Young Hearts [love] [romantic] [sadish] [students]


My name is Yurichi Khamaha, I am a 18 year old student who attends Spring Peak high school. For a while i never bothered with girls, too much drama and i only cared about grades. That all changed my senior Year when i met an amazing girl named Kana Kazima. I did not think much of her when i first saw her through the second story window, but little did i know she would change my life. It was around 12pm on a Thursday, school had been in session for about 3 hours and then from my Geometry class i saw her enter the school. She was about 5'4 in my estimation and had long black hair and a deep black school uniform which i found weird because most girls pick the brown version. As she ascended the school steps, the bell rang. I went downstairs to put my stuff away in my locker and there she was, unlocking the locker below my own. Nice ass i thought at first as i approached her from behind, but then i saw it, a long sharp scar that ran down the length of her leg. She must have heard me behind her and stood up straight and gave me a blush. She was even more pretty then from afar, her hair was long and flowing with out a single curl or stray hair, her eyes a deep purple and her chin a sharp v shape. She looked up to me and said "Oh is this your locker above mine?" like the idiot i was, i was too engulfed in her pretty looks and took a second to reply "Oh sorry, uh yes that is my locker. I am Yurichi Khamaha, nice to meet you" i stuck out my hand for a hand shake but she flinched. This made me wonder if she had been abused then forced to move to live with a relative. She opened her eyes and saw i was just holding my hand out for a welcoming shake, she accepted it and said "Sorry about flinching like that, I'm Kana..Kana Kazima" the name rung a bell but i could not place it. I looked at her and said "If you need help getting somewhere I've been here about a year" she looked down at her paper and blushed then returned a embarrassed look to me. " you know where sex ed is?" she asked me, then i understood her embarrassment to ask the question. "Well, i actually have that class next, if you want to follow me there, but beware the teacher he is kind of an old perv" she nodded and trailed me. "So where you from" i asked, "Kosokaski High" she said. Kosokaski High, again a name i heard before but just could not place, now i was really curious about this girl. "i noticed a scar on your right leg, what is that all about?" this question must have upset her as she did not say anything else to me. When we got to the class she went to the desk in the far back corner near a window. This was my best spot for sleeping, but because i upset her so i decided to take the desk next to hers. "Sorry for bringing up the scar, i did not know it would upset you so much" she looked over and smiled at me with her forgiving face "It's okay, you did not know" then the old pervert of the teacher walked in and turned the lights off. "okay class listen up, i'm not going to waste my time on role today..because we have a special video. PORN! yes that is right students! i managed to slip in some porn in this class and claimed it was educational" i rolled my eyes knowing the old man would pull shit like this one of these days. After a few minuets of the video and being rather annoyed over aroused i looked at Kana out of the corner of my eye. She was masturbating, or at least i thought she was, there was no for sure way to tell because the desk had solid walls on the sides and fronts that bolt the table to the ground which was blocking my view. At first i dismissed her rose red checks as being embarrassed but then i saw her bite on her thumb like she was trying to suppress a moan, i surveyed the room everyone else was too busy being hypnotized by the porn or left because they were too disgusted and no one noticed Kana. I did not want to say anything about it because the old man would have said something wrong about it so i simply watched her enjoy herself. At this point i was truly aroused, a nice girl my age pleasuring her self not but 3 feet away from me. The porn got loud and it made Kana hit a hard climax as i heard her moan barley slip out between the thumb and her lips biting hard on it. She must have saw me looking at her and her eyes widened she leaned over and whispered "please don't tale anyone Yurichi-san" i shrugged my shoulders and said "Okay, but this is your fault" i said while pointing down to my obvious boner. "Sorry, it was so hot and it has been so long since i've been able to do that..if you tell no one i will explain my scars at lunch today" again, i shrugged my shoulders and said "Deal" simply because i knew i was on the verge of recalling that name, that school and a horrific news line i had read at the tender age of thirteen. Several hours later it was lunch, i was the lone wolf type in high school and didn't talk to many people so needless to say no one sat with me on impulse. There she was though, the mysterious strange angel, looking for me. I waved my hand "Kana-san, i'm over here" she perked up and walked to my table and sat down. She looked at me and said "where do you want me to start?" i replied with "i've heard your name, your school and some horrific event all 3 involved, i can't recall the event but i need to know this is diving me crazy" she looked me in the eyes with an understanding look. "it all happened several years ago, it was my freshman year and i was in algebra one at the time, then we all saw it, the bright headlights which was the last thing many of us saw. a drunk driver had went off the road and was hurling towards the window which i was sitting near, the car plowed through 2 kids and their desk, killing them instantly but as i tried to run metal and a brick flew at me from the force of the impact and the metal cut my leg wide open while the brick hit me in the head, i slipped into a coma till i was 17 and when i woke up i spent a half year in rehabilitation then moved out to this quiet town, and well here i am." it all came back to me. News stations, first hand responders, paramedics and the usual works had spent 4 hours pulling the car from the wall and extracting children from the room. Two kids as Kana had said, were killed on impact and 5 others were critically wounded including Kana. I remember seeing her on the live news report, back then her hair was not as long and she was not as tall as today. There was silence "i'm..i'm so sorry..i..didn't mean to pry.." i said, she stopped looking so gloomy and looked up "No, it's okay, as someone once told me there is no point in living life sadly" after that day she changed. Kana-san switched to the light brown uniform and started being more social, she never attempted to pleasure her self in sex ed and started to focus on me more. Before i knew it we have been dating for a full year and we were both graduated from high school. I moved out into my own apartment and she decided to come live with me a few weeks later. We were close then, we loved each other with unheard volumes. One night came how ever, where our love reached new levels. "Kana-san i'm home from work!" i said then i heard a reply "come to the bedroom honey" there she was waiting for me in a light grey lingerie. My eyes widened and i felt my penis grow hard as rock "Well what did i do to deserve this?" i said with a grin. She spread her legs revealing the bright pink vagina she so enjoyed that day when we met one year ago and said "You loved me" i came in close and lifted her chin. A sparkle gleamed in her eyes, a true star struck lover indeed. She leaned in and kissed me, she wrapped her arms around my back and pulled me into her warm body. Her breast were big, i managed to never noticed this as i spent so much time looking into her loving eyes. They were also very soft, almost like they were clouds from heaven. As she licked and sucked on my neck i slowly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled my pants off. I got lost in her sweet embrace and before i knew it was bare naked. My cock was screaming with excitement to be pushed into her bright, pink virgin pussy, but she was not ready. I lifted my head to her nipples who were pleading to be sucked, and i was in no place to deny them their pleasure. My tongue, like a long snake wrapped around and circulated her nipple making her arch her back while she moved her hand through my hair and moaned. The nipples had enough, and her clitoris was looking lonely and cold, i dipped my head to the deep reaches of her warm stomach trailing my tongue to the top of her warm vagina. I started to move my tongue up and down on the small ball sitting there. My eyes wondered up her slim body, she was enjoying it quiet a lot, her back arched higher than the moon, her face forming a smile that gets broken by the occasional pant or gasp for air. I, myself quiet enjoyed this as well, i love making Kana-san feel as good as she can. Finally she looked down through pleased eyes and said " Yurichi-san..i-i am ready..stick your loving cock deep in me" i nodded my head in understanding. I pulled my head up from her wet clitoris, and took a second to admire this occasion, Kana-san wanted me, the man who pried too deep, to take her innocence. I took one last look at this girl and said "It is my pleasure to make you a woman, Kana-san" she giggled at this and i slipped the head to the lips of her vagina. She looked up to me, ready to make her feel good and grabbed the edges of the bed and said "I'm ready Yurichi-san" i thrust my dick deep inside her, popping her hymen and sending blood down my dick. Her teeth clenched and a moan of pain came shrilling through "i'm sorry Kan-" but she cut me off by saying "Don't apologize all the time, it's okay i asked for this." i nodded my head and continued to slowly move my cock deeper inside her. She continued to clench her teeth and moan from pleasure and pain, which is one hell of a mix to experience. I felt bad for her, not only was i loosing my virginity as well, but only she had to endure this unimaginable pain while trying to enjoy this as much as possible. Feeling bad for her i came close to her and kissed her, this seemed to make her more relaxed, and took some pressure off of her vagina loosing it up and allowing me to push on. Eventually she stopping whimpering from pain and moaned from pleasure again. Now the fun can start i thought and started to make my thrust faster and hit harder. Of course, she noticed this and started to move her hips with the movement of my dick. She gasped for air and said "Oh god you are so big" this made me grin and i said "And you are so warm deep in here, no wonder you enjoy playing with this so much" she smiled at this comment. As time went on with each rhythmical thrust, i started to feel a tingle in my balls and it started to work it's way up to the head "I-i think..i'm going to cum Kana!" she let out a moan and said "i'm about to climax too!" we both let out a moan of pleasure as i shot my seed deep insider her ovary. I pulled my cock out, covered in a white and red mixture. I felt exhausted and collapsed beside her, here she kissed me and threw one leg over me. We made out, swirling tongues like we once did behind the school gym. Finally, after taking a warm shower in her embrace we laid there in the bed, hugging and kissing the night away. Then one morning a few weeks later it was a perfect day for perfect news. On this day the birds were singing songs of gay happiness, the sun burning bright as though it were welcoming the world to a new day. Then i felt two arms wrap around me and kiss my neck, it was Kana. She smiled and said "sure is a pretty day" i turned and kissed her forehead and replied "Indeed it is." we spent the morning relaxing and loving the presence of each other more than ever. She kissed me on the cheek and said "You think it will be a boy?" i looked confused "wait..what?" she smiled and giggled "i took a pregnancy test, Yurichi it came up positive" i felt overjoyed, like i could run a thousand laps and climb a million mountains "you are brilliant! the way you became pregnant just absolutely brilliant and lovely and great in every single way i could just..kiss you!" she giggled at my excitement. This was a truly great occasion i kissed her lips, so soft and ready to bring a new life into this world.
