The Goddess of Kultra, Chapter Two [MF,Fantasy,Oral]

This is part two in a piece I intend to keep continuing over time. There is a link to the first chapter in the comments.

As my fingers worked their way further and further inside her with every thrust, I could feel her growing weak at the knees giving herself over to the pleasure she was feeling. Her hands stroking my erect penis with a gentle firmness.

She took one hand off my cock and grabbed my wrist removing my hand from inside her. She looked at me with a smile in her eyes as she dropped to her knees.

Taking me into her mouth I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through my body, I let out a grunt of pleasure. Her tongue lapping at my phallus as the ocean waves lap at the shore of Kultra. The fiery warmth emanating from her mouth excited me greatly and before long I could feel an explosion growing from within me. Her blue eyes looked deep into mine as her head worked back and forth along my length. My mind getting lost in her oceanic gaze. She began to speed up her movements sensing my building orgasam. As I began to reach my climax her tongue was furiously stroking and beckoning me to cum within her mouth. Graciously accepting her invitation I released all that had built up. Delivering a load as hot as the desert wind that used to drive itself against her delicate skin.

Once she had taken all I had to offer I slid my phallus from her mouth. She planted a small kiss on the tip and stood up bringing her tranquil eyes level with mine. I planted my hands firmly on her buttocks with a slap, the sound echoed around the great chamber. I lifted her petite body off the ground and she wrapped her legs around me. Kissing, I slowly lowered her to the floor, placing her down on the soft crushed velvet carpet.

I moved down her body kissing her smooth skin, her breasts rising and falling like gentle dunes in the deserts outside Kultra. Her legs were spread presenting her love to me. I kissed and nibbled along the inside of her thigh working my way towards the object of my desire. Lightly brushing my tongue across her clitoris I continued to kiss and nip at the soft skin along her other thigh. I repeated this a couple more times each time I passed over her clitoris I could sense her excitement and anticipation growing. Finally I make one strong lick from the bottom of her to the top finishing in a few flicks across her clit. With this her back began to arch, she ran her fingers through my hair tugging at it slightly. I continued to lick and suck and I could feel a pressure building up inside her. Her musky aroma mixing with her moans in the air of the great chamber.

She grabbed at my hair pushing my face into her body, her screams getting louder and louder, reverberating in the gilded hall. I could feel the release as she came and I dutifully lapped up her juices. She lay on the velvet carpet panting.

I sat up.

"I am so glad that you have decided to stay. I know that we are going to have a lot of fun together. I hope you grow to love the lush forests and gardens of my palace. And all that this city has to offer" I said.

Still panting slightly and with her exotic accent she said "I grew up listening to stories from merchants who came to your fair kingdom. They told tales of the white city rising out of the thick forest of Bejourna and of the magical gardens that grew within the palace walls. I never thought I would see them with my own eyes, it is a dream to be able to walk amongst them and to smell the flowers that explode into colour."

She flung her arms around me and kissed me passionately on the lips. Wrapping my strong arms around her petite waist I lifted her into my lap.

"We shall take a long walk through the gardens then, so you can explore the twisting paths and hidden alcoves coved with beautiful plants from all the five kingdoms."

Lifting her as I stood up, slowly dropping her down so her feet touched the soft velvet once more. Releasing her from my embrace I took a moment to again take in her alluring beauty. I picked her delicate silk dress from the floor and presented it to her. We both dressed and I led her out the great chamber and in to the golden light that lay outside.

Working our way through the passages and courtyards that formed the twisting castle, shining bright in the brilliant summers light. We eventually came to the gates to the gardens of Edjourne. The guards peeled open the gates, showing my keen accomplice the wondrous land that lay beyond. She looked up at me with a look of wild excitement and amazement. Her hair blowing freely in the soft breeze that blew around the tiled courtyard that leads to the garden. The azure of her eyes reflected in the fountain that erupted from the ground, set against the rose and cadmium yellow tiles. I took a hold of her hand and guided her through the gates. Beyond the gates the garden opened up before us. As we walked down a tiled path hand in hand, surrounded by lush vegetation and blossoming trees. With her other hand she reached out touching plants that hung over the walkway. Running her fingers through the wispy grasses and delicate flowers.

"It's more beautiful than I had ever imagined." A childish glee shone from her face. She stopped, admiring a wonderful flower of delicate pinks and yellows.

"I have surely never seen such beauty before in my life. Kultra is a barren city, the desert could never offer a flower so fragile."

Suddenly she flung her arms around my chest. I felt her breasts pressing into my body. I placed my hands on her cheeks and lifted her face to look at me. I craned my face down to hers and kissed her long and hard. We stood there kissing, the intoxicating perfumes of the numerous flowers swirling around us. After a little while we continued to explore the gardens till we came to a majestic fountain spraying its water high into the air creating a gentle mist that seemed to hang motionless in the summer air. Letting go of my hand she ran through the mist, emerging round the other side of the fountain soaked through. Her dress clung tightly to her slender body, showing off all the wonderful intricacies of this alluring southern beauty. Laughing gleefully she ran up to me, leaping into my arms she kissed me deeply and passionately. Ever since I laid eyes on her I had wanted to kiss her as we were now.
