Wish Cums True Pt 4: Wife takes advantage [oral][FMMMM][buk]

Ever since my husband had his crazy wish granted, things have taken a very sexy turn. It's only been a few days, but in that time span, I've been constantly horny, we've had sex more than we had in the past year combined practically, and I've been working out like crazy. Every time I even walk briskly, it feels like I'm 80% to an orgasm. My body has changed too, to the point where everyone is looking at me and I'm just constantly aroused by all the attention and my pussy is swollen and dripping seemingly 24 hours a day. In short, I've become insatiable.

I was hot before the kids and time combined to soften my body a little bit, but now. . . My body is like a victoria's secret model, or a fitness model. My D cups have zero droop to them, they're so soft and supple but firm and bouncey, that I barely need to wear a bra anymore (and I often don't). Often, I no longer wear panties, simply because I'm so wet all the time that they would just be soaked and in the way. I find that I've been masturbating like 5 times a day at least, and even more if I can't fuck my husband Steve. Work has been kind of impossible, I can't concentrate in meetings and I'm constantly rubbing myself off under my desk.

Spring Break (The Adventures of Dennis part 4)

Spring Break is, ideally, a gigantic powwow of not-yet-adults baring their bodies and rubbing their skin together as it drips with clear ocean water like they are in a Gatorade commercial (and maybe they are), while muffled hip hop surrounds their souls like an ecstatic Stockholm Syndrome and colors flash in the sunlight that never goes away and beer cascades through the air in slow-motion. But that isn’t what my spring break was, exactly. By the time my bud Dirk and I arrived at the beach in Miami, large swaths of it were closed off, most people had packed up and left, and it was colder than you’d ever think, all because our college lets out for spring about a week and a half later than everywhere else. By the time we got to the beach, we just stood there, staring. Dirk said; “Let’s go to the hotel.” We did, and we slept. The next day was a little more interesting. We stood in a Tiki bar talking with two girls. One of them was Adrienne, who was a senior at Florida State University, where she studied creative writing. The other was Anjali. She was doing an internship with a law firm down here in Miami. Her college was in California. She was originally from India, but she had no accent, so she must have moved here at a young age. She wore a blue blouse and bluer jeans, with a tear on one leg. I recognized the tear in her jeans was a desperate plea for male attention. Her hair was black enough to create dark contours against the tacky brown oak of the bar. Whenever a drink flashed in the light, her hair countered it. I was playing it low-key. I started off with Adrienne, but Dirk consistently elbowed his way in there, and ultimately I gave him the ground. While I sipped my Jack and Coke (don’t even ask if they bother checking IDs in Florida), Anjali said to me; “So, like, do you get free passes to concerts and stuff?” I’d told her I was a roadie for The Dave Matthews Band. She loved it. I’d guessed she would. “No,” I said. “Not really. Dave and I don’t get along too great.” “Why’s that?” I sighed while I came up with something. “Oh, you know, me and his daughter,” I said. “We may or may not have had something going on. It’s all good now and me and her are totally friends. It’s just, when her Dad found out, you know…” Her eyes bugged out enough to stick to the ceiling. “Oh my God,” she said. “You can’t be serious.” I nodded. “Let’s just say I keep a bat in my apartment.” The more I told her about Dave Matthews being a deranged psycho, the closer she moved toward me. As soon as it got to the point where I came back from the bar with two drinks and slid my hand down her shoulder after handing her drink over, I could see the deal was sealed. At around this time, Dirk and Adrienne split. Dirk’s a pro.

To Boldly Go [mmff], [manual], [massage]

The following is the first of what may be a few stories that aim to both titillate the reader and also inform her about the nature and character of the author's fantasies and the potential paths of his sexual explorations. As such, they reveal inner desires that may yet manifest as false, but which, at least in their telling, leave him profoundly exposed. So, please handle with care.

Part 1

The months have passed seeing our trio indulge in all manner of fun both sexy and vanilla. We've found attraction and affection and have grown to regard our relationship with a little less amazement for existing and a little more comfort having an expectation of its persistence.

In the warm light of that confidence, Abby decides to reprise an old idea. She's recently encountered several massage therapists. Amongst them, Michael has wonderful strong hands and an inquisitive personality that's left Abby wondering at herself for revealing so much information while lying prone on the massage table. She hasn't yet told him about Ericka, but he has a pretty good idea that some of her Saturday nights have been exciting even by this city's standards.

The Bar Bathroom [MF] [anal] [anal fingering] [verbal abuse] [humiliation]

I didn’t usually go out to bars. The noise bothered me. But ever since Mindy dumped me for some guy with a huge dick, I was lonely, and I was tired of beating off. I washed my genitals thoroughly and went to a grungy bar. I saw a hot blond piece making out with a guy with a lot of hair product. She wasn’t wearing panties, and he fingered her vagoo. I thought she’d go back to his place to get inseminated, so I ordered a drink.

I zoned out for a while. Being around people was stressful. Then a goth tapped my shoulder. She said, “What are you, some kind of faggot?” I stammered and looked at her hot gothic tits. “The gay bar’s down the street, faggot!” “I’m, I’m not -“ I said as she rolled her eyes. She grabbed my arm and started walking toward the bathroom. “We’ll see,” she said.

First Experiences [mt, trans, oral]

I always knew I was different.

I don’t mean that in the way people always do. Everyone was unique in some fashion. I just always knew that I never fit in. That something inside of me was off. That as I developed, I was unhappy with the changes that were occurring, because it was taking me away from what I wish I was. I thought it was just a phase, but as the years passed, I just got more depressed. Other boys were rough, rugged, always playing sports and chasing the girls. And I was none of that. At first, I thought something was wrong with me. I didn’t enjoy the things other guys did. I didn’t have any friends, and was terrible at talking with girls. How could I explain to them that I was jealous of the bodies they had, the things they got to do. Deep down inside, I knew I wanted to be a girl, but I hid from this side of myself. I was afraid. They’d call me a creep, I just knew it. And so I turned to the one place where I could go to be what I wanted. In chat rooms and on forums, I was a girl. It was the only bright spot in my life. I could talk to people without fear, without feeling scared for being different. It was a lie, but it was a lie I enjoyed.

A Surprise Ass-Fucking in Panties [Msub, Fdom, anal,]

A very curious thing happened to me the other day and I feel I need to share it with you…

I have been 'mildly’ crossdressing for over a year now. I say 'mildly' because I am not into full feminization, I just love the feel and look of lace panties when they are hugging a good looking cock, not to mention the taboo. I have taken to wearing stockings too which feel amazing, it's like having your whole lower half caressed persistently. I have thought of wearing a bra but, although I can almost imagine how amazing it would feel, I don't think men look as good in them as women, by a long way. Panties though, well that is a different matter. Anyway, I digress, on to the story.

My first attempt at writing “funny” erotica: The Succubus Fails to Seduce

The story with better formatting can be found here. A fun, short story I wrote. Not very long, but enough that I thought it should be shared! Thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought!

The succubus harumphed, her lip sticking out in an adorable pout. Inside the circle, she crossed her arms, sticking out a hip to bump the invisible barriers holding her in place. She scowled at the rugged, leather-clad man opposite her. He leafed through a book, squinting in a vain attempt to read the faded, yellow pages, slowly, gingerly turning them between his rough, tanned fingers. One of them cracked, crumbling into powder. He swore, then finally turned to her.

“Damn you, Brismée of Hell,” he snarled, slamming the ancient tome onto the table. A cloud of dust billowed over the chamber. His beady eyes bored daggers into the red-skinned demoness. Nonchalant, she flipped her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her wrist. The raven locks tumbled down her back as she laughed, the light music of her voice a stark contrast to her horns and long, thin tail.

Layers Ch 01a [TF/TG]

Chapter 1

It was a box. Or possibly a crate – wooden sides with a bit of plastic on the side containing what I'd think was a packing slip. No visible marks otherwise. No 'fragile' (which my mind nearly always reads mentally as fra-jill-ay) or other stamped text. Just a decent sized box (crate?) sitting on the second step of the little concrete steps leading to my front door. I stare for a bit and then push it slightly with my foot. Slightly heavy but not bad. I haven't ordered anything lately so what was the deal?

I shrug and open my door. The sun is starting to set behind me and it's been a long day at work so I decide to figure it out inside. With a drink. People at work aren't the easiest to deal with and drinks often help. Relaxing with a drink, closing my eyes and temporarily imagining a fantasy world where I tell my bitchy coworkers exactly what I think of them rather than smiling woodenly and nodding my head. Feeling my heart race and cursing myself for wanting to just run from the lady in purchasing or whoever is yelling at me at the moment.

I kissed a girl for the first time and oh my god. [F]

Ali messaged me out of the blue. It was one of those messages you get when your Facebook status suddenly becomes "Single".

She asked me if I was still planning to go to Australia to be with my boyfriend. I honestly wasn't sure. We'd been having problems, and Seattle seemed to be full of job offers and romantic opportunities – I questioned the wisdom of walking away from it all for a man who was giving me trouble.

I asked if she wanted the whole stupid story, and she said to meet her at the bar in a half hour. It's awesome when people do that – no "I have to work tomorrow" bs, no "Let's schedge a lunch for next weekend" and then reschedule three more times. Just "see you in 30".

We laughed together like I haven't laughed in months. She told me about a man she was seeing recently, long distance, in Portland. "So he's not handsome," I said, "He's not nice, he's not good in bed… what are you doing?" She exploded in laughter. "I have no idea!"