A Fantasy Once Fulfilled

Sometimes your fantasies don’t measure up to what really happens.

She had come to my house wearing a white blouse, the tails of which were tied together to act as a halter top. She was not tall by any means – but then again, neither am I. She had piercing brown eyes and long flowing dark hair. Or so she usually did before tonight. Tonight, her hair was braided in pigtails.

Her name was Emma, and at the time she was 28, though she was tonight attempting a much younger look. She was sucking on a lollipop as she skipped into the room, somehow swaying her hips through the skipping. She was wearing a blue-based plaid miniskirt. I suspected that she wore the matching blue panties only to assure herself that nothing would show inappropriately on her way over to see me.

“Good morning, Professor,” said Emma in a chanting, almost sing-songy style. Thank goodness I was “professor,” for her appearance looked strangely as though she was aiming at 15 or 16 – too young for what I was fairly sure was going to happen – even as a role in a fantasy. It would still have been legal, but it would have felt criminal. “I studied real real real hard for today’s test.” When she got to “hard,” she reached for my penis. I think that I also pressed myself into her hand a little, but I can't say for sure. “I expect you to give me an A-plus.” As she finished talking, she leaned down to untie and to retie her shoes, making sure I had a good look into her bra.

Emma’s breasts had a nice bulge when she bent over, though not terribly big. They provided a nice view as she leaned over. I shifted my neck to get the best angle I perceived available. I found myself even wishing that they were a tad smaller. For with smaller boobs, sometimes bra and breast separate, and I get a direct view into her nipples. I had seen them, played with them, sucked at them several times before, but I wanted my entire being to stay in character. I was able to stay composed only because of a surety, in mere moments, her bra would wind up on the floor – regardless of what was or was not readily exposed for the moment.

When our eyes met, she knew where my attention had been. I was ordinarily permitted to look at them any time I wanted. But I was getting a rush at the way this was playing out. And she removed the lollipop long enough to smile. The smile was as warm as I’ve ever seen a smile from anyone. My erection was already in progress. As she smiled, I was actually hoping for a wink to relieve the tension of our unaccustomed roles. But she chose to stay in character. In character, I had hoped she hadn’t noticed where my eyes had been. In character, I was hoping she didn’t know how hard I was, or even worse I was hoping she didn’t know that my hyper-active balls were starting to give me a very real pain. The honest truth is I was so turned on by the way she was getting into this role play that I had resigned myself to be happy I didn’t cum in my pants.

I was the professor and Emma was the student. It was surely unprofessional of me to be staring down her shirt on purpose. And even though hard-ons happen, I can’t remember a time that I needed relief from this throbbing pain right down to the balls so badly. And somehow, I was hoping she wouldn’t be noticing any of what she was putting me through. I’m a professor for God’s sake. I am trained to remain calm and objective around pretty female students. But she gave that thing a quick kiss on her way up from tying her shoes, and suddenly there were no secrets.

She sat down at the desk with a tablet, and started feigning that she was taking a test. And I stood over her sternly in order to assure she would not cheat.

“You can relax, Professor. I’m not cheating.” Emma opened an extra button of her blouse. Obviously, that’s where I looked. “What are you staring at?” Her question was rather stern. And even though I knew she wasn’t offended, I felt like I had been busted as I answered her.

Then, she reached into her bra to pull out some notes. As though there were a chance I hadn’t noticed, she quickly went back to writing on the tablet. I pounded my fist on the desk. “What do you have in that bra?” “Professor, if you don’t know that by now, maybe I ought to take a break and show you.” The timing of her reply was brilliant. She said it in stride though she had no way of knowing I was going to set her up like that. We never bothered to script anything – even the student-professor act. We had only pre-arranged a role play. My hand reached into her blouse searching for more notes. I think I forgot I was really not proctoring a make-up exam.

When I got a good grip on her breast, she stood up, opened her blouse, and taunted me. “Not the-ere.” It was almost musical, sort of sing-songy as before. She turned around and threw up the back of her skirt, obviously telling me where I should look next. And the real reason for bothering to wear panties became clearer. I started to reach, but she moved away. I chased her, but she ran. When I caught her, we fell to the floor – me lying on top, with her on her stomach.

She started crying. “I’m sorry I cheated.” Her bra unhooked. “Is there any way I can still get the A?” She placed my hand on the cloth of her panties. “Maybe even an A-plus?” I feigned ignorance, but my lines there went nowhere. With every line she uttered, a piece of clothing came off either me or off her. I admitted there was something she could do. More accurately, my thoroughly pained cock was screaming, “Emma, You gotta do something and FAST!!”

Emma stood by the bed, faced it, spread her legs and bent over. “Professor? Anything?”

There was a problem with her gesture. I had attempted doggie style a few times previous to that night, but had never actually gotten it in. About a week or two weeks or so earlier, I had confided all this to her. I just didn’t think she would pick now to dare me. Now I’ve had a satisfying sex life over the years. Doggie is just one thing I had never done yet.

I was so concerned about how horny she was making me, and how I wasn’t sure it would survive her touch to guide it in that I had forgotten all about how wet this might be making her. She placed my lower head right against her lower lips, and held it there as she slowly pushed back. I gave it a small push, and it went right in. I didn’t pump right away; I savored the feeling of actually being in. I reached around for her pussy, and felt the point where I was inserted. I wanted to stay like this forever. OK, I had to stay still for a moment just to keep from ending the episode right there. And to keep the energy going, I started massaging her clit. She turned her head toward me, and smiled.

But this smile was different than before: it was an adult’s smile, not the drippy school girl smile she had been sporting the past hour. The game was now over! This was no longer a child begging for a grade. This was me and Emma engaged in full adult intimacy. And we were going to pump it all we could. The urge to ejaculate prematurely was gone. We were lovers, and damn good lovers at that. I found myself pumping Emma the way Emma liked to be pumped: hard and rough. Within moments, there would be at least one orgasm. Now I was hoping that Emma’s climax wasn’t far behind. I smiled back so as to warn her to brace for the ride.

I held her hips firmly, cocked my own hips, and banged into her firmly. She moaned at the jolt, so I did it again. And again, she moaned. But with a third jolt, she screamed, serving notice that it was ok to relax for the finish. I re-gripped her hips, leaned back, and began pumping furiously.

She was able to meet my thrusts, and we were able to develop a rhythm. I held on to her hips the whole time; she started massaging her clit. She spasmed right on my cock, and went into a fantastic sort of scream. I felt an urge to fly – whatever that means. I basically ignored her cum and went straight to pumping for another one. I didn’t have to wait very long. My moaning signaled to her I was close, and I screamed as I shot myself into her, and I discovered she was cumming again herself.

We collapsed on the bed in front of her. She turned her head and gazed at me. We were silent for the longest time – locked in a glazed stare. A few moments later, she weakly uttered, “Wow!” And then she kissed me – our first kiss of the night.

We talked for a while. She tried to go back into character. But the woman I had just pleased… the woman who over the course of a single hour had given me a time I will never forget and a moment I will never relive… was far sexier than any schoolgirl flashing body parts could ever become. I don’t even remember going to sleep – we just drifted off naked in some manner of twisted… well let’s just say we were twisted together somehow. I may never figure out how we got that way. The next morning, she hands me her bra, and asks me to remember last night by it. “I think that some time, I should come by and earn myself another A.” I returned, “I think you should too.”

I kept her bra for the remainder of our relationship – and maybe for a month after that. But without her in my life any more, it was time to move on. I couldn’t bear to destroy it though. So I donated it along with some of my real clothes during a charity event. I don’t even know if they accept underwear. But it was the only way I would let it out of my possession. I don’t know – maybe some woman is wearing a bra that saw more action in one night than some bras ever see at all.

Emma did come back a few more times seeking more A’s. And believe me, she earned them. I would do that fantasy again if she asked me to. But today, she is married – as far as I can tell, happily – and she has two children.

Somehow, once a dream is played out for real, it can never be replayed.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1f3ro9/a_fantasy_once_fulfilled