It is Time

It would be her first time.

She had been ready for some time now. But he wanted her to be sure. Earlier on, she saw his delay as a gesture of gallantry. But as time wore on, she saw his delays as annoying. Sometimes she wondered if it might even be selfishness. She didn’t like to think about it this way. But she was ready, she was sure, and it will be today. If not him, she would attach herself to anyone willing. “Yes that’s what I’ll do,” she said to herself, though it whispered softly. But a certain sense of nausea hit her when she contemplated that she may never know the name of the man who would be her first.

Her bathrobe fell to the floor, and she gazed at the mirror, observing herself naked. She was pretty with dark, long flowing hair. Her breasts were not huge, but they were perky had distinctive shape. Her nipples were a deep pink, and came to a rigid point when they were touched. She touched them one by one, and she smiled as they hardened.

Her belly was flat, and her hip bones stood out markedly. With her bathing suit on, she had to watch for the front of her bottom piece not to gap, or let guys get a glimpse of her dark curlies. Her clitoris was peeking out of its cage. She gently pushed it back in. She had a full bush of dark brown hair that would usually hide the protrusion. But though she thought to push it in, it’s possible she wanted it rather to swell, and prepare him for an easier target.

She pushed it gently, and again it swelled back out. Pushes gave way to caresses, and caresses gave way to strokes. She hadn’t intended to masturbate, but the strokes felt so addictive. She leaned back against her bed, she spread he legs out wide. Soon a second finger was stroking. She was hopeful that he might have arrived early, and decided to come upstairs to join her, but when she looked, she discovered that both fingers were her own.

She couldn’t stop. She rubbed the top of her clitoris, and rubbed it hard. And she rubbed it fast. Her hips pushed up, and again she lost track of whether she was alone or if he was actually there in mutual pleasure. Only this time she didn’t check. Even if she was alone, she wouldn’t be able to stop. She would just have to waste the orgasm. If he was there with her, he was about to be treated to a screaming climax, and that might provoke him to waste one in his own pants. It hardly mattered now. The one thing she knew was that she was headed for climax. It was about to start soon, and might continue for minutes. And she wasn’t even sure she could stop after she came.

She mashed her pussy against her fingers, and she mashed her fingers against her pussy. She was past the moaning phase. She had already cum twice and was going for a grand finale. She pushed, and she screamed. She pushed harder, and she screamed louder. She let loose with a yell that would leave her hoarse. And again her pussy came with a rush that made her wonder if she would ever recover.

And she rolled around in her bed frantically, with her hand trapped by her legs folded against her belly. Her fingers reached for the top of her clitoris. And she came yet a fourth time.

She really didn’t mean to make it happen. She didn’t want to masturbate. She had masturbated perhaps a dozen times before that, but she had never experienced this level of intensity before. She didn’t want to cum. She wanted to be so thirsty for their first time together – her first time with anybody – that she’d be capable of climax as soon as he penetrated. She had wanted him to think that his cock would create orgasms in any pussy, though she would be devastated if it ever went into a pussy other than hers. She wondered if she had spoiled that possibility. But then again, she couldn’t deny that she was feeling powerfully damn good.

She got up once again to examine herself. Her clitoris was now fully protruded, and her soaked pubic hairs were lying firmly and flatly upon her pubis. Her hairs were straight, not curly as they usually laid. Her entrance was no longer veiled. The crack was fully visible. And then it hit her – that vagina she was staring at is 19 years old. It’s time she put it to use. And she discovered that the first man to hit on her tonight might not be as nauseating as she had feared. Though he was still being offered the first chance at taking her.

As she covered it up with the front of her bikini panty, it struck her that she would not be undressing herself today. Somebody would be doing it for her. She tied the hip-strings tight, and then tested them to make sure they would untie easily. She wondered if anyone else had ever undressed her. And from her days as a toddler, she was fairly certain that every stitch of clothing she had ever put on, she had also eventually taken off. But as the final bow tightened against her hip, she knew that tonight’s untying would be someone else’s job; someone else’s pleasure.

As she raised her bra to cover her breasts, she could feel herself saying good bye to her nipples. For almost a decade, she sought diligently to hide them from view. Today, they would be assigned the task of assuring that somebody’s penis would be guaranteed to rise. She covered them briefly, and started to tie the cords behind her neck. But she lowered her bra to take one final look at their untouched state. She put two fingers to her mouth, kissed her fingers gently, and carried her kiss down to one of her nipples. She felt like she was congratulating them for a job well done.

Just then, she heard the door open downstairs, and he was fairly certain he had arrived to pick her up. Since her chest was still exposed, she knew she had the opportunity to rush downstairs and to end the day’s suspense right then and there. Today will be the day anyway. It’s time he saw what they looked like.

She listened, and heard him talking to someone. It could be his cell phone; he could have brought some friends along. (He wouldn’t dare!) She had kept them hidden so long that it didn’t make sense for them to make their debut to a crowd. But she was still noticeably aroused from the minutes-old episodes – all four of them. She fantasized how turned on she might feel if she went down bare-chested to a crowd of men and announced that the first erect penis wins a trip upstairs with her.

Her hands did what they did, without waiting for her to decide. She quickly tied the bra around the back of her neck, threw a top on in a single motion, and grabbed a pair of shorts that she could put on when she arrived downstairs. And when she got there, she found him chatting away on his cell phone.

She was ready to go to the beach. All she needed to do was to slip on her shorts, and the two of them would be on their way. And an idea sprung to mind. As she lifted her first leg, her hand got caught in the panty tie, and she had to drop her bottom briefly to reposition and retie the suit. And he saw her. She feigned a slip, and he pretended not to look, but his face betrayed him and she knew he saw her.

She asked him what he was looking at, and he pretended not to have seen anything. If he had only admitted it, she would have given him a second look, and maybe she wouldn’t have to put the panty back on. But he denied seeing a thing, and it was clear that he saw her. She stared at his own shorts, and she saw it moving – struggling to find a new position in there without creating a bulge. He saw her, and he liked what he saw. But he was content to lie about it. She shrugged her shoulders, stepped into her shorts, and motioned that she was ready to go.

They arrived at the beach well before it opened. She didn’t know that he had schemed for some alone time, hoping for a chance to make a move. He didn’t know that a grandmaster scheme was unnecessary. An embrace, a kiss, and a maneuver with her bra would have required about ten seconds, and they would have been well on their way.

But the rest of the morning played out like a bad script written by someone who never actually played a part on stage. She wondered if he too was a virgin. He said he had done it several times, but now that she thought about it, he had never actually described a scene, event or action he had participated in. Was it possible this was his first time too?

They both took off their outer clothes, took each other’s hand, and walked or ran to the water. The waves surrounded their ankles, and a few steps later, their knees. He turned to her, and offered a kiss, which she gladly received. She squirmed against his body as they reached the water. She maneuvered her breast to brush his arm. But when he discovered what he had touched, he pulled back embarrassed and frightened. They were now knee deep in the brisk morning sea water of summer, and his pulling back caused a ripple in the water. Then he apologized, swearing to her that the brush with his arm was an accident. But she knew better – it was no accident. She noticed that that his bathing suit was now fully bulged, meaning that he too was ready for this. There was something about her breast grazing him that he liked.

She took his hand, stared him in the eye, and whispered, “It’s time.” Then she motioned to the deeper water. To make sure he understood, she paused to give him a warm-up kiss – long and hard and deep with tongue. She badly wanted the same thing from him.
Hand in hand, he walked out with her further from the shore, and the water was thigh-deep, just short of waist level. They felt invisible now, as though they couldn’t be seen from the shoreline. Once more, she brushed her breast against him, this time she used both of them. He started to retreat, but she took the hand she was holding, lowered her bra cup with her free hand, and placed the hand she was holding firmly into the cup. And she held it there so he couldn’t retreat.

With her free hand, she started rubbing his bulge. She maneuvered the suit so she could get a good look at him. It wasn’t hard to pull it out of the pant leg of his shortened bathing trunks. And then she untied her own suit bottom. This time, he could not deny getting a look. He was hard, his erection kept it from dipping into the water. It was shorter than she had once expected, but it was also thicker. She wondered if it would fit. She was still very wet from her earlier rush. The water wasn’t as deep as she had hoped, but she repeated to him, “It’s time.”

Just as she whispered to him, he lost it. His cum was copious. The flow was hard; the first wave of cum shot right past her; but it seemed never to end, and she was able to catch a second wave that he released. He couldn’t help but groan, and groan loudly. She looked at the thigh-deep water, and watched his semen floating by. It floated by in large globs. She now had all the evidence she needed that this indeed was his first time.

He started to walk back to the shore, but she stopped him. “I’m not through yet.” He protested that he had already had his orgasm. And she replied abruptly, “So did I.” And she smiled.

She did take off her own panties again that day, but he took off her bra. He had never before seen bare breasts, and he didn’t know how to express himself. Her offer was, “Just have fun with them.” So he fondled them, together, one with each hand. He saw her nipples harden as he pinched them gently. And a rush shot through him when he discovered he was making her moan. He leaned over to kiss one, and he gently massaged her nipple with his tongue. She leaned back to assure he had all the access he needed. With one hand, he massaged her breast, while he circled the curve of her other breast with soft moist tongue marks from the inside around the bottom, and up the outside. He knew that some day he would have sex. But if caressing her like this was all there was, this alone made him feel good enough to treasure the time. She started holding his head against her chest, making sure he wasn’t going to stop any time soon. A few moments of this, and he forgot about the early release, and finally started to relax.

She could feel him regaining his hardness, and she went down to lick him. He moaned as it throbbed. She never took him into her mouth fully, but her licks and her kisses were keeping him in all the pleasure he had ever known. He pulled her face away, and he said, “It’s time.”

They found a hole in the water’s floor where she could stand on a small hill, and his cock would be level with her pussy. As they embraced, his shaft started to rub against her. He lifted her hips, and she stood on her toes. And she slid right down on it with a perfect fit. When she relaxed her feet, he held onto her more tightly. She was suspended in the air being supported by his cock as a mount. They just held that pose in pleasure.

They gazed at each other, and they nodded, “It’s time.” He thrust forward, and she pushed back. He lifted her slightly, and dropped her back down. He grabbed her bottom and started to bang her. She dropped her head back and moaned. She moaned long and hard; she moaned loudly. And she let out a yell that she had only first let out a few hours earlier. And this time, he knew it was time, and he released a full load once again.

As they came together, he remained inside. Then, even before they had regained their senses, he involuntarily resumed his pumping. And he saw no reason to stop. He had stayed hard, and he would have lots of stamina with his third time this episode. So he kept pumping her. She feared she’d lose consciousness and they would have to call in some paramedics, but the ride he was giving her was the most seductive feeling she could ever imagine. He pumped her, and small waves would form. He pumped her, and his feet started sinking. He pumped her, and she screamed a silent scream of pleasure. She had no voice left to express herself. She never knew she had this much bottled inside her.

They embraced for a long time. And they were ready to return to shore. Only their suits had been washed away by the waves. The only place to retreat to was the shower stalls. There, they would wait until the day ended and the people left.

She stuck her head out the door to survey the people. “This has got to be the most public shower I will ever take.” He approached her from behind, wrapped his arms around her, cupping her breasts. “And the longest,” he promised.


1 comment

  1. Ten Up-Votes on my first story. I couldn’t have asked for a better welcome. Thank you.

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