The Priestess and adepts of the order demand obedience. [MF submissive massage]

There is a familiar haze rising from the room. The air is thick but not stifling. The setting sun creates dazzling orange beams filtering between the stone columns framing the outdoor bathhouse. It's hard to believe its already been 6 months since I was accepted into the order. The days have been a wonderful blur of learning to conform to the needs of the high priestess and her adepts. Although I haven't had the honor of serving the high priestess herself, I look forward to it more than anything.

"Pay attention Blake!" Adam whispers at me urgently. "Stop admiring her unless you are called for. We can't let the water get cold." But I can't help it. She's mesmerizing in her movements. Like a swaying cobra that may strike at any moment yet you cant pull your eyes away. The red silk robe barely hides her curvy figure and erect nipples. She's starting to sweat and I catch a single droplet forming at the top of her inner thigh and follow as it makes its way down past her knee then turns slightly around the side of her calve muscle, then across her and ankle and finally dripping off her toe.

Lost in thought and admiration, I fail to notice her looking directly into my eyes. I've been caught! But her deep, almost black eyes convey something other than scorn or anger towards me. I bite my lip as I feel my bulge growing under a loose white robe. Am I seeing things? Could it be interest? No. Impossible. Maybe Adam is right. I should focus on my work.

That's part of my problem. The other acolytes of my order treat every day like a task or a chore. Perhaps they've been here too long and cant appreciate the beauty that surrounds them. As the sun fully sets and natural light gives way to the flickering wall torches, I contemplate stealing another glance at the high priestess. I feel myself getting harder just imagining life as that droplet. Caressing her thigh freely and without consequence. Can a droplet have a sense of smell? I swear I can smell her pussy in my mind. It drives me insane!

I cant take in any more and look up at her just as shes lowering herself into her private bath. I catch a quick glimpse of her dripping wet lips as they disappear beneath the steaming hot water. I want nothing more than to feel her hands pull away my robe in sensual, infatuated rage. I hear a slight splashing sound as Adam bumps me to warn that the adept I'm assigned to is about to enter our bath. But my thoughts are solely on the priestess. It's lucky that I'm now half submerged and my full erection is hidden.

The gorgeous adept disrobes and enters the water, I notice that she is nearly as stunning as the High One. She wades towards me with her hands swishing back and forth testing the water's temperature. She gives me an approving, yet dismissive nod of acceptance. As she passes to sit on the submerged marble bench, her hand makes brief contact with the tip my cock. For the first time since my arrival, I notice a barely perceptible smirk creep across her face as she commands me to wash her back first. She leans forward on the bench, making room for me to slide in behind her. Her auburn hair is tied in a ceremonial bun exposing her shapely neck. Aside from a few small beauty marks her back is flawless. I ball up my fists and extend both thumbs side by side and begin gently rub her lower back as low as i can without touching her curvy cheeks. She sways slightly from side to side under the pressure of me slowing moving in circles making my way up the center of her spine. My erection was still slightly throbbing but not nearly as hard as earlier. I was thankful that I could properly focus on pleasing my adept despite the intensity of my recent fantasy.

She brings one hand out of the water to rub her neck and the water cascades down her back and over my hands. The droplets instantly take me back to my fantasy. I can almost smell the Priestess' pussy in my mind. I temporarily lose focus and my now fully rock hard dick has poked the adept just at the top of her ass. It briefly but perfectly fit in that space and I shuddered. Thankfully no one else in the bathhouse noticed. But the adept certainly did. She said nothing, but as I continued massaging she slowly slid her ass backwards and used it to subtly rub my cock. Her breathing became more rapid and heavy, as did mine. I tried to ignore it but how?! She moved just a little faster careful to avoid water splashing and thus drawing attention to our unexpected fun. As the howling wind picked up her quiet moans started. She bucked and pushed forcing my stiff dick under her pussy. I could feel her clit hitting the tip of my cock with each thrust. I felt her shaking then suddenly her legs snapped shut and she shuddered with pleasure. She flexed her thighs while she came and I could no longer hold it, I leaned forward pretending to wash her perky boobs and squeezed them and pinched her nipples as I came on her clit. She felt me convulse and pushed harder. I groaned and squirted uncontrollably over and over. We sat still for a short time and the adept turned to me and thanked me for the massage without acknowledging what just happened. No one else noticed and even Adam didnt seem to see anything.

The rest of the evening went on as usual. The high priestess retreated to her room as the rest of the acolytes massaged and washed the remaining adepts. The whole time my mind was on that sweet smell that I couldn't be sure actually existed. But I didn't care. I wanted to be enveloped by it, to drink it in taste the High One's sweetness. Lost in thought i didnt notice the Priestess had come back and stood in the door way. Her head dipped down, her gaze fixed on me. Did she just subtly lick her lips?

I froze.

She said, "Finish your work and then come see me." Without another word she turned and walked away as everyone stared agape between the me and the now empty doorway.

A direct request from the Priestess could mean excruciating pain or extreme pleasure. My mind raced with the possibilities.



  1. It felt like the longest hour of my life. How could I focus on cleaning when every motion rubs my robe against my eager cock? Adam hadn’t said a word. No doubt because he didn’t want to get involved in the Priestess’ affairs uninvited. It’s just as well, I could barely form a coherent thought let alone a proper sentence. It was pitch dark outside now. There was no moon out tonight, only starlight. I straightened my robes and walked across the courtyard in silence. I paused before the polished stone steps leading to Her hall. I felt a cool breeze and widened my stance as it blew up my robe and cooled my dick. I hadn’t noticed how hot it was down there. I tried to hide my half erect cock between the folds but it was pointless. I walked down the long hallway mostly in the dark. All the torches were out but the one at the door to Her room. It was a long way from the courtyard so no one would hear the screams of pleasure or pain…or both? I really had no idea if I was about to be punished or praised. The anticipation raised my heart rate and I could feel the blood rushing to my cock. Just as my hand is about to make contact with the door I hear the Priestess voice. "Come." Fuuuuck, I almost did. I walked into the room slowly and with respect. I’ve never seen this room before. I would never dare to enter without permission. There is a massive black marble fireplace in the wall on my left. More like the wall IS the fireplace. Even at 6’1" I could walk right into it. There were no torches or candles, only unyielding fire light. The licking flames were barely contained and gave the walls a red and black hue. I had a mental image of being summoned by the devil and I kind of liked it. A desk was situated on the other side of the room. I felt like I had to walk through a gauntlet of heat to reach the Priestess. The desk was simple and practical. Dark looking old wood worn by persistent elbows at the corners. That’s the image I see now; elbows propped up and hands clasped together hiding most of your face behind them. A gorgeous figure barely hidden behind that red silk robe. I could swear its much more sheer than before but it could be a trick of the flame light. You look spectacular. I can see your legs under the desk half uncovered by a lazy robe. Or was it left open on purpose? No words have been spoken yet as I’m slowly advancing to speak at a respectable distance. But my cock is throbbing for you. Like the fire beside me, it’s barely containable as I come closer and can see more details of your incredible sexiness. My eyes trace up from your toes, to your knees and dark inner thigh. Your legs shift slightly, I catch a glimpse of a dark triangle but cant tell if its underwear or just darkness. The fire made me sweat. I could feel beads trailing down my neck and into my robe. As I loosen the front to expose my olive skinned chest, I chance a glance at the Priestess. Your expression doesn’t change but lips seem more wet and red. Cutting me off as I start to introduce myself you raise a hand with one finger extended to shush me. You have appraising eyes that cover every inch of me. If not for your tongue involuntarily coming out to lick your lips, only your eyes move. My cock throbs and starts to grow knowing that you’re watching. You still haven’t said two words to me and i’m ready to throw you on the table and fuck until it breaks. But I maintain control while you focus your gaze on my hard dick. Now sticking straight out and casting a shadow on the wall opposite the fire. You look at the shadow then back at me smile that sultry evil smile that almost has the power to make me cum on the spot. Without a word you gesture with your finger to the floor on your left side. My robe covered hard cock is level with your collar bone as I approach. You’re less than a foot away when I cant take it anymore and rip off my robe. Seven thick inches bounce out with a drop of precum about to escape. Your eyes widen and with the same finger you used to call me over you scoop up the drop from my throbbing cock and lick as you look into my eyes. As much as I want to, my goal isnt to cum. It’s to please you. I kneel down placing a hand on your thigh. So smooth and soft to the touch. You flinch with pleasure not expecting me to take the initiative. I trace my fingers back and forth on the top of your thigh. Each stroke getting near to your pussy. I slide my hips closer until your left leg is tightly nestled between my legs. My cock touches your leg and leaves a short trail of precum. I need to taste you. Smell that smell I’ve been dreaming about for what feels like days now. Patience is more important, I want you to enjoy it. Both hands are massaging your leg now. With each motion I open your legs slightly as I rub my cock against your skin. I push hard and force your legs wide open as you gasp and throw your head back. You grab and almost scratch my shoulder with your right hand while left is up and gripping the seat back behind your neck. Your slouching form is bringing your pussy closer to my mouth. I can finally smell that incredible pussy and its more sweet than I had imagined. I start to kiss your inner right thigh beside your knee slowly making my way with my tongue towards your pussy. I raise your leg over my shoulder get as close as i can to your sweet smell. As I lean into taste you I gently graze your clit with my lips and move on to kiss your other thigh. I love watching such a powerful woman squirm. You are so hot and spectacular to watch. Your impatience and writhing make me hotter and hotter. You taste amazing, and its hard to pull away from your skin but I need to lick your pussy so bad. I lift your other leg on my shoulder. You grab my head and force me on your pussy. I dive in willingly. Exploring your engorged clit with my lips. First small pecks all around and then light flicks with my tongue. Feeling you shudder on my shoulders is turning me on even more if that’s even possible. I put two fingers in my mouth and get them nice and wet. They take over rubbing your clit back and forth as I explore your mound. My face slips lower and my mouth is fully engulfed with your pussy. All forms of patience are long gone. I dive hard and thrust my tongue in deep. Over and over again as you squirm and buck. I have to hang on tighter as the chair begins to groan. I press it deeper and flick it up. Your thighs nearly choke me as I hit your gspot. I can barely breathe but I’m not stopping until you cum. All my effort is going into moving round to side to cover it all. I want your cum on my face. We’re both bucking and bouncing with pleasure. The chair finally gives way and breaks under us. We don’t even miss a beat. With your legs still firmly clamped around my head, you throw your head back and reach around the floor scratching at it in a hope to grab hold of something to stabilize your convulsions. But I’m not stopping. I can feel your juice on my face. I want more, I want to make you cum like never before. Your legs start to shake as I lick the fingers on my other hand and reach up to twist your nipple. This sends you into a thrashing fit of pleasure. For the first time you let out a moan that’s almost a scream, and my face is suddenly squeezed hard and soaked with your cum. You collapse on your side and catch your breath for a minute with your eyes closed. A shudder runs through you as I slink up behind you and cup your one of your tits in my hand. With the fire slowing down, we both rest while spooning. As I fall asleep my last thought is on tasting that amazing pussy again…

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