The Pool: Part 2 [mf]

The Pool: Part 1

"No." I whispered.

Candace lifted herself up onto one elbow and my cock gave another jerk as I caught a glimpse of her right breast. She pulled her sunglasses down and said tightly, "Get the fuck out of here!"

"No." I said with a little more volume and bravery.

"If you don't get out of here I'm going to call the police."

"I don't think so Candy. I think you owe me." Even though my voice was shaking I had to have her, I had to make her take care of my rock hard dick. This was just not something that masturbation was going to manage.

She reached for her phone and flopped back down onto the lounge chair. Laughing, she said to me, "You are going to get raped hard in jail little nerd."

What came over me then I'll never know for sure. Maybe it was just shear animal lust. Some age-old desire that couldn't be denied. I grabbed the phone from her and flung it into the pool. She gasped and went to rise off the lounge to retrieve it but stopped almost immediately. My swimsuit was about to break apart at the front seam from the hardness of my cock and now it was right in her face. Neither of us moved or even seemed to breathe.

Candace caved first. Unconsciously, her tongue darted from between teeth and licked her beautiful full red lips. Slowly she moved her eyes from my crotch to my eyes and with one glance I knew she wanted my meat in her mouth. After all, I'd seen that same look in her deep blue eyes too many times to count as she went down on guy after guy in this very backyard over the years. Giving a blowjob was just something she couldn't seem to resist. Even so I was still terrified and nearly ran away. I was scared she'd laugh at the size of my dick, or that I'd come as soon as she touched me.

"Candy, please." I said my voice somehow calmer than I felt.

"Ah, does little Greggy want his cock sucked?" she said in a baby voice.

More than ever I wanted to leave but I was glued to the concrete of the poolside by something far stronger than fear. I pulled down my swim trunks and my cock sprung free and slapped her pouting lips. Her head jerked back and she groaned involuntarily. That's when I stopped being afraid and desire won out for good.

"Suck my cock, Candy." I said crudely.

"Oh, Greg, you are huge." she said even as her head lowered and her mouth opened wide.

Slowly she began working her mouth down my shaft and into her warmness. She made it about halfway down then pressed her tongue hard against the bottom of my cock and squeezed her lips to the top of it while withdrawing it from her mouth just as slowly as she'd gone down. She repeated this maneuver a few times as I stood still not willing to break the spell.

"I can't take you all the way in from this position. Let me get more comfortable." she whispered as she let my cock come out of her mouth completely. She stood up and took her towel from next the lounge chair and spread it out on the concrete. "Now sit on the lounge chair and I'll kneel here on the towel," she instructed me.

I did as she said and was immediately rewarded with her mouth on my cock again. This time she took even longer but she made her way from the tip all the way down to the point where her nose was pressed into my skin. I groaned in pleasure and stroked her hair as she waited letting me get used to the unbelievable feeling. Then slowly she withdrew. When she got to the tip she rolled her tongue over it several times and I thought I'd spurt right then. I gripped the side of the lounge chair and looked away so that I could keep it together. There was no way I wanted this to end so quickly.

Candace got into a steady rhythm, taking my cock nearly all the way in and backing out over and over. And I leaned back and enjoyed it. My ass tensed and I thought again that I would cum. Candace realized the signs though and withdrew my cock from her mouth. With one hand she squeezed the base and with the other gingerly fingered my balls. I relaxed and she ran her tongue over my balls and then lightly over the underside of my cock for several minutes. Then she engulfed my cock again and worked back up to that delicious rhythm.

Now I wanted to cum. I needed to cum. The pain of my tight balls was starting to overcome the pleasure of her mouth. Again my ass tightened and then my belly did as well. Still she worked it.

"Candy," I moaned, "I'm going to cum."

She looked up and smiled at me with her eyes and began to work my cock even faster adding her hand to help with the needed pressure to finish. Now my thighs and calves tensed and I knew there was no going back. My cock began to pulse and hot streams of cum began to shoot down Candace's throat. I saw her gulp and continue to bob for more. After what felt like five full minutes I was completely drained and she looked up with a huge smile.

"That was the most I've ever drank from one guy!" she said laughingly.

Just then I heard her mom's car pull up in the driveway out front.

"Here's your shorts zit-face." she said throwing them to me on the lounge. "Might want to cover that rod of yours."

I reached down to put them on and realized that my penis was still rock hard. How was that possible? I'd just had the most fantastic orgasm of my life and this trader penis of mine wanted more. I turned to look at her hoping she'd offer me some more, but she had turned away and was tying her bikini top back on. Before I could thank her or ask what to do next she dove into the pool to retrieve her soaked phone.

"You owe me a new phone asshole."

"Candace, please don't tell your mom." I begged. "I promise I'll pay you for a new phone. I've got the money saved from graduation gifts."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." she said as she began to get out of the pool. "I've got to go get ready for Zach."

Her nipples showed clearly through the white top and my cock reminded me that it needed more attention. I couldn't help staring at her retreating ass as she went back inside. Hoping that all I needed was to cool off I dove into the pool and began my lazy laps again. After a time I heard a car honk and the front door slam. I figured it was now safe to get out of the pool and head home for yet another jerk-off session, but as I stepped out I heard Mrs. Best say, "Oh Greg, I'm so glad you're still here."

To be continued. Hope you enjoy!



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