A Blowjob on Somebody Else’s Boat [mf, College, Blowjob, Public, Faux-Memoir]

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This is the type of story that makes me glad I’ve chosen the year round warmth of sunny Southern California to settle down in, or at least that I had when I was the cocksure twenty-something who got up to adventures like this. The years have not been kind to my body – I’d say I traded in my sick pack for a keg but it’s been more akin to a brewery these last fifteen years – but my memory is one part of me that’s kept it’s point throughout the decades, and it’s stories like this that make me glad of it. And when I think of that sweet night, my bare ass pushed up against the side of another man’s parked boat with my cock glistening in the wind, it’s the cool California air that I’m thankful for more than anything. After all, there’s a lot of opportunities that a chilly night can rob from a young man. I’m just glad there weren’t any around to take this from me.

For background, as college students me and my steady girlfriend Jenna lived in independently owned housing just off-campus. While it was expected the majority of tenants were going to be college students it turned out to be far from the rule. It was the independent third-party ownership that did it, luring in successful graduates from around the community who would no longer qualify for most of the housing owned by the University itself. The man we had met shortly after moving in was just this type of customer: 30-something year old, new to the complex and the type of guy who had obviously enjoyed at least a fair bit of success in his chosen field, opting to move himself and his newly purchased boat into an area filled with the young and the reckless. The man’s thought process was clear: our school is known for its hard partying and loose women, and who has more success with easily impressed college girls looking for a fun time than an slightly older man with some disposable income and, shall we say it again, his own fucking boat parked out back? From the first meeting with the man I could practically see the ideas in his head, the frenzied screaming of some hypothetical sorority girl or another bouncing up and down on his cock while her friend rubbed her wet juicy pussy on his face.

Jenna liked the boat. She just didn’t think too much of him.

This I found out late some Friday night: we’d been putting back drinks at a house party all night, and we could both sense it was getting to time to leave. She was wearing a skirt and top, nothing too fancy, but it looked too good to be true on her, riding just a little bit high to give me the occasional glimpse at her goods. And she certainly did try to give me a few of them, with a sly glance and a suggestive trail of her fingers along my leg: just enough to arouse more than just the suspicion of the crowd around us. After a few hours, I decided enough was enough and nearly dragged her out of there so we could get home and pound that perfect pussy of hers. I knew it would be soaking wet by now.

She had other plans, and she wasn’t shy about telling me so. Just what they were though, she kept a secret, just promising over and over on our agonizingly long walk home that I’d enjoy them. When we finally got to our complex, she stopped me before I started to open the door, taking the lead and pulling me along to the parking lot.

“I’ve been thinking about this all night.” She grinned, leading me over to the boat, “I’ve got a surprise for you.” She pushed me back against it then, and leant in closer to my ear, “I know you love the thought of a girl sucking your cock in public.”

It was true. I had never been dishonest about that. Thank God.

I sat up on the side of the boat and watched her shimmy her way down my body, her hands running against the ever increasing bulge in my jeans. The perfect angle for me to get a good view of her tits, almost spilling out of her tight little top. She smiled again, but not at me. That’s when I knew she was getting taken away by the moment: this wasn’t just a favor to me, but something she really wanted.

I almost didn’t realize she had unzipped my pants until my cock burst out of them, pushing through my boxers to come out and play with her hands. Or rather, let them play with her. Let them play, and tease and stroke, like it knew they were so good at. She cocked her eyebrows and grinned up at me, letting out a giggle when she felt the precum dripping from the head of my cock and using it to rub down its shaft. I let out a shudder and it got another giggle from her, and next thing I knew I was completely enveloped in her mouth. I’ve got plenty of blowjobs from Jenna before, but this was by far the most public one, and true to my word it was a huge turn on.

We were on somebody else’s boat, sitting in a parking lot that wasn’t at all secluded: the apartments in our complex in fact overlooked the lot, with large windows peering out from the bedrooms, the kitchens and the living rooms. Was it dark? Sure, but it wasn’t pitch black either. Anybody turning their head at just the right time could easily make out more than just the outline of two shapes. Hell, the owner of the boat could look out at any minute and see me happily seated on his property like it was my throne, getting the treatment he had bought the fucking thing for in the first place. When I think about it like that, it makes me sad I didn’t jizz all over the side of it. Claimed it as my own, and all that.

She slurped and sucked on my cock like a good girl, never hesitating or stopping. If she was cold it wasn’t about to let it stop her, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to. Her mouth was heaven on my cock, sliding up and down with her hand following suit, taking me from fantasy to the very possible reality of blowing a huge load down her throat in a semi-public setting. She worked and worked, getting me closer and closer, rubbing her nails down my thigh at one point. I couldn’t help myself from groaning like a caveman, leaning back against the deck of this man’s boat.

I didn’t in fact finish there: as it turned out, somebody coming home very loudly and brightly turned the corner, ready to take their parking space. We would have been definitely caught, and didn’t feel like the possibility of running into cops tonight, instead opting to laugh and buckle up, darting back to our apartment under what I could have sworn were barely suppressed whispers and giggles from the apartments above us. I sometimes wonder if we did indeed have an audience: lonely singles stroking their cocks and rubbing their clits to the sight of my girlfriends head bobbing up and down my hard cock. Or another couple maybe, watching us first for the novelty, then slowly letting it turn them on to the point where they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Maybe somebody else blew his load down his girlfriend’s throat while him and his partner watched me and mine, wondering if I was soon to do the same?

Regardless, we got back to our place, said a quick hey to our roommates and headed off to our room to fuck each other senseless. The details on that are much more unclear, shrouded in memory: we had plenty of sex in that room, and while cumming deep inside your girl’s pussy while she screams for more is never unremarkable, the details don’t jump out to you like they do for the wild and the unpredicted. You don’t stumble into your memories, you make them, and I never plan on not working towards more.

I remember this though: I don’t think that boat had been the lucky charm its owner had ever intended. It stayed anchored firmly in the lot behind our complex for the whole year, and we barely saw a peep out of him. Whatever he was up to, that boat was not being used as the floating sex palace he had assuredly bought it for.

Not by him anyway.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2uhi0l/a_blowjob_on_somebody_elses_boat_mf_college