Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 20)

Table of Contents

< Part 19

Lady Jennifer now came in. "A word of warning though. A real leader is also someone who does not bend to the desires of his followers for the purpose of keeping them as followers. People who do that are not even rulers, they're called politicians, and as far as we are concerned, they are worse than rulers. At least with a ruler you know where he stands.

"What this means is that we can easily tell whether a conflict between you and your husband is because he is a poor leader or whether you are a poor follower.

"Getting back to our relationship to God. Through our submission to men, men learn what submission to God means. Men need to see that they benefit the most when their wives are free to speak their minds, and develop into the strongest, most capable women they can be, just as God benefits the most by each of us developing into the best people we can be. If men don't believe this about women, then they are forced to consider some very terrible things about their relationship with God.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 17)

Table of Contents

< Part 16

"I know you girls are going to remain skeptical of what I am about to say long after this evening has ended. Yet if you give what we have to say a chance, we are confident that you will reap the benefits we have seen. We are so confident that you will that we are willing to 'put our money where our mouths are.' It's called a buy out. I know some of you have heard of it, and wondered if it was true, well, it is. We don't pay women to stay in this kingdom, we pay them to leave. From the moment you are declared a maiden within this kingdom, your minimum buy out price is one hundred thousand dollars.

"I want to be very clear about this. If at the time we have deemed you to be worthy to be a maiden, yet you are so little convinced of the benefits to this kingdom that you would rather have the money, then we really do want you to go. Please, for our sake and yours, take the money and go.

Future Wars. Future Women [Fm][Scif-Fantasy][Fdom] Part One

Note: I write these with my BF, part of our fantasy has us casting our characters with out favorite xxx and movie stars lol… enjoy! :)

In the silence of space, among the vast ocean of stars, a bright pink light glimmers like a diamond on a glittered velvet gown. Suddenly, cutting fast across the vast plane; a small starship piloted by the beautifully heroic Amber Rayne, races at warp speed away from two rouge pirate crafts.

Checking Her gauges, the ship warns of unstable operations. The Pirates have dealt some heavy damage in their attacks, Amber desperately tries to think of a way to gain the upper hand.

Calling into Her headset, “Mother, paging Mother over! I’m under attack and it’s looking critical. I don’t know if I’ll make it to home base…!” Amber waits for a radio back. Nothing. She looks to the glimmering pink light far off, Home She thought, then She checks for the pirates. One ship cuts in behind Her, hot on Her tail. The other ship hangs right to flank Her.

The Goddess of Kultra, Chapter Two [MF,Fantasy,Oral]

This is part two in a piece I intend to keep continuing over time. There is a link to the first chapter in the comments.

As my fingers worked their way further and further inside her with every thrust, I could feel her growing weak at the knees giving herself over to the pleasure she was feeling. Her hands stroking my erect penis with a gentle firmness.

She took one hand off my cock and grabbed my wrist removing my hand from inside her. She looked at me with a smile in her eyes as she dropped to her knees.

Taking me into her mouth I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through my body, I let out a grunt of pleasure. Her tongue lapping at my phallus as the ocean waves lap at the shore of Kultra. The fiery warmth emanating from her mouth excited me greatly and before long I could feel an explosion growing from within me. Her blue eyes looked deep into mine as her head worked back and forth along my length. My mind getting lost in her oceanic gaze. She began to speed up her movements sensing my building orgasam. As I began to reach my climax her tongue was furiously stroking and beckoning me to cum within her mouth. Graciously accepting her invitation I released all that had built up. Delivering a load as hot as the desert wind that used to drive itself against her delicate skin.

Prima Nocta [MF]

My legs shook uncontrollably but he kept pressing deeper, my mouth open in a guttural moan. There was nothing I wouldn't do for this man.


It was my wedding day. Well, technically it was 24 hours before I would walk down the aisle and I hadn't been fucked like this in years.


Can a person lead two lives? Not simply a real one and a secretive one played out in the shadows, but lives that never meet, never cross, never exist at the same time? I had thought the transition was complete, that I had successfully made the turn away from the past and set my focus squarely on the future. Fuck, was I wrong. Some things are too strong for free will to push aside. I guess some things are too strong for MY will to push aside.


The sink pedestal creaked as he completely filled me. I wanted to press my hand against his chest in an attempt to push him away but instead I pushed back, grasping the edge of the counter as he rocked his hips towards me. The absolute guilt I felt moments before disappeared and the tears of betrayal were replaced by tears of pleasure…pain. He swelled, stretching me beyond my limit and mixing my discomfort with surges of electricity and pleasure.

[fantasy][M][f]The Professor

It was just another school day for Jany, a normal high school senior, she was sitting in class like the rest of her classmates and daydreaming about many things. But unlike her classmates she didnt daydream about the seaside or about the fun time being not in school, her dreams were very very naughty, sex was constantly on her mind. But she didnt like the boys that were her age, they couldnt make her cum, she tried a few of them but they were just not good enough. As she was daydreaming about a wonderful night with a good looking guy, the bell rang and class was about to start. Mrs. Shelbey should come in any minute. The door opens but instead of the usual teacher getting in and starting the class, a tall male teacher enters.

Beauty and the Beast/The Gentle Monster/Quasimodo and Esmeralda type story MF [fantasy] [reluc] [sm]

I want the most nervous virgin you can think of. The nervousness is HUGELY IMPORTANT!!! Not just a normal virgin guy though. I want him to mostly be that way because he’s deformed like Quasimodo or the elephant man. Really burned/scarred face. Scars all over. Hunch backed too, and fat. Like this FROM BIRTH. Knows nothing else.

I mostly just fantasize about it happening in some midevil/fantasy realm. When the Vikings would pillage villages they would take women to rape too. I’d want to be a maiden or lady in waiting who was taken for that purpose. Like a noble or even a princess.

The other guy (deformed one) would be the village outcast, probably someone I’ve (I’m the girl) never even seen before but whom is ostracized socially for obvious reasons because of his deformities. He'd be like the town myth. 'Monster' myth, mostly a hermit before the Vikings find him.They would take him too simply because of how much of a human curiosity he is, they think they could get kicks and giggles from torturing him or something. They capture him like the women they use for rape.

I’ll Be a Mommy’s Uncle! (1-3) [Fm, inc, regression, x-dress, reluct, slow]

I'll Be a Mommy's Uncle! by DiscipleN

It's was dull around the house after my father died. You never know what you're going to miss about a person until he's gone. I'll never miss his cocaine frenzies or the occasional flings he flaunted before mom, but my father was a pretty fun guy otherwise. I was pretty young to be certain of my memories of the time he spent with me, but I know I was never bored. When I turned eleven, it seemed like the three previous years without Pop were one eternal drag after another.

You see my mother was very strict and proper, and she decided, soon after my birth, to ensure I never followed the outlandish path of my father. Curfew was instilled in me the day I left the crib. Sundown meant straight to bed, lights out, and no noise. I could play with friends, but only from after school 'til dinner time, five o-clock. She dressed me conservatively, short haircut, comfortable brown shoes probably designed by the Amish, and she only bought starched white shirts and permanent press gray or tan trousers. I was drilled in every pleasantry and courtesy, and learned manners fit for a duke. In religion she was a tad more flexible, Methodist or Southern Baptist. She took me to both every Sunday.

The Priestess and adepts of the order demand obedience. [MF submissive massage]

There is a familiar haze rising from the room. The air is thick but not stifling. The setting sun creates dazzling orange beams filtering between the stone columns framing the outdoor bathhouse. It's hard to believe its already been 6 months since I was accepted into the order. The days have been a wonderful blur of learning to conform to the needs of the high priestess and her adepts. Although I haven't had the honor of serving the high priestess herself, I look forward to it more than anything.

"Pay attention Blake!" Adam whispers at me urgently. "Stop admiring her unless you are called for. We can't let the water get cold." But I can't help it. She's mesmerizing in her movements. Like a swaying cobra that may strike at any moment yet you cant pull your eyes away. The red silk robe barely hides her curvy figure and erect nipples. She's starting to sweat and I catch a single droplet forming at the top of her inner thigh and follow as it makes its way down past her knee then turns slightly around the side of her calve muscle, then across her and ankle and finally dripping off her toe.

The Goddess of Sex [MF][Transformation][Cock/Breast Expansion][Magic]

This is an excerpt from a larger but incomplete story. The premise being that a pair of immortal creatures make a wager on which of their 'chosen' humans will abuse the powers they give them more. This is an excerpt from part of Nicole's day as a 'sex goddess'

The strange voice resonated in Nicole's head as she lay across the couch in her small apartment. “I shall grant you a gift; a small measure of my power” The voice carried a different tone now: a sultry note, a sexual note. Suddenly, Nicole felt something completely new: a presence inside her. It pulsed inside of her as blood rushed to her crotch. Her fingers dug into the couch cushions as a hard shaft was thrust in and out of her vagina. Her back arched and she screamed in pleasure. Her tiny form writhed and bounced with the new, intense sensations coursing through her body. She moaned and twisted trying to gain more and more pleasure from her invisible lover. Her black sweatpants began to slide down her legs to reveal her pink panties. Her nipples grew hard on her small, unrestrained breasts, poking gently through her t-shirt. A dark spot, wet and sticky, began to spread through the cloth of her underwear as she climaxed, a shriek tearing from her throat.