So Now You Know

[Porn usually needs no introduction, so I regret the imposition of a serious paragraph at the beginning. If you wish to get to the good stuff, just skip the remainder of this paragraph. I have posted in this subreddit twice before. Both posts were essentially true stories, though admittedly enhanced to increase the effect of the post. When writing erotica, the truth rarely matters. You are communicating a prurient desire, and what you fantasize to be true is usually more interesting anyway. This post is different, and it was hard to write, because it is completely true. In some ways, the story is a little less interesting than it could have been because I resisted temptation to bolster up the details. But I wanted to communicate in true fashion how to overcome what for me was a devastating problem. Usually when I write, it is just to arouse and excite. If this one arouses you, all the better. But my greater aim is that no one lower his expectations of himself, nor that she lower her expectations of him, simply because of apparent roadblocks.]

A Fantasy Once Fulfilled

Sometimes your fantasies don’t measure up to what really happens.

She had come to my house wearing a white blouse, the tails of which were tied together to act as a halter top. She was not tall by any means – but then again, neither am I. She had piercing brown eyes and long flowing dark hair. Or so she usually did before tonight. Tonight, her hair was braided in pigtails.

Her name was Emma, and at the time she was 28, though she was tonight attempting a much younger look. She was sucking on a lollipop as she skipped into the room, somehow swaying her hips through the skipping. She was wearing a blue-based plaid miniskirt. I suspected that she wore the matching blue panties only to assure herself that nothing would show inappropriately on her way over to see me.

It is Time

It would be her first time.

She had been ready for some time now. But he wanted her to be sure. Earlier on, she saw his delay as a gesture of gallantry. But as time wore on, she saw his delays as annoying. Sometimes she wondered if it might even be selfishness. She didn’t like to think about it this way. But she was ready, she was sure, and it will be today. If not him, she would attach herself to anyone willing. “Yes that’s what I’ll do,” she said to herself, though it whispered softly. But a certain sense of nausea hit her when she contemplated that she may never know the name of the man who would be her first.

Her bathrobe fell to the floor, and she gazed at the mirror, observing herself naked. She was pretty with dark, long flowing hair. Her breasts were not huge, but they were perky had distinctive shape. Her nipples were a deep pink, and came to a rigid point when they were touched. She touched them one by one, and she smiled as they hardened.