Lady Jennifer now came in. "A word of warning though. A real leader is also someone who does not bend to the desires of his followers for the purpose of keeping them as followers. People who do that are not even rulers, they're called politicians, and as far as we are concerned, they are worse than rulers. At least with a ruler you know where he stands.
"What this means is that we can easily tell whether a conflict between you and your husband is because he is a poor leader or whether you are a poor follower.
"Getting back to our relationship to God. Through our submission to men, men learn what submission to God means. Men need to see that they benefit the most when their wives are free to speak their minds, and develop into the strongest, most capable women they can be, just as God benefits the most by each of us developing into the best people we can be. If men don't believe this about women, then they are forced to consider some very terrible things about their relationship with God.