[nc] 18 year old girls abduction and rape fantasy

We lived in a nice middle class neighborhood so when the doorbell rang that afternoon i figured it was the occasional person offering to do yard work, selling pine straw, kid doing a fund raiser for school. But as i looked out the window there was a white van parked outside and man at the door holding a clip board, probably mid 30's, not bad looking. I thought maybe it was a delivery for my parents someone needed to sign for, or maybe the cable guy.

I opened the door and the man smiled and said hello. The next thing i knew i was on the floor shaking, unable to control my body, the man had stepped inside and closed the door and locked it. He smiled, and lifted the clipboard and held out a device with wires hanging out of it. He quickly sat me up and tied my hands and feet with zip ties then he warned me to be quiet. A few moments later i heard the garage door open. The man then came back into the house, wrapped some tape around my mouth, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started carrying me towards the garage.

It was at this point that i realized he was planning on taking me somewhere. He had backed his van up to the garage and opened the rear doors which blocked anyone from seeing what he was doing. He put me into the back of the van and wrapped a chain around my waist that was somehow attached to the floor of the van, then threw a blanket over me and closed the garage doors. A moment later i heard the garage door closing as then we pulled out of the driveway onto the road. It had all happened so fast.

We drove for about 45 minutes before i felt the van backing up and heard another garage door open. The man pulled the blanket off me, unfastened me, and carried me into a house, then down some stairs to a basement bedroom and tossed me onto a bed that looked like a hospital bed. It had Leather strap restraints on the corners. Beside the bed was what looked like an IV pole with a bag and tube hanging from it. On the wall at the end of the bed was a flat screen TV.

Hi, my names Dale the man said. If you promise not to scream i'll take that tape off your mouth, OK? I nodded and he removed the tape. So what's your name he asked. Amanda, i answered. Let me fill you in on what's going on here Amanda he said. I make movies. The movies i make are made to order. Mostly for rich arab and Russian men.

You are lucky. Some of the people in my line of work are very bad men. I'm not like that. I just want to make this as easy as possible for both of us, and get it over as quickly as possible, so that i can get my money, and you can go back home. As long as you do what i say you will not be hurt, OK? I nodded.

In just a minute i am going to untie your hands and feet. OK? He picked up a pair of small snippers from a rolling tray beside the bed and cut the zip tie on my hands and feet. Ok, stand here he beside the bed he said. Now, i want you to remove your clothes. I burst out into tears. I knew this was coming. I started pleading with him. I know, i know, he said. It's hard, but you can't go home until we get this over. You want to go back home right? I nodded yes. Ok, turn around. I turn facing the bed and he began to undress me. I closed my eyes and started sobbing again. When he was done, he said. Now i want you to crawl onto the bed for me OK. I got into the bed, on my side facing away from him. He took one of my legs and attached one of the restraints around my knee and pulled it to the right railing of the bed in the process turning me facing up. I tried to cover myself putting one hand over my vagina and trying to hide my breasts with my other arm. He restrained my other knee to the left railing. He then lifted my arms and put my hands in the restraints at the top corners of the bed. I was sobbing even harder now. I was totally exposed, knees up, and legs wide open.

Ok Amanda, it's been close to two hours, you probably need to go to the bathroom. I had been on the way to the bathroom when the doorbell rang and he was right, i was aching in need to pee. Amanda, i'm going to put a catheter in you. It won't hurt and it will make you feel better. No! No! I started begging and trashing around as i felt his fingers opening my labia. Amanda, if you move while i'm doing this it's going to hurt as he started slowly inserting the end of the catheter in me. Ah! It hurts! Just a little more. There, that wasn't so bad was it. It did feel good as suddenly i felt my bladder emptying. Ok, you might feel a funny feeling as i inflate the balloon to hold this in place he said. Ok, done. Feel better now? I nodded. Ok, we are going to do a few other things here to make you more comfortable. OK Amanda, have you ever had an enema? I began sobbing again. Amanda, I'm going to put an inflatable plug in your rectum that holds an enema tube. It's not going to hurt. Then i'm going to put something in you, that will make all this a lot easier? Oh God, no. don't. Please! I begged. I felt the plug entering and then pop into rectum. It didn't really hurt. OK now Amanda. I'm going to inflate the plug a little. It will make you feel like you are really full and need to poop but don't worry, you won't. Just try and relax.

I cried out as he started to inflate the plug. Omg! It's too much. Arghhhh! It's too much! Just a couple more squeezes and there, that should do it. Oh! Oh!! I'm going to go on the bed i yelled out. No you won't, it just feels that way, just relax. Ok. You're going to feel a little pressure now as the enema starts as he removed the clip on the enema bag hanging on the IV stand beside the bed. I felt fluid rushing inti my rectum. What are you putting in me i asked between sobs. Just a little wine mixed with a little oxycodone to help you relax. It will only take a few minutes to take effect.

I soon began to feel a rush of, it's hard to explain. I just felt good. Incredibly good. I realized i was actually moaning in pleasure. I had never felt this good in my life. Feel good Dale said? Yes i gasped.

OK, i'm going to attach some suction cups to your Breasts Amanda, a milking machine, the kind women use to make milk for babies with. It's going to feel good. OK. I didn't care. I felt so good. The pump began sucking on my breasts and i felt my vagina getting wet. I heard a humming sound then felt the vibrator on my clit. Oh God, Oh God… It felt so good. Do you want me to fuck you Amanda? I gasped out Yes! Yes! As Dale entered me i couldn't control myself. It just felt too good. I felt like i was cuming non-stop was the last thing i remembered before i passed out.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. Dale untied my hands so i could eat. Afterwords he gave me a large enema, removed the enema plug and the suction cups from my breasts and let me go to the bathroom.

I then got back into bed and Dale put suction cups back on my breasts and turned the pump back on. I flinched when the pump started. The pump had been running all night. Sore? Dale asked. Yeah, a little i said. Amanda, my client is into something called "forced induced lactation". Before you can go home, and before i can get paid, we are going to have to make your breasts start producing milk.

It can take several weeks of breast stimulation and hormone treatment to induce lactation. But i think we can probably do it in less than that if we keep the pump going 24/7. I began to cry. It hadn't occurred to me i would be away from home for so long. I looked down at the suction cups. It was hard to imagine my small A cup breasts making much milk.

I spent the day watching TV but couldn't get comfortable. My breasts were really starting to hurt from the pumping and i was still sore from having been fucked the first time the previous night. By nighttime i was begging Dale to take the suction cups off. Dale gave me 1/2 an oxycodone and some grape wine and within about 30 minutes i was feeling good. Not as good as the previous night, but still good none the less. Dale put a video on of two women having sex with each other. I had never seen two women together. It was soon very wet and was hoping that Dale might use the vibrator on me and fuck me again. Dale removed the restraints on my hands and knees, handed me the vibrator and told me to bend over the edge of the bed and use the vibrator on myself. I was so relaxed from the drug that it didn't hurt at all when Dale fucked me in the ass. It just felt good. Everything felt good and i came over and over and over.

After Dale came he turned me around and laid me back on the bed with my legs hanging off the edge and handed me a different vibrator. This one was big and plugged into the wall. It felt incredible. Dale said he wanted to do something for me that would feel really good when i came and told me to tell him when i was close to cumming. It didn't take long and i cried out i was close and as i started to cum i felt this incredible pulling feeling, a release like you feel when you have to really pee and then finally go, i looked down and saw that Dale had unhooked my catheter line from the bag and was sucking on the line, i had never felt anything like that before, the feeling of being totally drained, pee rushing out of your kidneys into your bladder then out of your body, being pulled out of you. It was more than i could take and i passed out.

When i awoke the next morning i cried out from my aching breasts. Dale had put the enema plug back in me and my hands and knees were restrained. Oh God it hurts! i cried out. Dale came down the stairs and released the clamp on the enema tube let some wine and oxy flow into me and in a few minutes the pain was gone. Thank you i said. No problem Dale said. You know, i've had the breast pump on low, i think we could turn it up a little. No, please i cried out, it hurts too much! If it hurt's i'll turn it back down, OK? Well, OK i said, i was now starting to feel really good. Dale turned the pump up to medium and increased the pumping rate a little. I watched as my breasts were now being sucked all the way up into suction cups about once a second. Dale asked if it hurt and i shook my head. Dale was getting hard watching my tits going up and down in the suction cups and pulled his cock out and masturbated cumming all over my belly. He then took the vibrator and pressed it to my vagina. Before long i was moaning and close to cumming. Would you like me to lick my cum off you as you cum Dale asked? At that moment that was the hottest thing i had ever heard and i shouted out Yes! Yes! Dale leaned down and i came while he licked my belly clean.

That day was a blur. Dale removed the catheter from me and told me to let him know when i needed to pee. That night when i needed to go, Dale had me sit on the edge of the bed, got between my legs, and asked me to go in his mouth. I was so relaxed from the wine and the oxy i didn't have any problem doing it. For the rest of the time i was there i would go in Dales mouth whenever i needed to pee. Dale would play videos of guys licking their own cum off women, guys letting women pee in their mouth, and women with strapons fucking men. I finally asked him if he liked being sexually dominated by women and he said yes. I told him if he needed me to do anything for him, i would. A few nights later we were taking a shower together and i noticed a large suction cup based dildo in the bathroom. I asked Dale if he used it in the shower and pretended a woman was fucking him. He nodded. I got out of the shower, got the dildo, got back in the shower, and stuck the huge dildo on the shower wall. I turned Dale towards me and eased him back against the dildo. Put the tip in your ass for me i said. Dale reached back and positioned the dildo and then said OK, the tips in. I kissed him, pushing my tongue deeply into his mouth and then thrust my hips forward shoving him onto the dildo. He gasped. Take it i said. And pushed my hips forward again. Arghhhhh! Dale moaned. Pulled himself off the dildo. I thrust my hips forward hard, impaling him on the dildo again, over, and over, until finally he shot his cum all over my belly. Now get on your knees and lick it off i said and he did. After we got out the shower Dale connected me back to the enema line and reconnected the breast pump. My breasts were swollen and purple and when Dale turned the pump back on a small drop of clear fluid appeared at the tip of each of my nipples.

After a week, Dale took me out and let me call my parents on a prepaid cell phone and let them know i was OK. I told them i was with a man that was taking care of me and hung up. It was hard but i knew they wouldn't understand.

By now i NEEDED my enema. If i went more than about 4 hours without it i would start having cramps and breaking out in a cold sweat, and my now swollen and purple breasts would ache so bad i would sob.

It had been about a week when Dale told me he had scored some of a drug used to induce lactation called Domperidone. Dale began adding this to my enema and the effects were quickly obvious. My small A cup breasts increased to a D cup with dark blue veins and my areoles turned dark brown and i began producing drops of milk.

Dale turned the milking machine to high on the fastest speed. On high it was jerking my breasts up and pulling my nipples all the way into the tubes connected to the suction cups. I cried out and tried to pull the suction cups off my breasts but Dale grabbed my hand and restrained me. Oh God! It's hurts so bad! Please make it stop i cried. Dale removed the clamp from the enema and i felt the wine and oxy mix rushing into my bum and the pain soon started to ease off. Looking down i was amazed to see thin streams of white milk shooting up from my nipples into the suction cups.

Over the next few days my milk production increased to the point that if Dale stopped the machine for even 30 minutes my breasts would nearly double in size, become rock hard, and become incredibly painful.

And the next day Dale told me it was time to prepare for the filming. I going to try and make this as easy as i can but i need your tits to be really engorged for this so i'm not going to connect you to the pump today. What? i cried out! I won't be able to bear it! Yes you will Dale said and he removed the clamp from the enema tube. Please no! Dale put the clamp back on the tube but i could tell he had put more of the wine and oxy in me than he ever had and in a matter of minutes i passed out.

I awoke in agony. My breasts were throbbing unbearably. I looked down at my chest and screamed. My breasts were swollen nearly to the size of soccer balls. Omg! How long have a been out! Two days, Dale said. Argggggghhhh! The pain was unbearable, i began thrashing madly trying to escape the restraints. Dale looked down at my tits and began to remove his pants. Please! Please! I'll do anything! Pump them! Please! Dale continued removing his clothes. Oh God i begged. Please not now! Pump them first! Please pump them first! By now Dale had climbed on top of me and began fucking me. I was screaming noooooooooo!!! Each thrust was jarring my tits. Streams of milk began to spray up into the air raining back down on my face and Dales back. Stopppppp!!! I begged. Dale looked down at me, said i'm sorry, and grabbed both my tits and squeezed. I let out a horrific cry of pain and arched my back as milk shot out of my tits like a fountain. With each thrust Dale squeezed my tits again and again.

Incredibly i felt an orgasm coming. I couldn't comprehend how i could be cumming while i was in so much pain but it was happening and the closer i came to cumming the more sensitive and full my breasts were becoming. I was crying out, please don't! I don't want to cum! Noooo! But there was no stopping it. Dale felt me cumming and squeezed even harder. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Time suddenly seemed to slow down. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. I watched the streams of milk slowly rising into the air higher and higher until they looked like they were nearly reaching the ceiling, milk raining down soaking both of us and the bed. Dale pulled out of me and walked over and turned the camera off. I was sobbed uncontrollably. My body spasming. Dale unclamped the enema tube and whispered, it's over. For the next hour Dale softly massaged and squeezed my breasts until they were finally drained.

You did great. Now it's time for me to keep my side of the deal. You can get dressed and i'll drop you off at the mall near your home.

I thought about the last two weeks and said, what if i don't want to go home? What if i want you to lick your cum off and out of me every night, what if i want to pee in your mouth every night, and fuck you every day? What if i want you under me, watching another mans cock going in and out of me, then pulling out and cumming in your mouth?

What if i want you to watch as i put my tongue in a girl the first time? Lick a girls asshole the first time? Let her pee in my mouth? Fuck me and fist me?

Dale smiled and said in that case, i'm going to make you the happiest girl in the world. Can i asked you a question, now that we are kind of a couple? I said.

Sure, Dale said.

Just how much exactly are you getting paid for this video we just made? I said.

Dale smiled and said.

"5 Million"

— the end–

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2jq83r/nc_18_year_old_girls_abduction_and_rape_fantasy

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