Alexander and Aileen

Link to story at Literotica –

I wrote this, enjoy:

Alexander pushed Aileen against the wall, his hands firm on her waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. They embraced like it was the first time they had seen each other in years. Their lips explored each other's as their tongues did a dance in their mouths. His hands ran up her back under her shirt, his fingers taking in her silky smooth skin, hot with desire.

Her fingers ran through his hair, holding his head to hers as they continued to kiss in ecstasy. He moved one hand down to her firm thigh then grasped her ass and pulled her closer to him. He did the same with the other and picked her up against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist and let out a gasp as he moved his mouth to her neck.

A loud thud caused them to pause and listen as their hearts thumped a loud beat inside their chests. Another thump and laughter rose up in the hallway outside. Aileen's eyes widened and she pushed Alex away and regained her footing. Her heart continued to beat, not in ecstasy but in fear. Alex, too, was beginning to get nervous. He looked around at his surrounds and took it in.

They were in a bedroom with a large king sized bed and a desk. On the far wall sat a table with a computer and a mirror and make up station. Beside them was a door to a large master bathroom and another to a walk in closet. Alex grabbed her hand opened the closet and pulled her in, closing the door as the door to the bedroom burst open. A man stumbled in with a girl on his arm, drunkenly laughing and shouting.

Aileen's eyes were wide and her breathing with a hint of whimpers. Alex put his hand over her mouth and shushed her best he could. He turned and peaked out the crack in the door to see the guy lead the girl to the bed and push her down. She giggled and began stripping out of her clothes, tossing them beside the bed. The drunken man also did this then crawled up on the bed above the girl, her legs spread wide apart. They began to kiss as he ran his hand across her chest.

The girl moaned loudly and quickly grabbed the man's growing erection, massaging it as he played with her nipples. He pushed her down on the bed and began to grope her breasts with his mouth, his tongue sloppily lapping around her nipples. Alex felt his pants begin to tighten again as his own erection began to return. Seeing another couple ravage each other was turning him on quickly. Aileen hadn't noticed and was still trying to calm down when she felt his shaft starting to press against her leg through his jeans.

She turned her head and peaked out the other side of the door to see the man between the girl's legs as his tongue was deep inside her. She let out a loud moan and grabbed his head pushing it into her so his tongue would go further inside her. Aileen felt herself getting aroused, her nipples started to harden and she felt herself getting moist. Her leg started to slightly rub against Alex's now fully erect cock through his pants. Alex pulled his attention away from the drunken couple and looked at Aileen. She was fully enthralled by the couple that she hadn't noticed her own hand was on her chest, slowly rubbing her arm across her breasts.

Alex pulled her attention away from the couple, now fully having rough, drunken sex, and kissed her deeply. His hand replaced her arm on her breasts as he rubbed her nipples through her shirt. She let out a quiet moan into his mouth and moved her hand to his throbbing manhood. She began to run her hand up and down the length as he began to kiss her neck once more. She pushed him back against the wall, knocking a few clothes off their hangers, barely making enough noise to cover the loud thumping and moaning of the couple outside. She dropped to her knees and rubbed him more through his pants. The teasing was beginning to overcome him when she put her teeth on the rim of his pants and pulled so they came unbuttoned and then unzipped them.

She ripped the pants down; his boxers were tight as his large erection pointed as her face. She pulled his boxers down and his cock with them. After enough force, it broke free from the hold and sprung back up towards her face. She stared for a second; taking in the sight then slowly ran her hands up his legs and to his cock. She grabbed it with one hand and ran the other down to the base then to his balls. She positioned her head underneath him and put her tongue right at the base and slowly ran it up to the bottom of the head and flicked her tongue at the end. He shivered in intense pleasure and leaned his head back against the wall.

She opened her mouth and took the head in between her lips and let her tongue dance around the very tip of his head then slowly slid it further into her mouth. Her tongue did things to Alex that he had never knew were possible. She started to take him in to her mouth faster and his hips started to rock with the motion. After a few minutes of this, she pulled him out of her mouth and moved down, flicking her tongue across the very bottom of his sack. She ran her tongue up from the bottom back to the base of his cock and then ran her tongue back up and took him back in her mouth.

He pulled out of her mouth and pulled her up to him, embracing her, thanking her for what she had just given him. He slipped out of his pants fully and pushed her against the wall. He pulled off her shirt and tossed it behind him. He took one glance out the door and saw the man had the girl on her knees, ramming her from behind. Alex quickly moved his mouth down her neck to her firm breasts. His tongue found the nipple of her right breast and began to circle it and flick it. He took it in his mouth and lightly suckled it before moving to the other. She let out more gasps of pleasure as he worked on her chest.

He began to move back up to her neck and he ran his hand down and under his skirt. He found her bare ass and squeezed it, bringing her close to him. His exposed cock slid between her legs, pushing the skirt against her hot pussy. He moved his hand up and found the rim of her lace thong and pulled it down and let it fall to her feet. His hand pulled her leg up to his side and the other unsnapped the skirt and tossed it aside. He then ran his hand down her stomach and over her smooth mound and over her soft lips. He teased the outside of her wet opening, spreading her juices all over her lips and onto her clit. Her hands tightened their grip on his shoulders as his finger rubbed her throbbing nub.

He ran back down and let his finger slip inside her. Her walls were slick and warm, inviting his finger in deeper. He ran it deeper inside then pulled it out and put it back in again. She let out a sigh and put her face into his shoulder as he pushed another finger inside. He worked his fingers around her hot opening until she couldn't take it anymore. She pushed his hand away and grabbed his cock guiding him to her slit.

She looked deep into his eyes; the only light in the closet came from the cracks in the door. They stared at each other, their gazes deep with passions. She whispered and it came out barely audible, "…take me."

He needed no more instruction and let her guide his pulsating cock into her tight, warm pussy. She bit her lip as he slid it inside of her. Her walls hugged him as he pushed it all the way inside. He pulled her other leg up and she wrapped them around his waist again. He used the wall as leverage and began to thrust into her. Her arms were wrapped around his back; her finger nails digging into his skin with extreme pleasure. Her breathing came out as quiet moans of bliss as his cock slid in and out. He turned her and sat her on the shelf beside them, knocking off shoes to the floor. He didn't care about the noise; nothing mattered anymore except him and her as he plundered her faster. She pulled her legs up and rested them on his shoulders and he pumped her harder.

He thrust faster into her; the heat from their passion filled the tiny closet as the noises outside began to get louder. Moans from outside covered the moans from Aileen as Alex continued to fill her with his cock. Her body began to shake with ecstasy as her orgasm approached. Her fingers gripped the edge of the shelf and her back arched as waves of pleasure seared through her. Alex felt her walls tighten around him as he continued to thrust. Not long after her body began to go limp as Alex pulled out and let his seed spray onto the floor below them.

He collapsed on top of her, both out of breath and in the slowly fading moments of bliss as their shared orgasms ran their course. After a moment of silence, they heard the drunken couple begin to get dressed, their own sexual encounter ending. Alex picked up her clothes and handed them to her. Before he could pick up his shirt she embraced him again, the kiss more passionate and less lustful. He could feel her feelings in her kiss, her deep love for him. When it broke, he kissed her forehead and grabbed his own clothes. They both got dressed and waited for the drunken couple to leave.

They quietly opened the door and came out, shutting it behind them. Aileen's golden hair was a mess and her makeup was smeared. They went into the bathroom and fixed themselves up and walked back into the bedroom. She leaned against the same wall they were on before and he leaned in kissing her again. They didn't speak; she broke the kiss and walked to the door. She put her hand on the knob and looked back, her eyes filled with sadness. He smiled but his eyes also told the truth. She walked out and closed the door behind her.

He waited a few minutes then did the same. As he opened the door he could hear the music and laughter from downstairs. He stretched and slowly descended down the stairs. He saw his friends at a table drinking and playing cards. He walked up and they all cheered, not knowing he had been there the whole time. Alex grabbed a beer and turned to see his best friend talking to a group of guys that went to college with him and around his arm was a beautiful blonde. She smiled and laughed, but her eyes were full of sadness.
