The Coin [Werewolf TF M/F] – Part 2

He brought his hand to her face, brushing a loose strand hair away from her eyes. She tried to shrink away from him but her body felt incredibly heavy. Instead, she closed her eyes and pushed slightly against his hand. His touch was comforting. "I went to your work to give you a ride home and they told me you were sick so I came here. I hope it's okay? I used the key you gave me last week. Oh, and Sally said you forgot your lunch in her car so I brought it. It's in the fridge. Can I make you anything? Or bring you anything?"

She shook her head slightly. "No," she rasped. "Yes. Water. Please." Her small bed shifted slightly as he stood and she heard him clinking around in her kitchen – still a stranger to how she arranged her kitchenware. Eventually she heard her faucet run and then he returned, kneeling by her bed. When she tried and failed to sit up, she felt his hand work its way under her head and then slowly and carefully lift her. She could feel her own sweat against his cool hand. He tipped the water glass against her lips and she nearly choked on the first sip. With small gulps, she finished the entire glass. "Thank you," she told him. Her throat hurt. Her head hurt. He whole body ached.

David brushed more hairs away from her face and she smiled at him. Or tried to. "Do you want me to stay? I could sleep on the couch and make you breakfast. Or hold your hair back if you have to throw up. Although, I charge extra for the clean-up afterwards." He chuckled lightly, tracing his finger along the side of her face. She rubbed back against him again.

Yes, she thought, please stay. "No. I'll be fine. Just. Just need rest." Her breathing came in gasps. The effort of an actual conversation made her heart rate speed up.

"You're surprisingly stubborn, Kel. But I'm the same way some times. I put your phone on your night stand in case you need to call and it's plugged in. Your left overs are in the fridge and I'll refill your glass and put it by your phone. Promise you'll call if you need anything?" She watched him stand and wished she could see the way his forehead creased when he was worried about something. She liked to count his wrinkles when he did that. She'd always tell him that he was like a tree, adding new wrinkles for every worry in his life and he'd soon look like one of those funny little dogs with too much skin for their own good.

"Yes," she told him simply and even that took effort. "I will." She closed her eyes again and listened as he moved around to pick up and refill her glass. She heard the deadbolt click loudly before he spoke again.

"Good night, Kelly. Call me? When you're better or if you need anything. You promised."

She nodded even though she knew he couldn't see her. The door opened and then closed again and her body relaxed when David locked the deadbolt. Her lower back ached as if she'd been lying for too long and she couldn't seem to find a comfortable position. The blankets were too heavy and hot but she worried she'd freeze without them. Her short, auburn hair lay in sweaty clumps on the pillow around her. The pale light permeating the room blinked out as a cloud slowly obscured the face of the full moon. Kelly tittled her head to look over at the window, small, delicate cheekbones dotted with small beads of sweat. She held her breath as her eyes focused on the window. Mesmerized. Slowly, moonlight dawned again and her breath rattled out of her through suddenly clenched teeth.

David stared at his phone for the millionth time. Three days and I haven't heard a thing. Do I call? Is that too needy? I hate this stuff. Why can't it be more simple? If I want to call, I should just call. Right? Dammit. But I told her to call me if she needs something. What if she's dead? I should just- His phone rang to sudden, heart-stopping life as his hand hovered over it. "Jesus fucking Christ!" David yelled. He answered the call with a frantic swipe when he saw who it was.

"Kelly?" He could feel his heart hammering against his chest.

"David! Hi! It's Kelly! Oh, but you already said that. Hello! I'm all better!" Kelly's voice was a raging torrent of enthusiasm in David's ear. He held the little phone out from his face but grinned while doing it. "Do you want to come over tonight for a little I'm-Not-Dying celebration?"

"That sounds like a great idea, Kel. Is 7 a good time? I'm really glad you're doing better. I'll bring some cheesecake, yeah? And a movie?" Shit. Romantic comedy? Action? Drama? Maybe a romantic comedy. She likes them. I can suffer through some with her. Oh, right. The one. With the guy from Star Trek and Inception. Ummm… This Is War or something. That looked funny as hell and she'll like it.

Kelly's laugh trickled through the phone and David felt a warm emotional rush from it. He loved the way she laughed – her face made little dimples and she hid her mouth while she did it. It was one of the most adorable things he'd ever seen. He'd always wondered what writers meant when they said someone's eyes sparkled and it took Kelly to show him.

"That, sir, is a date but make it 6, okay? I may even give you a little kiss for your efforts. And the cheesecake. But, just a little one. See you in a few hours!" The connection clicked off and David cocked his head to the side slightly. He'd yet to see this playful side of her but he liked it because usually she was quite reticent towards sex and even intimacy. Still, his pulse quickened at the thought of a quiet evening with Kelly and a simple kiss at the end.

David stood at the door in his faded blue jeans and simple brown t-shirt. Ignoring the doorbell (he always thought it was rude or lazy to use a doorbell first) he knocked three times and waited. He held a grocery bag in this left hand with two plastic containers of a cherry cheesecake and a plastic container with the movie "This Means War" inside.

There was a muffled "Just a min-ow!" from inside the apartment followed by muttered, low grumbling. The plain white door (apartment 12, with the number '2' slightly crooked) rattled for a second. David heard Kelly mumble something under her breath before the deadlock clicked open and the door swung wide.

He nearly dropped the bag he was carrying.

Kelly, the shy and unassuming young woman he was slowly falling in love with, stood before him in a low cut, green top and a loose skirt. He could smell the subtle hint of some perfume from where he stood and he caught himself sniffing to try to catch more of it. She'd made herself up with light touches of coloring around her eyes and cheeks and a dark lipstick. Her small, nearly pearl white teeth seemed to flash brilliantly through the deep velvet redness of her lips. His eyes strayed to her breasts before shooting back up to her eyes. She was blushing and it only added to the effect. It took an enormous amount of effort for David to restrain himself from staring at how beautiful she was. The urge to take her in his arms, press his lips against hers and hold her against the wall was sudden and fierce.

"I," he started, swallowing again to continue, "I didn't dress up. I. You look amazing." He'd known she was pretty but she hid herself well – something forced on her from her childhood. Something she was still struggling with.

"I banged my elbow on the wall and forgot to unlock the door. Hi! And, oh, don't worry about dressing up! I- well, I wanted to try and we're not going out so I thought it would be safe. Don't tell anyone but I had to watch some Youtube videos on how to do my makeup." Her blush fled from her checks to the top of her chest and David's eyes followed its retreat, pausing to wonder at the way her shirt exposed the tops of her breasts.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise. But why in the world, Kel? I mean, holy cow look wonderful but what's the occasion?"

Her eyes flicked up to his and then down again. "A date with a handsome man." Looking down, he saw she was digging her toe into the carpet. "Am I pretty, David?"

His throat was suddenly dry and his answer came out as a rasp. Thirsty, dying of thirst but not for water. "Yes. Very pretty. You've always been pretty to me, Kelly." He stood close, resting his hand on her side. She looked up and their eyes met. Such simple brown eyes, he thought. But, I could drown in them tonight. Hungry and wary and scared eyes.

Kelly's lips parted slowly as her eyes closed. David leaned in, hesitating for only a moment before touching his lips to hers. He very carefully brought his hands around to her lower back and shoulders – safe areas for her at the moment. When he felt the tentative touch of her tongue against his lips, he almost pulled back but Kelly's arms were suddenly around him, holding him tightly. He opened his own mouth and their tongues met. Kelly moaned softly as her mouth opened wider for him. David mentally cursed himself – his hand was groping her ass and she writhed against the touch. He pulled his hand up and around her back, gripping her side. Her own fingers were gripping his short, curly hair.

She turned and he followed, her back pressed against the doorframe. She moaned again as her body pressed slightly against him. Kelly reached up with her right hand, gripping the doorframe, arched her back. Before he could stop himself, David bent down to her neck, kissing her roughly, reaching down again to grab her ass through the soft fabric of her skirt. Her body shook against him and his teeth were suddenly on her neck, biting her only somewhat gently. Kelly's leg wrapped around his own leg and she used it to pull him even closer.

"Yes," she moaned above him. "Yes, please." Her own fingers clawed at his back and hair, holding him hard against her. "David, please." Her voice was breathless. Needy. He could feel the heat from her chest, from the blood rushing like mad through her body.

It took every ounce of willpower to push himself away and Kelly whined in frustration when he did. David stood in the hallway, panting, staring at Kelly. Her shirt was half off and he could see her plain white bra. Her lipstick had smeared at some point. She looked frantic but a cloud of doubt passed over her face.

"Oh," she said. "Oh. I'm. I'm right here in the hallway, aren't I? We were- Oh." He'd thought she was blushing before but Kelly's face turned an incredible shade of crimson as she worked through what happened. "David, I'm… I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"No, hey, no. It wasn't anything you did." Tears were forming in the corner of her eye. "It was, hey, no. It wasn't anything wrong. I just had to stop it. It's too soon, Kelly. God knows I want it but, Kelly, it's too soon for you." He reached for her and she came to him, so small now against his chest. "Hey, it's okay." David kissed the top of her head as he held her. Feeling her hot tears.

Time passed before she could talk. "Thank you," she told him. "Thank you. I don't know what happened. I think… I think I should be alone tonight. I'm sorry. I ruined our evening. I wanted. I wanted a nice night with you. You don't hate me, do you?"

David sighed against the top of her head. "Of course not, Kel. I know it'll take time. You'll call when you're okay to talk?" He felt her nod against him. "Good. I'm sorry about tonight, Kelly but I'm there if you need to talk." She nodded again and David decided it was time to go. Sometimes he hated her parents deeply for what they did. He pulled away from her and gathered up the grocery bag. "Here, I'll leave you the cheesecake like I promised. Be good." He touched the side of her face, feeling the warmth and the wetness of the tears. She closed her eyes and rubbed against his hand. With a last kiss on her forehead, he turned and left.

Only when she texted later that night did David relax and the worry of whether he'd broken something left him. I'm all right, she wrote. I miss you and our evening together. I'll call in a few days. Sweet dreams, David.
