The Goddess of Kultra, Chapter Two [MF,Fantasy,Oral]

This is part two in a piece I intend to keep continuing over time. There is a link to the first chapter in the comments.

As my fingers worked their way further and further inside her with every thrust, I could feel her growing weak at the knees giving herself over to the pleasure she was feeling. Her hands stroking my erect penis with a gentle firmness.

She took one hand off my cock and grabbed my wrist removing my hand from inside her. She looked at me with a smile in her eyes as she dropped to her knees.

Taking me into her mouth I felt a wave of pleasure ripple through my body, I let out a grunt of pleasure. Her tongue lapping at my phallus as the ocean waves lap at the shore of Kultra. The fiery warmth emanating from her mouth excited me greatly and before long I could feel an explosion growing from within me. Her blue eyes looked deep into mine as her head worked back and forth along my length. My mind getting lost in her oceanic gaze. She began to speed up her movements sensing my building orgasam. As I began to reach my climax her tongue was furiously stroking and beckoning me to cum within her mouth. Graciously accepting her invitation I released all that had built up. Delivering a load as hot as the desert wind that used to drive itself against her delicate skin.

The Goddess of Kultra, Chapter One [MF, Fantasy]

As the huge doors to the great hall began to creak open, golden light flooded in illuminating the gilded walls of the expansive chamber. Between the slit of light the silhouette of a slender young woman entered. I could see the curves of her body haloed by a suggestion of a delicate silk dress. Once the doors had been fully opened this shadowy figure began to move towards my position. Treading softly along a velvet walkway that led to the base of the steps to the throne. As she entered further into the great golden hall I could begin to appreciate her completely.

She was wearing a elegant and flowing silk dress of peachy coral. A colour that complimented the rich tan of her skin beautifully. The silk appearing almost translucent in the warm light, I could see her youthful body beneath. The wondrous warmth of her skin mirrored the earth of her homeland, Kultra. A city in the southern kingdoms perched on the edge of an arid desert as it falls in to the ocean. A land populated a hardworking and diligent people, extracting the most from their contrasting landscape. Her cheekbones appeared to rise as the dunes do from the sand falling into the deep azure ocean of her eyes.