The Coin [Werewolf TF M/F] – Part 4

She sighed and then moved, reaching her left leg around to straddle David's lap. "It's okay, David. It's me in here. It's me. Oh. Yes." Kelly's hips moved and he marveled at the weight of her – he was stuck while she grinded against him. David gripped his hands on the couch around him, trying to deny how incredibly turned on he was. "It's okay to touch me, David. You don't know what it's like. You don't know what this is like. Oh god. It feels so incredible, David. It makes everything so alive. Uh. Uh." She was pushing harder against him and he felt the cuts in his leg sting from the sweat coming from her body. Her breasts were directly in front of his face. Her small breasts on a nearly fur-less chest. He watched while her body rocked back and forth, muscles flexing as they grew and moved.

The fur along her thighs grew even thicker but the sight of four black patches of skin along the sides of her completely hard stomach drew his attention. The skin puckered and twisted while he watched and tiny nipples sprouted out of her stomach. Kelly yelped and dug into the couch behind him, tearing and kneading at the cheap leather. The nipples doubled in size while the skin around toughened and turned into little areola and then out into small breasts. She pressed herself against his body, rubbing the new breasts against him. He felt the drag of all six nipples on his shirt and body. He couldn't breathe any more. She wasn't suffocating him but the smell and the sensations were too much.

Time fractured around him. When David was younger, he dated a girl that smoke a lot of pot. He'd indulge every so often but he never liked how it messed with his short term memory loss. And, now, he was experiencing it again. He lived in chunks of time. His hands were on her ass now, large and so soft. Fingertips digging into her furry ass, spreading the cheeks and releasing the strong scent of her wet pussy every time he did it. Making it worse. Making time worse. (blink) Now his mouth was on one of her middle breasts and she was mewling as he sucked at it, ignoring the fur slowly growing in around it. Not caring how the hair got in his mouth as he licked and sucked at the slippery, salty nipple. (blink) Now she was panting and laying against him. So heavy. The room smelled heavily of sex and she was twitching. Her tail, longer and thicker now, lay against his leg. His shirt was off and he didn't remember taking it off. She was incredibly warm and soft against his chest. His hands explored the bumps and ridges of her strong back, taking tufts of fur in his fingers and twisting them gently. (blink) She was kneeling in front of him, tugging at his pants. Her four other breasts were half the size of her … original? Tits. He laughed at the thought and then grimaced at the pain in his legs. The cuts burned. His hands were somehow on his buttons, trying to undo them for her. She smiled at him and her nose was black and pebbled, glistening wet in the light. Her teeth were nearly all sharp.

(blink) Focus. (blink) Focus. (blink) FOCUS! He screamed at himself. And, he did. Time snapped back. He was completely naked on the couch and Kelly was still kneeling in front of him. His hands were in her hair, just running through the heavy strands over and over. Her ears crunched and grew around his fingers, lengthen to an even sharper point. She had a half muzzle now, and a full face of fur. His dick was in her hands. Paws. Thick black padding covered the bottoms of her furred paws and she was gently stroking his shaft, watching it as if hypnotized.

"I neverrrr touched," Kelly rumbled at him. "I neeeverrrr touched one. Soft and small." She leaned forward and stuck her nose into the fold of his thigh and crotch. David jumped at the coldness of her nose. "You smell good. So good." Kelly's tongue rolled out of her muzzle and touched the bottom of his dick. Slowly, she ran her tongue up the length of him and around the tip of his cock. And then, almost nervously, she looked up at him. "Is that all rrrrright?" She asked. "Is it good?"

David jumped at the feeling of her rough tongue sliding along the head of his dick but nodded, gripping her hair tightly. Pulling her back down. She went eagerly and her tongue nearly enveloped his dick, folding around his thickness. David reached down to idly scratch at the cuts in his leg but then he stopped. Hair. Fur. He looked down. Fur was growing along the cuts in his leg. Where Kelly had dug into his leg. Fur. On him. His fur. His – "Oh Jesus!" He screamed. Kelly had taken his entire dick into her mouth. She was incredibly warm and soft. She didn't even have to swallow to take all of him. Gently, she moved back and forth, sucking on his dick while David grabbed the side of her head, long wolf-like ears, hair and fur between his fingers. "Ah! Kelly! Oh fuck!"

She stopped and looked at David anxiously again. "Is it good? Is it good, David?" He nodded, afraid to talk. He'd never experienced a blow job like it – it was a step away from the best sex he'd ever had. Her mouth was completely wet and soft and warm and she was so gently with her tongue. It rubbed and moved against him like it was alive. His leg flared up and brought him back again. It ached but not terribly.

"I'm so hot, Kelly. I'm. Oh fuck, it's so hot in here. I'm burning up, Kelly. The window. Open the window. Please." He shook, panting to try to cool off.

"David. Oh my beautiful David. You'rrrrre changing too. Look. Look at you, David." He looked. His dick was growing. Veins stood out and throbbed. The base of his dick above his balls ballooned out as his shaft grew and thickened. To either side of his cock, his legs had nearly double in size and his feet were cracking under the strain of his own change. He marveled at the lack of pain. Kelly whined and he looked up at her. She was rubbing herself hard while watching his dick grow up. "What… what is it, David? Seeing it like that… oh god. Seeing yourrrrrr… yourrrrrrrr dick. That knot. A dog’s knot. A wolf’s knot. Oh god, I want it. I want yourrrrr knot in me. I want it bad. Oh god. Oh god. I want you to fill me up. I want you to fuck me, David. I want… I want you to mount me. Rrrrrrrr." His dick was ludicrously large now. He didn't even know what size it was but if he bent over far enough, he could take it into his mouth. The knot at the base of his dick was the size of a tennis ball and, as he watched, fur grew in waves from his thighs to the base of his dick and around the thick skin under the knot. The head of his dick grew to a final, large point.

Kelly was frantic, thick arms and padded fingers rubbing against her clit fiercely. He could smell her even more strongly now. Her need. "I… rrrr… Daarrrrrr… rrrrr…." Her mouth crunched and grew longer until it was a full wolf's muzzle, speckled with thick, short whiskers and auburn fur. His dick throbbed in front of her and she whined for it. David stood, unstead on his new legs. Looking down on Kelly. She arched her back, chest heaving and the skin around her top breasts grew, d-cups. More. Black fur grew from the new skin until all but her nipples were covered. She fondled herself as she rubbed her clit, pussy fur slick from sweat and her own orgasms.

Two of his teeth fell to the ground but he didn't even notice as new fangs replaced them. "Show me yourrrrr ass, Kelly. I want to fuck you. I want to mount you." His jaw cracked around the words. She turned immediately and presented herself, spreading her thighs to show how wet she was. David stroked himself while he watched. The skin on the palms of his hands was rougher now but it felt good against his massive erection. He went to his knees behind Kelly and shoved his nose against her pussy, she was so warm against his wet, cold nose. His tongue, longer now, lashed out, tasting the thick wetness between her checks. He gripped her ass, pulling her cheeks farther apart as he sucked on her pussy, feeling her hips jerk and push back against him. He twisted his claws into her thick fur, feeling the way her proud tail swished against the tips of his ears. She moaned, growling low as his tongue penetrated her. She tasted like no other woman he'd ever had. He worked his tongue as deep into her as he could, feeling how soaked his face became from her juices. Feeling the wet, soaked fur around her cunt as she grunted from the way his tongue felt.
