Unwilling – An aspiring writers take on rape in a fantasy setting.

Crager grabbed Melody by the hips and pulled her close to him. She tried to push a way but, he grabbed her. “Your body is mine!” he yelled as he pulled at her bodice ripping the fabric. Her breasts spilled fourth showing her small pink nipples and large milky bosom. He groped her exposed chest and his cock grew harder. Crager then pulled the hairnet hold Melody’s long auburn hair and it cascaded down her back.

Crager lusted after long hair. The more she struggled the more aroused he became. He forced his tongue into her mouth. She tried to bite down and he choked her with his gauntlet-ed hand. She relented and let his slimy tongue wriggle in her mouth. He lifted her by her throat and forced Melody upon his massive canopy bed. His servants sprang into action tying her legs and arms to the bedposts. “Be gone!” bellowed Crager and he undid his tunic and then his pants. His servant scurried form the chamber as he ripped the bound woman’s under clothing off. “Oh Melody we will be making sweet music, your screams of agony or pleasure will only add to the choir” Crager said as he thrust his now throbbing member into her unwilling slit.

Getting a Piece of Heaven [MFF]

Below is a story I wrote for my partner, including the little personal preamble at the beginning. But I think you'll enjoy it all the same.

There is no difference between fantasy and fiction. Just a few letters, really. For this reason, I'd like to indulge you with an erotic fiction, and you can read into what you'd like. This is better than me merely telling what I like about those breasts or what I'd like you to do to that 'fantastic' pussy. I want to frame it like this because I think you deserve to be caressed in body and in mind. So treat this conceit like a gentle set of fingers slowly working down your mind’s erogenous nerve. The same nerve that warms you in that perfect piece of heaven between your thighs.

The Good Slut (Part 2) [MMmf] [Cheating]

This is The Good Slut (Part 2). Check my username for Part 1. I appreciated the popularity of Part 1 so I made an effort to finish Part 2 today. Some errors may still be there but I think overall if you liked Part 1 you will certainly enjoy Part 2

Edit – the title should actually be [MMMmf]

Your memories of losing your virginity were always a pleasure to recall. It wasn't the men specifically that was nice to recall, but instead you prided yourself on your boldness. The stereotype of a woman is that she's fragile, submissive, and weak- constantly fearing for her life around men. Even feminist women could hold this stance. Men should check themselves, take extra special attention to how he expresses himself around a woman because, it is implied, that she can't handle it herself. It's true that men are, on average, physically stronger than women but since when did everything come down to that? Is it not true also, on average, that women are far more socially adept than men? You knew this to be true for yourself.

4th Period Lit [Str8] [M/f] [reluc]

This is a work of fiction, lets keep it that way.

"How do you always manage to pick me up so late?"

Melendy was not pleased. Though she had been riding to school with Cassie since the dawn of Cassie's 16th birthday 8 months earlier, she still had not grown used to the inevitability of Cassie arriving at her door 15 minutes after she said she was going to.

Although not normally a problem, Melendy had racked up her share of demerits that semester at their tightly wound, all girls Catholic high school. The morning bell rang promptly at 7:50, and–with a 15 minute drive ahead of them in the horrible Seattle traffic–they were due to arrive a full 20 minutes later.

"Get over it" mumbled Cassie, still dreary from yet another near sleepless night and already slightly stoned. She drew on her small glass pipe and let out a thick, lascivious cloud of marijuana smoke.

Emily’s Vacation, Day one.

Finally, a whole weekend alone in a hotel. a hotel with out a name, in a town where no one knows her. Emily, was in paradise. the only down side to it all is the first night she wanted to take along walk on the beach. but the gods of weather seemed to have other plans in store for our girl. as a huge down poor covered her hideaway form reality.

She opened the door and stood in the covered part of the porch as she gazed down toward the hill and over that the crash of the waves as the rain chattered on the mettle roof above her head. she took in a breath soo deep her buxom chest rose to almost twice its already good size. and she let out the most sultry sigh as if the ocean and the beach were her long lost lover only with in her grasp but unable to take him in side her quivering body. she dipped her head just slightly her, hair running down her shoulders to her waiting hands while she played with it slowly.

Emma’s bracelet [ff][fantasy][transformations]

I wrote this a few years ago and I figured I'd share it here

It was a sunny summer day and a pleasantly cool breeze blew over Emma as she was helping her granddad dig in his yard. She was on summer break from the local university and spent a lot of time with him. When Emma was ten her parents had died in a car crash and she moved in with her grandparents. Emma's grandma had died two years ago which encouraged her decision to go to college locally, allowing her to stay close to her grandfather even though all her close friends went out of state. The fact that her parents left her a four room apartment in an 18th century building on the north side of downtown had a little something to do with it as well.

Wi[F]e gets a surprise call from husband on business trip [MF] [F] [mast] [swing] [fantasy][voy]

first time I have posted any writing…hope you like.


“My back is killing me.” She said out loud to no one as she put the last bowl in the sink.

It had been a long day. Her husband was on day two of a four-night business trip, and between running around with the kids, and errands for her business, she was looking forward to curling up in her bed and finally relaxing.

Sleep didn’t come easily when her husband was away, but as she locked the downstairs doors and grabbed her cell phone, she hoped tonight would not be a problem.

Checking the phone as she headed up the stairs, she scrolled to the last text from her husband about an hour ago.

~Headed out with the clients, call you in the am.~

She considered texting back, but figured he was out and wouldn’t be checking his phone, so she decided to just talk to him in the morning when he called.

Nicole’s Bet, part 3. [Ff][huml][blkmail][reluc]

Parts 1 and 2 can be found on this subreddit, you can click on my user name to easily get to them.

Sorry there was such a long gap between parts 2 and 3, but I finally finished and I hope you enjoy it =)

Also, at this point in time I am not planning any more parts to this story.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


It was an uneventful drive home thankfully. We got out of the car and I followed Nicole inside the house. After helping her put away the groceries, she turned to me.

“Since you have been such an obedient slut while we were out, I think you have finally earned the right to clean yourself off. It’s about time we start with a clean slate anyways. So go in the bathroom and take a quick shower, once you are done head to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. And don’t bother putting those cloths back on.”

I knew by this point I should just do as I was told. So I started to walk toward the bathroom. I was almost to the door when Nicole stopped me.

Nadia’s Pink Thong and the Greased Bottle [mf, Mdom, Fsub, receptionist]

Link to original with sexy image in the comments

Nadia is a 27 year old receptionist at a financial services company in Warsaw, Poland. She’s a modest, hard working girl who saves her money and dreams of adventure one day. She’d like to move to London, but for now it’s still a far off fantasy. Today she’s wearing a dark grey suit, white blouse and high heels – very professional.

I meet Nadia while I’m waiting in reception, pretending I’m at her office for a conference. Really I’m scoping out the place. Her boss is believed to be passing on secrets to Russia, information that could harm the west. I’ve been sent in to put tabs on him, which I’ve started by placing a tracking bug on his Mercedes outside.

While I survey the main lobby of Nadia’s office I get chatting to her. She falls for a bit of English charm, and before I leave we agree to meet for a drink at my 5* hotel later. She smiles as I leave the building, telling her my conference was unexpectedly cancelled.

A Blowjob on Somebody Else’s Boat [mf, College, Blowjob, Public, Faux-Memoir]

Hey guys! If you like my work, I will be publishing work on Amazon in the near future. If you'd be interested in being on a mailing list I'm working up, so you'd know when I uploaded a story, just PM with your email address and I'll add you to it.

Hope you enjoy!

This is the type of story that makes me glad I’ve chosen the year round warmth of sunny Southern California to settle down in, or at least that I had when I was the cocksure twenty-something who got up to adventures like this. The years have not been kind to my body – I’d say I traded in my sick pack for a keg but it’s been more akin to a brewery these last fifteen years – but my memory is one part of me that’s kept it’s point throughout the decades, and it’s stories like this that make me glad of it. And when I think of that sweet night, my bare ass pushed up against the side of another man’s parked boat with my cock glistening in the wind, it’s the cool California air that I’m thankful for more than anything. After all, there’s a lot of opportunities that a chilly night can rob from a young man. I’m just glad there weren’t any around to take this from me.