't work for some reason, I had to know. But the music didn't start playing out of the speakers so that everyone could hear it, and I stopped it, opening up a very specific folder instead.

I clicked on the first link and porn started playing. Not something I'd downloaded, but me, sitting in the living room of my apartment while everyone was out. Naked, and fingering my pussy. In the video, I was looking down at my hand going in and out, biting my lip. Suddenly, I looked up at the camera.

"I'm a fucking whore," the me on the screen said. "God, I want them to come home and catch me making a puddle on the floor, my legs spread."

My breathing was heavier, just hearing myself say those word, and my legs had started drifting apart. Just a little, but I hadn't even meant it, and that was good. My body wanted to be slutty all on its own, even if just a little. I undid the bottom button on my skirt, leaving my pussy completely uncovered.

"I hate condoms." That slut on the screen wasn't done talking yet, and she had three fingers going in and out of her, so I started fingering myself along, just as hard, just as fast. "I hate condoms and I know I'm fertile for who fucks me next."

I whimpered in reality, and I couldn't quite tell how loud it is. Leaning back in my chair to look around didn't reveal anyone looking my way. People had walked by, but no one seemed to have noticed.

I undid another button as on screen me kept talking. "I don't care who fucks me, what hole, or when."

I wished that was true. I wish I was enough of a slut that I could have just shut my eyes and waited hear for someone to finally come put their cock in my waiting cunt. But I couldn't. I felt too exposed, and I closed down the video.

I'd have to tell her that I hadn't finished the assignment. My thighs were soaked, and I was practically shaking as I walked out of the library. But even incomplete, the training was working a little. I didn't rebutton the skirt, even when people looked.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/25uhx5/fexhfsub_next_assignment

1 comment

  1. I will be a curious george here…. Did anyone say anything when you walked out?

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