I kissed a girl for the first time and oh my god. [F]

Ali messaged me out of the blue. It was one of those messages you get when your Facebook status suddenly becomes "Single".

She asked me if I was still planning to go to Australia to be with my boyfriend. I honestly wasn't sure. We'd been having problems, and Seattle seemed to be full of job offers and romantic opportunities – I questioned the wisdom of walking away from it all for a man who was giving me trouble.

I asked if she wanted the whole stupid story, and she said to meet her at the bar in a half hour. It's awesome when people do that – no "I have to work tomorrow" bs, no "Let's schedge a lunch for next weekend" and then reschedule three more times. Just "see you in 30".

We laughed together like I haven't laughed in months. She told me about a man she was seeing recently, long distance, in Portland. "So he's not handsome," I said, "He's not nice, he's not good in bed… what are you doing?" She exploded in laughter. "I have no idea!"

She mentioned her mother, who is travelling in Italy right now. "She says she hanging out with a 'friend'. Yeah, mom. Please. That's the gayest thing I've ever heard. You're a homosexual!"

The bar is in Capitol Hill, a hipster neighbourhood. Full of fixies and people with tattoos. An ancient brick building, a friendly bar tender who winked as he handed me a Grasshopper. I checked my phone constantly while I waited for Ali to arrive. She came in just as I texted "Where are you?" and was the most beautiful thing I'd even seen. Messy hair up in a bun, sloppy pink sweater, perfect skin, laughing eyes.

She teaches troubled youth at a correctional facility. I told her how much I admire the energy that must require. She rolled her eyes as she told me about her boys, but I could see love on her face. I stared into her eyes, watched her mouth as she talked. I could take her home if I wanted.

"So…should I go for it?" Outside her apartment. She's leaning on her bike. "Go for what?" she asked. "Should I kiss you?"

A brief, awkward laugh. "Feeling kinda shy now," I said, looking at my shoes. "Yeah, awkward…" she said. Then she leaned toward me, and her lips soft and full, her tongue rough against mine. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her in. I thought I was straight, honestly. My hand on her perfect bottom, pressing up her back, to her neck. Pushed aside her collar and kissed just under her collarbone, moved my hand down to her chest and felt her breasts pressing against mine. I kissed her like all the boys I've ever known haven't been able to do properly. I was sexy, self assured, and knew I could go upstairs with her.

At the bus stop a few minutes later, my heart was pounding and I had trouble walking straight. "Thank you," I told her. "I had a wonderful time." She texted me less than 2 minutes later. "Uh wow. Lets do that again."

I saw the bus coming. I walked back to her place.

Ali kissed me again as she opened the door. I kicked it shut and wrapped both arms around her waist, pushing her to the couch. I think I like being the boy. They never seem to get it – be firm, but not forceful. She'll do anything you want. Just lead with the slightest pressure. "You are so attractive," I said, gazing straight in her eyes. "I'm pretty sure you just made me gay."

Ali is a little older than I am. 30…something? I'm 23. She never wanted a formal relationship or kids, just wanted to be able to pick up a friend in a bar and go for it when she needed. But she was having a dry spell, she complained. Tried to make it in Vancouver last weekend, but no, nothing. I of course had been keeping myself pure for the boyfriend, for 4 months.

The boyfriend broke up with me in a fit of depression. Thinking that he was going to kill himself, he started doing dumb things. I guess he was pretty lonely. He went on dates with three women from POF or whatever, and they were all pretty dreadful (he told me). Then he put up an ad on craigslist saying that he'd be the bottom for any men who needed a good time that night. He met man named Elliot, who was slim, attractive, well dressed, and had a nice apartment, where the boy met him and they made love.

But Ali didn't feel like a revenge fuck. She felt glorious. I couldn't stop looking at the curves of her body, the laugh lines at the corners of her eyes, and pulled off her sweater so I could press my face into her breasts. I was absolutely soaked, down below, at this point. Embarrassed, I tried to get rid of my pants discreetly, legs together. She didn't let me, she pulled them apart and went in.

Girls don't have stubble, they have lovely soft skin and lips. She kissed my labia and separated them with her tongue. Licked my clit and pressed her lips against mine, just as if she were kissing me full on the mouth. Her tongue moved gently, then strongly into my vagina. I twitched and shook, wanting to buck violently but not push her away. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed her shoulders, and pulled her back up so I could kiss her breasts, her belly, pull off her pants and kiss her inner thighs.

At this point I was honestly confused. I've never had sex with a girl before. What do you actually do? I knew what I wanted, but what did she want? I stroked the fuzz around her labia, slid a finger gently in. I always hate it when guys do this to me, and she seemed a little uncomfortable as well.

Fuck it, I'm doing what I want. I climb on top of her and press my crotch against the mound of her pubis, and thrust. I bury my face in her neck and breath deep, and move my open labia against her body, grinding, kissing her, gripping her shoulders with all my strength to get enough leverage to get in closer, harder, faster, until I went blind for a few seconds, and came.

And then, to my surprise, she wrestled me onto my back and did the same thing to me. I did not mind a bit. Usually with a boy, after I come, he's still inside and needs to finish up. About thirty seconds after orgasm, my vagina does not want to be touched. At all. Yet they keep at it. Ali, wonderful lady, stayed the hell away from my vagina and rode against my pubis, my hip bone, my upper leg, whatever, bumping and grinding as I pulled her luscious hips close against mine, and with a victorious shout, she came as well. I could feel her shuddering as she collapsed into my chest.

"Oh my god," she said. "Yeah," I said. I cuddled her in my arms and pretty much passed out.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1exztg/i_kissed_a_girl_for_the_first_time_and_oh_my_god_f

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