The Plane by Tristan Kane (MC, MF)

The massive drop from mid air caused her to wake up startled and a bit scared. The turbulence was increasing the farther into the flight they became. A bit shaken by the sudden jolt of the huge metal plane, she quickly raised the white plastic window cover and took a peak outside but saw nothing but darkness. She estimated that they were over the Pacific Ocean about 7 hours into their 14 hour flight from Virginia Beach to Honolulu. The cabin was a bit chilly and looking around she noticed that everyone was asleep including her husband who was reclined right beside her snuggled up into a blue blanket provided by the airline. She had worn her favorite black Nike short shorts and a Dri fit white shirt knowing that she wanted to be comfortable on the long flight, but this choice of clothing exposed her to the cool air and she slid closer to her husband to get some extra warmth. The loud snoring of two passengers seated in the middle section of the plane filled the air with a sort of rhythmic music. The seating in the back of the plane was not ideal but it felt secluded away from the other passengers.

As she crept up closer to her man, she noticed a slight bulge pushing against the blanket and she smiled a little. She wondered if he was dreaming of her as she slid her hand beneath the cover to investigate. His cock was slightly hard but as soon as her hand touched it, it swelled to full bore. This fact excited her. She slowly undid his belt, button, and zipper and pulled the penis through the whole in the boxer briefs. Her eyes quickly scanned the cabin to see if anyone was watching, and that thought forced her heart to beat faster. Satisfied that the other passengers were asleep she raised the arm rest that was positioned between them and ducked her head under the blanket and extended her tongue touching the tip of his cock. Slowly and methodically she stroked it with her tongue and she could feel him starting to wake up. Hearing some sort of movement in the cabin she pulled her face from under the covers and looked around, her heart now racing faster than before, like a bass drum pounding in her chest. The coast was clear, so back under she went. Wasting no time, she tightly squeezed her luscious lips around the cock and started bobbing up and down to the base of his shaft and back to the huge head. This sensation woke him up after the second suck and she could feel his legs tense up with astonishment. Continuing to suck his hard cock she used her tongue to lick his balls sporadically and she could feel the cock swelling with each subsequent stroke. She heard him whisper “Go to the bathroom”.

She looked around the back section of the plane while he zipped and buttoned his pants back up. The bathroom in the back of the plane was unoccupied, so she got up and headed towards it. He got up and followed a couple of minutes later so as to not raise suspicion. When he got to the door, he gave their secret knock, knock, knock.. knock, and knock.. knock.. knock. She unlocked the door and in he went. Bent over away from him, she had already pulled her black workout short and purple panties to her ankles exposing her gorgeous ass and pussy to him. She heard the door lock shut behind him and his pants fall to the floor. His hands were rubbing her ass and she felt his fully erect cock touch her wet pussy as he slid it inside of her. The sensation of him inside her was like a live electric wire sending surges through her entire body. His hands grabbed her hips as he thrust in and out slowly at first then faster and faster. Trying not to let out a sound she covered her mouth and bit her lip. His dick felt amazing, full and wet inside of her touching her very soul. The excitement of this situation must have been too much for him because he finished quickly and she felt a euphoria sweep over her. He finished with an explosion that shot up inside her. The quickly got dressed knowing they had little time. The each exited after a couple of minutes in between and returned to their seats for a long passionate kiss. She whispered “We are now a part of the mile high club.”
