A bit of something I’ve started. [mf]

Without even remembering the drive over Cheryl found herself parked in front of Jon's building. A few more deep breaths. It's 11:50. Either go in now or drive away. Cheryl got out of the car and walked to the front door. As she entered the building she saw Linda sitting at the receptionist's desk. "Hi, Cheryl. We haven't seen you around here in ages. How are you?"

"Hi Linda, I'm doing well. Can't chat though. Is Jon in?"

"He should be in his office. Do you want me to page him?"

"No, thank you. I want to surprise him." No point in trying to hide it, may as well give people something to talk about.

Cheryl undid two more buttons on her blouse as she walked to Jon's office. Her cleavage was fully on display with a hint of her black bra showing as well. A saleswoman she didn't recognize was staring at her mouth agape as she walked by. Fuck it, I'm all in now.

Cheryl barged into Jon's office without knocking and Jon looked up at her with a stunned expression on his face. He kept his eyes on her as he spoke into his phone, "Steve, uh, something's come up. I'll have to call you back this afternoon." Without breaking his gaze Jon set his phone down as Cheryl closed the blinds to allow them some more privacy. "Cheryl, what are you doing here?" Jon seemed more confused than anything. This behaviour was not like Cheryl at all. Usually she was very conservative. She walked around the desk to him and placed a finger on his lips. "Shhh. It's Carol. And you ask too many questions." She sat on his desk and crossed her legs so as not to reveal all her secrets just yet. She grabbed him by his tie and pulled him close for a deep kiss. Her tongue slid into his mouth and his tongue met hers eagerly as he put his arms around her. He started pushing her down on his desk but she pushed back. "No. I'm in charge now. Jon. Sit." Jon smiled and sat back in his chair. Cheryl stood up and pulled the bun out of her hair allowing her hair to settle down on her shoulders. She loosened the last few buttons on her blouse and slid it off and let it fall on the desk. Jon smiled and made a playful grab at her chest but Cheryl slapped his hand away. "You need to have some patience."

Cheryl turned around and slowly, swaying her hips side to side, lowered herself onto Jon's lap. His swollen manhood felt so good as she gyrated against his trousers. She pulled her hair up with one hand and pointed at her bra with the other. "Jon, be kind and help a lady with that please?" He skillfully undid her bra with one finger then gently pulled the shoulder straps down one at a time. As he removed the second strap he kissed her shoulder, then her neck. Cheryl leaned back into him as he kissed her. She let her bra fall to the floor and Jon slowly brought his hands around her. With his left hand he roughly grabbed at one breast while his right hand gently ran circles around the nipple on her other. Finally his hand stopped at her nipple and he pinched it gently and started playing with it. Jon bit her neck and Cheryl had to stifle a little yelp. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. She was losing control. She had to get it back. She jumped up quickly and turned around again. Jon was smirking, he thinks he's winning.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2arv6f/a_bit_of_something_ive_started_mf