The Pool: Part 2 [mf]

The Pool: Part 1

"No." I whispered.

Candace lifted herself up onto one elbow and my cock gave another jerk as I caught a glimpse of her right breast. She pulled her sunglasses down and said tightly, "Get the fuck out of here!"

"No." I said with a little more volume and bravery.

"If you don't get out of here I'm going to call the police."

"I don't think so Candy. I think you owe me." Even though my voice was shaking I had to have her, I had to make her take care of my rock hard dick. This was just not something that masturbation was going to manage.

She reached for her phone and flopped back down onto the lounge chair. Laughing, she said to me, "You are going to get raped hard in jail little nerd."

What came over me then I'll never know for sure. Maybe it was just shear animal lust. Some age-old desire that couldn't be denied. I grabbed the phone from her and flung it into the pool. She gasped and went to rise off the lounge to retrieve it but stopped almost immediately. My swimsuit was about to break apart at the front seam from the hardness of my cock and now it was right in her face. Neither of us moved or even seemed to breathe.

The Washroom Stall. [Oral]

The clacking sound of her high heels echoed in the parking lot as she made her way to the entrance of The Rocker’s Pit; a wretched biker bar on the wrong side of town. As she walked on the freshly wet pavement, drunk passerby whistled and stared. On that stormy Wednesday night, she had chosen a pair of fierce Gladiator sandals that laced up her leg to end just before her knees, exposing her tanned thighs and leading up to a form fitting satin red dress. The strapless dress hung perfectly on her breasts and defined her buttocks so flawlessly as though finely cut like a diamond. Her golden blond hair fell long and wavy over her shoulders, back and part of her face, flaunting her luscious heart-shaped lips and almond shaped eyes.

She was standing in front of the bar and could hear the muffled music behind the doors as she reapplied red lipstick. The large wooden doors opened and the loud bass came washing over her. The vibration coursed through her body as she slowly walked into the poorly lit bar. The music was booming with a slow rhythm and for a moment, it seemed like all eyes were on her. She sensually walked to an available seat at the bar beside a quiet and thin looking man who drank cheap beer and scribbled on napkins. She ordered a shot of whiskey and scanned the room for her next prey.

The Pool: Part 1 [mf]

Part 2

My mom brought me home from the hospital on a Friday and just nine days later our next door neighbor, Mrs. Best, brought home her newborn daughter. Candace and I used to play when we were babies. She even invited me to her birthday parties until she turned 12 and started getting tits. After that I was just "zit-face", "nerd", or "dummy" to her and that's if she even deigned to acknowledge my existence. I'm not even sure she remembered my name was really Greg. Now we were both 18 and I was heading to college in the fall. Candace was going to stay home for another year as she'd been too involved with her latest boyfriend and subsequent breakup to get in to a decent school.

Just the week before the events of this story I watched her eighteenth birthday party from my bedroom window. As usual she was surrounded by boys all hoping her bikini top would come off. She dove off the diving board again and again showing off her body and the way those lovely tits bounced. She would laugh and the boys would call out, "Do a back flip Candy!", "Do a swan dive Candy!" and she'd preform for them. My cock was so hard in my underwear I thought it would explode. But I wasn't going to be the pathetic peeping tom, jacking myself to the pretty girl next door. Instead I logged on to World of Warcraft to get my mind of my throbbing dick.

Schooling Mr. Scott (Taboo Teacher/Student Cheating Seduction)

As soon as Mr. Scott closed the classroom door on his way out to lunch, I clicked through the inbox of his e-mail he’d left up. I’m not exactly sure what I was looking to find, I guess just more about him, or anything from his wife. He’d told me quite a bit this year since I had been his Student Aide. Things he probably shouldn’t have, and definitely backtracked quite a bit while explaining. I knew he had a secret vasectomy, was most likely fucking someone else, and things clearly weren’t good on the home front. Not really things one should know about their teacher. It’s like his wife knew though, and every time she’d call and I’d answer because he was teaching, she’d be the biggest cunt, almost always hanging up on me.

It just felt weird that I had spent this entire year with him, and knew all these personal things about his marriage and stuff, but not really much about him. I somewhat thought of him as a sort of father figure. I could tell he really wanted to talk to me, but felt guilty because I was a student. His wife was right to hate me, I had always wanted him, and now that I was eighteen, I wanted him to give him my virginity. I was leaving for college in exactly 90 days, and would probably ever see Mr. Scott again, and didn’t have much time.

The Coin [Werewolf TF M/F] – Part 4

She sighed and then moved, reaching her left leg around to straddle David's lap. "It's okay, David. It's me in here. It's me. Oh. Yes." Kelly's hips moved and he marveled at the weight of her – he was stuck while she grinded against him. David gripped his hands on the couch around him, trying to deny how incredibly turned on he was. "It's okay to touch me, David. You don't know what it's like. You don't know what this is like. Oh god. It feels so incredible, David. It makes everything so alive. Uh. Uh." She was pushing harder against him and he felt the cuts in his leg sting from the sweat coming from her body. Her breasts were directly in front of his face. Her small breasts on a nearly fur-less chest. He watched while her body rocked back and forth, muscles flexing as they grew and moved.

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The Coin [Werewolf TF M/F] – Part 3

Over the next few weeks, David and Kelly restarted their relationship. Slowly. Carefully. On the third date after that night, Kelly wore the same outfit – outside of her apartment. At first, she refused to look at anyone around her but as the night wore on, she raised her head and started smiling again. When an older couple remarked on what a handsome couple they were, Kelly grinned with her teeth and pressed up against David, laying her head against him briefly.

After every date, David walked Kelly to her apartment and stood carefully in front of her door. Some nights Kelly would blush and very clearly not look at the doorframe and other times she blush and wink at him as he kissed her (mostly) chastely good night.

They talked a lot – a good bit about her parents and the near cult they were involved in that started with a group of born again Christians. She was sixteen years old when she worked up the nerve to ask a classmate for help. A government investigation was eventually launched and her classmate's parents took her in. Two years later, Kelly's family and the whole group moved to Arizona and set up a compound. She never heard from them again but she bore the scars still. The fact that she was still a virgin with intimacy issues was just one of the many lingering struggles she had to deal with.

The Coin [Werewolf TF M/F] – Part 2

He brought his hand to her face, brushing a loose strand hair away from her eyes. She tried to shrink away from him but her body felt incredibly heavy. Instead, she closed her eyes and pushed slightly against his hand. His touch was comforting. "I went to your work to give you a ride home and they told me you were sick so I came here. I hope it's okay? I used the key you gave me last week. Oh, and Sally said you forgot your lunch in her car so I brought it. It's in the fridge. Can I make you anything? Or bring you anything?"

She shook her head slightly. "No," she rasped. "Yes. Water. Please." Her small bed shifted slightly as he stood and she heard him clinking around in her kitchen – still a stranger to how she arranged her kitchenware. Eventually she heard her faucet run and then he returned, kneeling by her bed. When she tried and failed to sit up, she felt his hand work its way under her head and then slowly and carefully lift her. She could feel her own sweat against his cool hand. He tipped the water glass against her lips and she nearly choked on the first sip. With small gulps, she finished the entire glass. "Thank you," she told him. Her throat hurt. Her head hurt. He whole body ached.

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The Coin [Werewolf TF M/F] – Part 1

The mid-day rush of people frantically making their way to or from lunch swarmed around Kelly as she dodged along the wide, hot sidewalk. Her muted apologies (Sorry!, Excuse me!, I'm so sorry!) were smothered by the buzzing of conversations, traffic and the sound of the world around her. At a little over five feet tall and a tiny bit under 110 pounds, she felt like a (Duck? Water bug? Hamster in a hamster ball thing?) fighting the raging current of a monstrous river. She grinned at the thought of a hamster furiously scrambling in a floating ball before apologizing to a faceless stranger that accidentally elbowed her.

The crowd thinned a few blocks later as she neared her favorite little diner. As was her habit, she glanced at herself in the large windows of the Macy storefront to see if anything was out-of-place. Skirt still where it should be? Check. No under-the-boob sweat spots on my blouse? Check. No toilet paper trailing on my flats- Kelly stopped and turned to look across the street.

Afterglow [M/F] [MC]

 Author's Note: This is something a little...different. A little more loving and less pornographic. Please, tell me more situations or scenarios you'd like to see, and criticize (or complement) the writing! I can't learn if I don't get feedback! 

My sudden brazenness took me by surprise. I pulled away as we were in the midst of embrace, focused more on facial expressions and looking proper than fucking till’ orgasm. We were awkward, even after all this time. Wanting to make the perfect impression in front of each other, even though we'd seen each other fart. Burp. Barf. When it came to the bedroom, none of that mattered, though. I wanted to be the girl of his fantasies.

I rolled onto my stomach and knelt on the bedspread, arching my back high. Hands pulled apart my cheeks. ‘I want to try-’ It felt so dirty to say it. Awkward. Anal. Something about that word was just- it was too anatomically correct.

He frowned at me. ‘Love, no.’

‘Please.’ I pleaded.

He had every reason to be hesitant. Ulcerative Colitis wasn't the sexiest of the colitis’, and it had the downside of making anal a laughable dream. But I needed him. I needed to share this with him.

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In the Movies [mf]

We hurried to buy tickets to the earliest movie that was showing at the time. It didn't matter what the movie was as long as the cinema itself was relatively empty. Things were already in our favour of course, since nobody comes to the movies at 3pm on a weekday. My sweaty hand holding onto her clammy ones, we minced our way to the seats in the corner.

Approaching the velvet chairs, I said to her, "I guess this is where I'll try to put my arms around you and try to cop a feel throughout the show." She giggled and I saw her rosy cheeks. We took our seats and soon enough the lights dimmed. I was playing with her hair and giving her pecks on the cheek. There were a group of loud students seated a couple of rows ahead of us, thank god they were busy doing their own thing. Still running my fingers down her soft hair, I used my other hand to raise the arm rest between us.

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