Making Up For Lost Time Parts 2-3 [fm]

Hey everyone. This is the next part to a story I wrote a few days ago.

I know they start kind of slow and that there isn't much sex, but I'm trying to develop the character of Kim.

These are my first stories so please (please!) leave some feedback in the comments!


The next day, Kim did as Alex suggested, and asked out a boy during physics lab. His name was Greg. Scraggly hair, busted glasses. Handsome but shy, and very nerdy. Kim had liked him right away.

"Hey Greg, listen… I was wondering if you have any plans tonight?" she asked as they were putting away books.

"Umm… why?" he answered.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go do something? You know… a study date?" said Kim, putting emphasis on the word date.

"Sure. Want to work on the problem set?" Obviously, the emphasis was lost on Greg. So Kim improvised.

"Great! How about my place?"

Greg answered: "umm. I work better at the library. I'm there from 6:00 to 8:20. Anyway, I have to go. If you want help find me on the 4th floor stacks." Greg put on his backpack and left the lab.

Juliet Takes Charge [M/F, F/F, implied M/F/F threesome – WIP]

Juliet Takes Charge

A Complicated Erotic Romance

Juliet Takes Flight #6


Dear Allison,

Well, after our chat with Jordan the other day, I don’t think I can even pretend to be your teacher at this point. When the girl who could barely say the word fuck when I first made love to her is suddenly proposing a threeway, I think need to admit that you’ve learned what I have to teach. Congratulations. Pick up your diploma at the office.

Here’s where I admit my own weakness and admit I’m not ready to wave goodbye to you yet, however — and I hope that you aren’t ready to leave me in the dust quite yet either. Given what you’re asking, however, I feel as if I need to share my own experiences with attempting to expand beyond a couple, none of which ended quite the way any of us intended. I want to offer these, not as a teacher, as I said, but as your friend and your lover.

Categorized as Erotica

My guide to writing erotica

Edit: more will be added when I have time.

Alright, let me start off by pointing out that I'm no professional writer. Save a few columns, I haven't had anything published worth mentioning. Take all of this with a grain of salt. If someone with more experience, knowledge and/or wisdom wishes to correct me, feel free.

Without any further ado, let's do this.


First question, when writing anything, you should ask yourself, is why you are writing. If you're writing for yourself to masturbate to, then by all means just ahead and do your thing. Will others be reading it, or are you practising for that occasion? Because then you have some things to consider.

You see, despite its visual delivery, writing is a medium that can tickle all the senses. This is the first mistake I see a lot of people make, and there's a whole tvtropes page on this phenomenon known as "IKEA porn". Many people, especially those who just started off writing, seem to think writing should be a transcript more than anything. We don't want to read that kind of thing! If I wanted to experience "my penis entered a vagina" I would much rather go out and do it than read about it. Similarly, I can imagine that sentence doing very little for your female readers. They don't have a penis and, despite your female readers possibly having an extremely vivid imagination, the word penis and its many synonyms is not going to get the proverbial job done.

You know when real authors imply a sex scene but then don’t actually describe it? Well… technically fanfiction, I suppose. [BDSM-Male dom, prostitution, non-consensual, violent]

He examined the entire album twice and made his choice. He pressed a button on the table beside him. A minute later the woman who had greeted him reappeared. He indicated his selection. She smiled. "Follow me."

After handling the financial arrangements, the woman made a hushed phone call. She waited a few minutes and then led him up a winding marble staircase to a luxurious hallway. "It's the gold door on the end," she said. "You have expensive taste." I should, he thought. I am a connoisseur.

The Hassassin padded the length of the hallway like a panther anticipating a long overdue meal. When he reached the doorway he smiled to himself. It was already ajar . . . welcoming him in. He pushed, and the door swung noiselessly open. When he saw his selection, he knew he had chosen well. She was exactly as he had requested . . . nude, lying on her back, her arms tied to the bedposts with thick velvet cords. He crossed the room and ran a dark finger across her ivory abdomen. I killed last night, he thought. You are my reward.

A bit of something I’ve started. [mf]

Without even remembering the drive over Cheryl found herself parked in front of Jon's building. A few more deep breaths. It's 11:50. Either go in now or drive away. Cheryl got out of the car and walked to the front door. As she entered the building she saw Linda sitting at the receptionist's desk. "Hi, Cheryl. We haven't seen you around here in ages. How are you?"

"Hi Linda, I'm doing well. Can't chat though. Is Jon in?"

"He should be in his office. Do you want me to page him?"

"No, thank you. I want to surprise him." No point in trying to hide it, may as well give people something to talk about.

Cheryl undid two more buttons on her blouse as she walked to Jon's office. Her cleavage was fully on display with a hint of her black bra showing as well. A saleswoman she didn't recognize was staring at her mouth agape as she walked by. Fuck it, I'm all in now.

Categorized as Erotica

Assplay (F playing with M)

Last night I had one of the best times of my sexlife! EVER!

It started out with me just cuddling my boyfriends ass, just his cheeks. Then the "patch" behind his balls. He started talking and that I don't remember much of it. I stroked him on the insides of his cheeks, being careful not to touch his tight hole without him saying that he wanted to!

We started talking about that I wanted to see him playing with him self.. Since he usually play with his ass alone.. I turned me so much on when he said that he would do that for me, and it was outside his comfort zone.. then I zone out of the conversation, but it ended up with me taking some lube on my finger and rubbing against his hole, first it was kinda weird. Then I started getting wet just because I saw how much he liked it!

I rubbed harder and pressing against his tightness. He moaned and arched his back so his ass came higher. It turned me on so badly. After letting my middle finger slide in. He moaned greatly and he squeezed my finger, it was so awesome! I felt my juices run down my thigh. As soon as I let him feel how wet I was I removed his hands from my cunt. And pressed harder inside him.

The Massage [fm]

We're sitting on your couch when you notice I look stressed out; I'm rubbing my neck and I have that look on my face that I get when something's bothering me.

"What's wrong, baby?" you ask, trying hard not to be distracted by my skin-tight tank top and short shorts that reveal my soft, alluring thighs.

"Nothing, my neck just kind of hurts," I reply with a meek smile.

"How 'bout a massage?" I nod and turn around to lay down on the couch, when I instead suggest that we go to your bedroom, as it would be more comfortable. I get up and make my way to your room, your eyes glued to my bouncing butt and swiveling hips as you silently thank whoever created these denim shorts that let my cheeks spill out the bottoms. Upon arriving to your room, I take off my top, revealing to you a lacy black bra that cradles my tits perfectly, as well as slide off my shorts, allowing you to watch me struggle to get them off over my plump, round ass to unveil a matching lacy, black thong. I lay down on my stomach, and look at you.

wrote this, hope it’s not crap

there i am down in the bar at the train station, when the trans siberian express arrives …. through the smoke and steam i can see u, in ur dark coat and hat, a small suitcase … later, u appear at the far side of the bar, martini in hand, as always, and a faint smile across ur face …. i volunteer .. 'u have them ? ', and ur smile grows, so i have my answer. 'i have a room' … u nod and follow me through the concourse to the lobby of the grand hotel. in my room, u lay the case on the bed. 'difficult job?' i ask. 'not at all' – another smile ' but i did have to seduce a royal fusileer' …. i accept this information, and look with anticipation towards the suitcase, which u open to reveal … the crown jewels ! at last !…. however i find myself looking instead at ur red lips, the way they have a small curl at the end, the shape of ur face, the grace and flow of ur body, revealed sans coat. suddenly, i reach over and close the case, hold ur face in my hands, and kiss u softly … i can smell faint perfume, musty train smells, and your scent … holding the kiss, i begin to unbutton u, and feel ur soft skin under my hands …. i lead u to the shower, wash the railway from ur body, and kiss u dry on the bed, starting with the toes ….

Categorized as Erotica

Life after a college breakup Parts 0-2 [MF]

Hi everyone. This is my first story… there is quite a bit of buildup before the actual sex. Hope you don't mind, and hope you like! I have a few other parts already written out that come after, will link after I post.

"Well, it's over," Kim muttered as her bf ex boyfriend closed the Skype window. They had started dating when she was starting high school, and had been together for four years. The entirety of her young adult life, basically, and now it was over.

Back when they were dating, she often thought about how they would deal with college (she was in Philadelphia, he in California). It was more of a fantasy than a worry: him visiting, meeting her new friends; spending thanksgivings together for the first time; maybe a spring break together next year; kissing after months apart. She was looking forward to it all, and now, with one sentence, it had ended. "I'm sorry Kim, but I feel like I need to be single in order to thrive here."

"Well," thought Kim. "Fuck it. I can be single and thrive here too."