Wi[F]e gets a surprise call from husband on business trip [MF] [F] [mast] [swing] [fantasy][voy]

first time I have posted any writing…hope you like.


“My back is killing me.” She said out loud to no one as she put the last bowl in the sink.

It had been a long day. Her husband was on day two of a four-night business trip, and between running around with the kids, and errands for her business, she was looking forward to curling up in her bed and finally relaxing.

Sleep didn’t come easily when her husband was away, but as she locked the downstairs doors and grabbed her cell phone, she hoped tonight would not be a problem.

Checking the phone as she headed up the stairs, she scrolled to the last text from her husband about an hour ago.

~Headed out with the clients, call you in the am.~

She considered texting back, but figured he was out and wouldn’t be checking his phone, so she decided to just talk to him in the morning when he called.

After making sure the kids were ok, she crossed the hallway and closed the door to her room behind her. All the doors were locked and the kids fast asleep two rooms away, but she still always felt safer with the bedroom door shut when her husband was travelling. He always chuckled at her paranoia, but she knew he secretly shut the door too on those rare occasions that she was away for a night or two.

She stripped off her jeans and unhooked her bra before pulling out her nightshirt. An old party shirt from college, it was impossibly faded, incredibly soft, and was nearing the end of a 20 year run as her nightly attire.

Older than her children, even her marriage, her husband used to joke that they should make cars out of whatever material they made that shirt out of. It was worn and faded, but had only recently begun to show signs of real deterioration.

Pausing for a moment, she examined her now bare breasts in the mirror before her, examining the effects of time and three children. Smiling that they still held her husband spellbound whenever he caught a glimpse of them.

The almost unreadable beer logo on the front of the shirt became visible in the mirror as it unfurled around her, cascading down from her ample breasts to rest just below her curvy hips. She smoothed out the old shirt and put her glasses and phone down on the nightstand before sliding under the warm covers and closing her eyes.

~ I am going to sleep well tonight ~ she thought.


It felt like it was just minutes, but in reality it had been nearly two hours when the phone beside her alarm clock started ringing. Not fully awake, she hit the snooze on the alarm clock twice before she realized it was the phone instead.

She looked at caller ID and saw that it was her husband.


No one answered. But someone was there. In the background. She could hear people moving.


Still nothing. Now she thought she could make out voices in the background.


As the voices in the background got louder, she could make one of them out. It was her husband. He must have accidentally dialed her.

But that didn’t sound right. She thought that it should have been more muffled if it was in his pants pocket. This was clear, like it was on the table or the desk in his hotel room. Maybe he accidentally dialed her when he set the phone down.

She listened again.

The voices were clearer now. It was her husband, laughing. She sat upright in bed as she heard the other voice – a woman.


“So where are you going again?” She asked as she pulled up the calendar on her phone.

They were both laying in bed. Her husband had slid into bed a half hour ago, and was still reading while she finish planning out her day on her phone.

“LA” he replied, not looking up from his iPad.

“Three or four days?”

“Four. But I’m not sure if I can get on the early flight or not.”

She thought for a moment, then a devious smile crept across her face. She put the phone down and curled up tight around him. “You know…” She slid her hand under the covers and gently took him in her hand.

“Know what?” Grinning back, he put the ipad down and rolled towards her.

She leaned in. “If you have some free time at night…maybe you could find another strip club and text me again like last time.” Purring softly as she slowly stroked him under his pants.

“You liked that huh?” It was his turn now. Sliding his hand between her legs. He could feel how wet she was through her underwear.

“That was sooo hot.” She rolled back and spread her legs a bit farther apart.

“When you texted me her picture…Her tits were nice and perky. Were they real?” She let out a small moan as he pushed her panties aside and rubbed her harder.

“They were real nice.” Plunging another finger inside her. “She rubbed them all over me.”

She lifted her hips slightly and started gyrating her hips to match pace with his hand. She was so wet, she let out a long low moan as the beginnings of something powerful began to build.

She was beginning to lose control as a naughty idea sparked and escaped her lips. “Did she let you touch her pussy?”

He slid a second finger in and found the spot that sent her over the edge. Pushing harder on it, he whispered “She was so wet. She came twice.”

He started going faster, in and out, again and again. The tension was building higher and higher. This one was going to be a big one. She arched back, turning her head from side to side as her lips parted.

She put her hands behind his head and pulled him next to her mouth. “Next time I want you to bring her back to your room.” She paused as the first wave crashed down all over her and another one built inside her, “Bring her back and fuck her. While I listen.”

That was too much for him. He pulled his fingers out and mounted her in one swift movement. He thrust inside her easily, deeply, again and again.

His own climax was building quickly. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” Another deep moan.

“Yes. I want you to call me so I can listen. I want to hear her come. I want to hear you come inside her.”

3:05 AM

She heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled, and was at once angry and aroused. She reached into the drawer of her night stand and pulled out her headphones to hear better. But the headphones were tangled in something and it came banging out along with them onto the bed in front of her.

She froze for a moment to make sure that the noise didn’t wake the kids, then plugged the headphones in to hear more.

~What the hell made so much noise anyway?~

Looking down in front of her, she caught a glimpse of the culprit – her red and white vibrator. She could have sworn her clit tingled when she touched it. She was going to put it back when something in her headphones stopped her cold.

“You want me to put it in my mouth?” said the female voice. “Like this?”

An unmistakable sound filled her ears while the pit in her stomach and the spot below her waist fought for control of her emotions.

She found her hand wandering, slowly, across her thigh onto her lace underwear. Her shaking fingers pinching the moist area between her legs. She rubbed harder as her rhythm began to match the noise from the phone.

“Get on the bed” She heard her husband whisper to his companion. “On all fours.”

While his companion happily complied. She took a moment to imagine what this woman must have looked like.

If her husband followed her breathless instructions from their last heated lovemaking session, his paramour would be in her early 30’s. Her flowing blonde locks and petite, but curvy figure supported swollen boobs almost too big, and a round ass that wouldn’t quit. Probably with a name like Tiffany, or Amanda or Gina.

“Let me see that pussy.” As he got on the bed with Gina.

Before she realized what was happening, she too was up on all fours on the bed. Having pushed her panties off, she was exposed. She stopped rubbing and slid a finger into her soaked vagina.

She started banging two, then three fingers in and out of her pussy as she imagined her husband doing the same to Gina-Amanda. They came simultaneously, in a furious wave of lust and heat.

“Fuck me NOW!” Gina demanded.

The sound of her husband mounting his partner for the evening was drowned out by her vibrator as she shuffled for a better position on the bed. She plunged it deep inside again and again. Matching the sounds on her phone stroke for stroke.

The waves were building again. Stronger and harder with each stroke. Like a massive beast held back by only the thinnest of paper walls. She switched the intense vibrations to focus on her now throbbing clit and the wall shattered within seconds.

Her back arched fiercely, and she let out a howl as the beast let loose and tore through her. Wave after wave overcame her as she bore down with the vibrator. She came so hard this time that she squirted onto the sheets beneath her.

As she came back around she listened intently. It was much quieter now. They must have climaxed when she did. Panting still, she strained to hear any new sound.

When she finally heard something she froze. The bed rustled and then someone picked up the phone and spoke into it.

“Goodnight babe. I love you.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2v8obo/wife_gets_a_surprise_call_from_husband_on


  1. not sure about the other guy but would like ot see this couple explore their voyeuristic / group tendancies

  2. Very nice, I had not read that sort of scenario before, I like it. Got me hot thinking of being either woman. Thank you.

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