The Trail [MFF] [Voy] [Bi]

Stepping out on the trail head, he shifts his backpack, and starts off. He had been meaning to do some hiking for some time now, but between work and school, had not found the time. Now he has the weekend off, a thirty-pound pack, and plenty of water bottles and energy bars to last a few hours on the trail.

He set his iPod on shuffle and let his mind wander as he hiked.

After an hour, he had worked up a good sweat and decides to stop at the halfway point in the trail. There was a shelter set back 80 feet from the trail to allow hikers to rest without being too near the path. Walking towards it, he heard a sound from the shelter like a woman moaning.

Taking off his headphones and setting down his pack, he edges closer, listening intently, certain he had only imagined it. Sure enough, the only noises were silence, a breeze through the trees, and the birds singing.

Then suddenly, "Aahh!"

There it was again, louder and more insistent. As he drew closer, he could hear what sounds like a stuttering breath of a girl, and muffled hum.

The Chauffeur and the Maid [MF] [STR8]

He tossed me on the bed and put my hands over my head and started passionately kissing me all over my neck . He spread my legs wide open, revealing my thin black panties and put his entire weight on my body so I couldn't move. He then ripped my shirt off, staring at my bare chest, I hate wearing a bra, and manhandled me with his strong hands, tightly squeezing my perky breasts and nipples.

I could feel him grinding on me, getting hard under his pants as I started to get wetter and wetter. He turned me around and pulled off my black skirt. I was laying there in nothing but my panties, legs spread wide apart waiting for entry.

He started kissing me, tongue deep down my throat, kissing me like I was his only source of air. He picked me up and I sat on him. I took off his hat and put it on myself, I ripped off his blazer and shirt. I couldn't help but feel excited as his sexy body touching mine.

He ran his fingers through my hair, pulling my hair back and bit my neck like a vampire. His heavy breath and hard cock made me feel like I was on ecstasy.

Late Night Rendezvous (MF, Bondage, Submission)

Be still my fucking heart. I watched in the rear-view mirror as the cop climbed out of his car, put on his very official looking hat, and walked toward my vehicle at a leisurely pace. He was the hottest man, and cop, I’d ever seen in my life. I had no idea where to look first, strong chiseled jaw line or that very well maintained body encased in his tight uniform. When he approached my window I rolled it down and noticed he had that natural brooding look, dark and contemplative. “Ma’am, do you know why I pulled you over?” he asked as he flashed his identification. “I’m not sure officer, can you tell me?” “I clocked you at 50 miles per hour. This road is a 30 miles per hour zone, ma’am.” I couldn’t get past those deep brown eyes long enough to even worry about the speeding. “Ma’am?” “Yes, sorry officer, you say I was going fifty. I apologize, I’m tired, I guess I didn’t realize.” I’d never in my life been dazed by any other man before. I shook it off and pulled my long brown hair away from my face and behind my neck. “Are you aware that 20 miles per hour over the speed limit considered a felony?” That got my attention quick. “I didn’t know that, sir.” He pursed his lips and me, those damn full lips, and I waited. “License and registration please,” he said, extending his hand. I placed my documents in his hand and took great pleasure in watching his ass as he walked back to his own vehicle. I looked down at my steering wheel and sighed. It was four in the morning and I’d just pulled a long shift at the bar I ran downtown. My legs were sore, my feet swollen, and I was beyond tired as I didn’t get much sleep the previous night. Every inch of my body may have been tired but my mind was awake and attuned to that man only a few feet behind my car. I let a thought enter my head. It wound its way into my senses carefully, creeping along until I actually acknowledged its existence. It was four am, the road was deserted, and I had one sexy man out there. Maybe I could do like the movies, try a little seduction, and see if he would drop down the speeding from a felony to a regular ol citation. “It was worth a shot. If it didn’t work I’d be arrested either way so…” I told myself and the empty car. I pulled the mirror down from the visor and stared at my reflection. Long brown hair pulled to the back of my neck, blue eyes, a smattering of freckles across the bridge of my nose, I wasn’t a bad looking woman. I ran my fingers under my eyes to erase the strayed eyeliner and smoothed out the lip balm that had become patchy in the course of the last hour since I applied it. Ducking down I reached into the glove box and applied some deodorant to my underarms while thanking any god that listened that I happened to groom that morning. Just as I pinched my cheeks and shook my hands out to bring some life back into me the cop returned. “Ma’am, here you go.” He handed me my paperwork and I sat it in the passenger seat. How the hell do you seduce a cop? He leaned down and shone his flashlight into my car. “Have you been drinking tonight, ma’am?” It was a fair question as I most likely smelled of the liquor I spilled on my pants and hands in the course of the night. “No, sir, just water.” “Do you mind stepping out of the vehicle for a quick sobriety test?” I carefully hid the smile that threatened to poke through. Now I could at least even the playing field. In my vehicle I couldn’t do much but out on the road with him…there were definitely some moves I could use. Unless he arrested me. He watched me carefully as I unfastened my seat belt and stepped out of my car. It was dead in the middle of summer so the early morning air was warm with a pleasant breeze. I was instantly refreshed. “Can you step over here, ma’am?” The officer guided me toward the trunk of my car so were both away from the main road. His car hid us from view of anyone who might pass and I was starting to believe this situation had to be fate. He stood rigid and tall, at least three inches above me. I had to look up to meet his eyes and I could have fallen into them. Deep sea green and smart. God, I loved a smart man. I swallowed and waited for him to give me instruction. That way I could make a plan. “Ma’am, I’m going to ask you a few questions first,” he said. I nodded and looked him up and down while he did. “How many drinks have you had tonight?” “Four but all of them water.” “Why do you smell like alcohol?” he asked stepping closer but not close enough for my tastes. I moved into him a little more and met his eyes as I wet my lips. “I work at a bar, officer,” I looked down at his name tag. “Baretti. I often spill drinks or have customers spill drinks on me. That’s probably the reason.” “What bar do you work at?” He asked as he watched my every twitch. “McDougals up on 48.” I said, feeling bare and naked to his scrutiny. He met my eyes and I wondered if my pupils were dilated. They say your pupils dilate when you’re turned on and this man had me ramped up. He smelled like soap. Nothing but clean laundry and soap. I wondered if he’d just gotten on shift and what his lips tasted like. Any other man I would have just leaned up and found out but I didn’t feel like being shot. “Officer, I apologize for speeding, I really do, but I haven’t been drinking.” I was still only a few inches away from him staring up into his lovely eyes. He wasn’t moving, I couldn’t even tell if he was breathing. Eventually my nerves crept up and I was about to back away until he reached out and gently moved a stray piece of hair away from my face. I swallowed, my heart pounding in my chest as my fingers started to tingle from the adrenaline. “Officer Baretti, I’m going to kiss you now unless you stop me.” I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed in my peripheral vision and slowly I closed the distance between us, careful not to make any sudden movements. Just as my lips reached up to his he spun me around, pressed my back against the trunk of my car, and smashed his lips against mine. It wasn’t artful or erotic it was lust, simple and clean. His teeth scraped mine as he fought each other lips to lips. He tasted like coffee and dark chocolate. I reached up to slide my fingers into his short hair and knocked his hat to the ground. He growled in my mouth as I pulled the strands with a short sharp grip. We broke apart gasping each other’s exhales. My heart felt like it might burst from my chest even as I was pressed tightly between my trunk and his immovable body. I released his head and slid my palms down his chest to rest on the breast pockets of his uniform and met his eyes. “This is going to go one of two ways at this point,” I whispered, “You can give me my ticket, I can get back in my car, and never see you again or you can flip me around, pull down my pants and fuck me. Right here. Right now.” His eyes sparked and he inhaled sharply as I swallowed waiting for his response. My entire body tingled with awareness, every nerve ending standing on end, waiting and hoping for the answer I wanted to hear. “What if I want to fuck you and give you a ticket?” he asked gripping the bottom of my gray tank top. “Well, you’re the officer, but if you fuck me good enough I might have to show up on court to contest it just to see you again.” He chuckled a short sharp laugh then leaned down and pressed his lips to mine gently. When he broke away I looked up into those deep eyes and saw the change in him appear. He gripped my hips hard and spun me so my belly pressed into the logo on the back of my truck. Oh God this is really happening. I heard metal clinking and turned my head in time to see his cuffs leave his belt before I felt the cold steel circle my wrists. I swallowed, and prayed I wasn’t about to become coyote food. Once the click of the cuffs were in place and my arms were immobile he circled his hand around the front of my neck and tilted my head back so his lips touched my ear. “I’m going to pull down your jeans and fuck you until you are screaming into the breaking dawn. Just nod if this is what you want.” I nodded as fast as I could in the confines of his hand and he released me and pressed my head down onto the back of my car. The metal was cool but I barely noticed over the hard chaffing my jeans made as he ripped them down my thighs. I spread my legs as far as I was able to make it easier and heard the clink of keys as he undid his belt. I started to shiver in anticipation every part of me attuned to his man’s movements. I heard the snap of a condom and then the prod of him at my entrance. Despite his threats he entered me carefully, reverently, and I waited tight as a spring for him to release the beast he held at bay. He clutched my hips and pulled my ass back into him. It was a strange position with my hands cuffed behind me but it didn’t matter I’d come all over him a matter of moments if he just did exactly as he promised. “Please,” I said against the car. I wasn’t above begging at this point. His fingers gripped me tighter and I knew it was over. He slammed into me rearing back and pulling me into him at the same time. I melted. It was rough, brutal, and absolutely beautiful. I couldn’t hold out very long and it seemed he wouldn’t be able to either. “You better come with me,” he said with an accompanying moan. It was a command and a promise. I let myself go as he slid in and out of me fast and hard. My hip bones were bruised pressed against the trunk and the dull pain produced from those bruises as he fucked me sent me over the edge. I shouted my orgasm just as he said I would. He followed me reaching up and pulled my head back by my hair as he sunk into me a few more short strokes. I swallowed and slumped against the trunk as he withdrew and pulled up his pants. He gently uncuffed my hands but I couldn’t move. I stayed strewn across my car with the dust of the road coating my skin as my own wetness trickled down my inner thigh. If I could have stood up I would have but after a moment he softly pulled my jeans up and rearranged my clothing back into its proper place. He must have gotten scared because he leaned down on my trunk to align his face with mine. I met his eyes before I leaned forward and kissed him gently. Eventually I stood, my legs barely able to carry me as the weight of the long day and a mind-blowing orgasm settled into my bones. “Are you okay? Was I too rough?” I put my fingers to his lips. “No, you were perfect.” He smiled and circled my waist with his hands. “Well, then, same time next week Mrs. Baretti?” I smiled and thought how lucky I was to have married the hottest cop on the planet. “Same time next week but I’ll do thirty-five over and see how much trouble that gets me in.” He laughed and gently untangled himself pushing me toward my vehicle. “I love you. I’ll see you at home.” He followed me off the secluded highway back to the main streets and I ached in all the right places as I thought about my bed waiting for me at home.

Naughty Neighbors [MF] (Cougar, BJ)

„Oh hi Shirley! So great to see you!“, Lena exclaimed happily when she opened the door.
„I'm great, how are you? How was your weekend?“, her neighbor asked back while hugging her tight.
„It was pretty much the usual family visit, nothing extraordinary. I'll tell you all about it later, but please do come in!“, Lena urged and pulled her friend into the hallway. „You look fantastic, is that a new dress?“
„Yes it is! I'm so glad you noticed. Do you like it?“, Shirley asked and twirled around on her heels.
Lena had to admit, her neighbor looked gorgeous, even though she was already in her forties. Shirley had long legs which emanated from a wide, prolific pelvis and a substantial behind. Her voluminous H-cup breasts weren't constrained by any kind of bra and pushed against the tight cloth of her new summer dress with her lazy chestnut curls almost tickling her profound cleavage. And although she did have a few extra pounds on her hips, they did only make her even more alluring.
In short, Shirley seemed to be the complete opposite of her younger friend. Lena was flat where Shirley was curvy. She had an athletic, well-toned body where the older woman had a juicy, fleshy softness. Lena was several inches shorter and preferred to wear her fair hair in a simple ponytail instead of it falling over her Nordic face. They truly did make an odd couple.

Pets, part 1 (FF, FM, Bondage, Dom)

A quick note, despite the title, there is no bestiality involved in this post. Ok, so this is my first post here and if anyone has any constructive advice, criticism, or other comments then i would love to hear it! Also, please excuse the poor tagging since i don't know what tags to use nor do i have much experience with them, so any tags to add to this would be appreciated.

I wrote this a while ago and there is about 8-9000 words overall, and i could write more… I just don't have the inspiration to :P So i'll post as much of it as i can here and if you like it i'll post some more, and even write a bit more if i feel like it :)

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Pets by CJace33

My first day of college. [msub]

I could feel the blood. My blood. I could feel my heart pumping every single ounce. My pulse surged through my veins. It filled my body. My chest felt hollow, as if all that was in there was a heart, pounding at a door. Anxious. I fell in love with her writing through the single email she had sent me about her class. Her tone, so authoritative, yet gentle. A queen, she was. A lover. She was intimate with her texts. She had a lust for writing. A domme in her expressions through her vocabulary and writing. She had struck me, without any knowledge of her aesthetics. I lusted for her knowledge, her tone. Her authority. I find myself at the door. "Storm Hall Rm Number 101," it read. I could barely make out what the sign on the door had read. I could only imagine her. I reached out for the handle. Grabbed it. I felt my own pulse on the door knob as my hand made contact with it. I open the door. There she stood. Her majesty, in all her beauty; her posture, her attire, screamed for obedience. I wanted her to dominate me. Ignorant to my fellow classmates, my peers, I was only able to focus on her. Pleasing her. I wanted her. I longer for her. I felt my face burn. Lowering my head before her, I shook her hand and introduced myself. "Hello, Ma'am. I am your slave," had nearly slipped from my lips before my classmates. "Hello, my name is Bennett. Its nice to meet you, Ma'am." "Excuse me? How dare you touch me. You don't get that privilege until your Queen is pleased. Now go have a se- whats this? Why are you not wearing your collar? Why don't you shine my heels with your tongue until I can see my reflection, then I will consider letting you please me." I could already imagine the words coming from her deep, red lips. I was ready to be abused. "Its nice to meet you too, Bennett. My name is Lynett Evers. You can call me Miss Lyn for future reference." And so it sparked.

Ballet Club[BMWF, Interracial, Conversion, Daughter, Married, Cuckold, Exhibition] (Crosspost from /r/CuckoldSexStories)

I am a gym teacher at the local high school, and also the coach of the ballet club. This year the club consists of eight seniors, four smallish white boys and four white girls, one of whom is my daughter. I had made her join the club against her will, and she didn't like the other girls in the club. My girl takes after my somewhat diminutive husband in her stature, but after me in stubbornness. I am much more full figured than it looks like my daughter will ever be. But she is happy with her body, as I am, so that's good.

This year's big production was a good versus evil piece. The girls and boys played angels testing the boundaries of heaven. One scene of temptation called for four large black devils to tempt the female angels out of heaven.

I asked the boys' varsity football coach if he could get me four muscular volunteers, although I didn't think he could. I told him they had to be 18, like all the members of the club, for insurance reasons.

Keeping Busy During a Storm. I (MF, Vanilla opening)

The storm came in a little harder than expected. I was in my room, getting ready for bed when I was surprised to see Jessie walk in. She had gone to bed a few minutes earlier. Or at least, I thought she did. She was dressed in her plaid sleep pants and an oversized shirt that was most likely something from Greg’s dresser. She sat on my bed as I was turning off my computer and finishing up my ritual before bed. Once I finished, I sat next to her. Jessie couldn’t bring herself to look at me. She looked almost embarrassed that she was here. I put my arm around her and gave her a hug. “What’s wrong?” I ask as she begins to play with her hands. Jessie raises her head but she stares at the wall. I can see her face as she tries to hide it behind her hair. The pale skin of her cheeks almost beet red from blushing. “I’m so sorry to ask you this.” She begins. “Would you please just sleep in my bed with me?” A look of confusion appears on my face at the request. Without thinking, I ask why.

The Morning After [M/f] and a question for readers.

M was a soft hearted nerd, and a passionate lover. He was kind and sweet and gentle. M was tall, 6ft 5, and kind of shy and awkward at first when we dated. I knew he was the sort of man that I could fall in love with easily. He was different to the dangerous, laddish types who I had wasted so much time with before. He was a breath of fresh air. He was interested and interesting. He liked my confidence and inquisitive nature; it put him at ease. He loved how confident I was sexually, and would often comment on my naughty streak that I would occasionally hint at. I didn’t want to tell him about my dark past with BDSM or swinging. I figure that men love girls with lower mileage and it’s sometimes okay to be economical about the truth.

I didn’t want to ruin things with M. I loved his warmth and lack of ego. He was a total catch, and the nice thing about him was that he didn’t know it. After some time innocently dating and making out, he invited me to stay the night at his place. This was to be the first time we had sex.

Sisters of the Order, Chapter 1 [ff]

When I opened my eyes on the Day of my Wedding, I found my Little Sister Asha, already awake, gazing lovingly up at my face.

“What is it, Sister?”

She moved upward to kiss me, her soft body brushing against mine, milky nipples causing trails of goosebumps to rise on my skin where they touched me. Our lips met and I savored the taste of her, determined to memorize it, to take it with me. She cuddled closer to me so she could whisper in my ear: “This is the last time we’ll ever wake up together like this.”

“First of all, you don’t know that.” She continued to gaze at me, apparently unconvinced. “And, secondly, let’s make the most of this morning, my sweet Sister.” I pulled her on top of me, feeling her gentle weight against my body, her breasts settling around and between mine like puzzle pieces snapping together. She found my mound with her knee and pressed it against me, making me gasp. Her mouth swallowed the sound, sucking my tongue inside her.

Categorized as Erotica