The Goddess of Kultra, Chapter One [MF, Fantasy]

As the huge doors to the great hall began to creak open, golden light flooded in illuminating the gilded walls of the expansive chamber. Between the slit of light the silhouette of a slender young woman entered. I could see the curves of her body haloed by a suggestion of a delicate silk dress. Once the doors had been fully opened this shadowy figure began to move towards my position. Treading softly along a velvet walkway that led to the base of the steps to the throne. As she entered further into the great golden hall I could begin to appreciate her completely.

She was wearing a elegant and flowing silk dress of peachy coral. A colour that complimented the rich tan of her skin beautifully. The silk appearing almost translucent in the warm light, I could see her youthful body beneath. The wondrous warmth of her skin mirrored the earth of her homeland, Kultra. A city in the southern kingdoms perched on the edge of an arid desert as it falls in to the ocean. A land populated a hardworking and diligent people, extracting the most from their contrasting landscape. Her cheekbones appeared to rise as the dunes do from the sand falling into the deep azure ocean of her eyes.

Her hair, tussled and sandy, flowed gently pass her shoulders, resting softly just above her beasts. As she neared the end of the velvet carpet I could make out, through the airy silk, the dark of her nipples that sat perfectly on her modest but shapely breasts.

When she was a few feet from the bottom of the steps I raised a hand to indicate for her to stop. And she promptly stopped. It pleased me to know that she was obedient as well as possessing a seductive beauty. I descended the few steps from where I stood, roughly half way up the stairs, so that I stood face to face with the young beauty my eyes beheld before me. My nostrils filled with her musky aroma. I reach out, ran a finger down her supple skin, took hold of her hand and offered her a soft kiss across her knuckles. I could feel the desert warmth that radiated from deep within her being, an ancient heirloom that all the people of Kultra hold. I heard the doors swing close leaving us alone in the great chamber.

Releasing her hand, letting it fall gracefully back to her side, I could not resist running a open hand down her tidal back. I rested my hand momentarily upon the small of her back before plunging down, taking in the fullness of her buttocks. As beautifully round as her breasts her behind was flawlessly arousing. As I squeezed slowly I could feel her breathe deeply and some of her apprehensions sink away. Her skin was endlessly soft and her curves smooth.

With my other hand I brushed some of her silky hair away, revealing her neck, where I began to kiss. I moved my hand closer to the crevice between her cheeks and with my finger tips I parted them slightly. With this she let out a barely audible moan, finally letting any apprehensions and nerves she still had dissipate. As I continued to kiss her neck and fondle her buttocks she allowed her eyes to close and her head roll back in enjoyment. I kissed up her neck and across to her mouth, taking in the wet warmth she offered. She placed a hand delicately upon my face and the other around my body.

Her breasts stood pert and beneath the soft silk of her dress they felt divine. With one hand on her buttocks and the other on her breast I could feel myself growing beneath the fabric of my trousers. I pulled her body close to mine so she too could feel the hardness growing in me. Pressing my rapidly hardening penis against her body, I could feel the warmth that lay between her legs and could hardly contain the urge to explore the totality of her supple body.

I took a slight step away from this intoxicating goddess in my arms and pushing the shoulders of her dress apart slightly I watched as the silk cascaded to the floor. Left before me was the most alluring naked woman in the whole of the seven kingdoms. Her young body sublime in the coloured light flooding in from the stained glass. Moving back to her and my sliding my hands over her beautifully tanned skin, I felt her reach out and grasp at my manhood. Within moments she had removed my trousers and began to stroke my phallus. I took off my shirt so that we were both as naked as the other. Thrusting my hand down the front of her body and between her legs I finally felt her vulva. Parting her lips lightly my fingertips soon felt the wetness that lay there, I heard her take a sharp intake of breath as I plunged a finger deep inside her.
