Pets, part 1 (FF, FM, Bondage, Dom)

A quick note, despite the title, there is no bestiality involved in this post. Ok, so this is my first post here and if anyone has any constructive advice, criticism, or other comments then i would love to hear it! Also, please excuse the poor tagging since i don't know what tags to use nor do i have much experience with them, so any tags to add to this would be appreciated.

I wrote this a while ago and there is about 8-9000 words overall, and i could write more… I just don't have the inspiration to :P So i'll post as much of it as i can here and if you like it i'll post some more, and even write a bit more if i feel like it :)

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Pets by CJace33

Intro: There is a parallel universe where the idea of keeping other humans as pets/slaves is perfectly normal and public. These "pets" can be of any race and sex, they can do your housework, have sex, do chores etc. But, they are treated as dogs would be in this world, i.e. they need walking, washing, feeding, grooming… People become pets by volunteering (if they wish for an easier life, free from worries and wish to be loved and cared for) and remain pets for the remainder of their life, unless they can convince their masters/mistresses to free them. The technology of this alternate world is more advanced than ours, allowing for global climate control without damaging the earth. This makes it perfectly sensible for pets to walk around with out any clothes on.

Day 1:

George yawned and blinked blearily at the sunlight streaming through a gap in the curtains. Rolling over to the bed's other occupant, he slid a finger down her spine and cupped a buttock, giving it a small squeeze. She stirred, mumbling and pressed back against his roaming hand."Come on sleepy head, breakfast or walk first?""Breakfast please master" She said, rolling over to end the request with a kiss and an imploring look."I am such a softie" he mumbled as he got out of bed. Then, with a mischievous chuckle, he took the bed-covers with him, revealing her naked body to the morning cold. Walking into the kitchen, still naked, his chuckle turned into full blown laughter as he heard a surprised squeal from the bedroom. With George busying himself making breakfast, the woman got out of bed and brushed her hair before putting on a leather collar and following him into the kitchen/living room. Seeing her emerge, he was struck by her in the morning light. Rusty red hair streamed down her back to a nice rounded bum, leading to shapely legs. Working his eyes back up again, he noticed the peek of labia between her slightly spread thighs, no trace of pubic hair obstructing the view. Leaving the bacon to fry on its own for a moment, George walked into her waiting arms and they kissed. Her arms wrapped around his neck and one of his hands wandered from her hair to a breast, playing with the nipple. She began kissing with more passion, opening her mouth to allow her tongue to flick out occasionally. George's other hand stroked down her back and around her hips. Smiling into the kiss, knowing what he wanted, she opened her legs enough to allow access to the pleasure spots within. He slid a finger from her naval down to her slightly protruding clit, where it circled a few times making her gasp heavily into their kiss. Smiling at her reaction he continued the torture, rubbing, circling and occasionally pinching the nub, loving the range of reactions such a small organ could produce when manipulated in different ways. Moving downwards, the exploratory finger stroked her dripping slit, occasionally straying back upwards to continue the clit torture before returning down, all the while he ignored her attempts to thrust her body down onto the pleasuring digit. After a few moments of frustrated moans and hip wriggling she caught the finger, sinking all the way down onto it. From her satisfied moan and increase in intensity of the kissing, she was defiantly enjoying it. George withdrew his finger from her and, despite her frustrated cry, stepped away to go and turn off the bacon. Disappointed, she went to kneel beside the sofa in the idle position, kneeling with her legs apart, sitting straight up to emphasize her breasts with her hands on her thighs as she was taught. She continued to sit in this position for a few minutes, waiting for her master to finish, feeling juices escape from her puffy hole and drip to the floor. For a lack of anything else to do, she began reciting the rules.

"I must please Master in any way I can, I must not cum without permission, I must not masturbate without permission, I must follow any order Master gives me,I must keep myself clean and healthy for Master."

As she did this, George was loading a double sized portion of overly-crispy bacon, eggs and toast onto a plate. He sat on the sofa beside his pet and began to eat, ignoring the begging looks she gave him. When he was half way through the meal he pretended to notice her and picked up a piece of bacon, her head following as he suspended it above her head. She knelt with her mouth wide open and tongue slightly outstretched waiting for him to drop it. Eventually he did, and waited before she had finished chewing before proffering another bit of food. This continued until she was full, at which point he put the plate on the table and turned on the TV. Turning to the news channel, he settled back down with his legs spread. Quickly, she moved between them and took his semi-erect cock into her mouth, sucking it to full hardness quickly. Knowing she should not make him cum this early in the morning, she sucked and swirled her tongue gently. She was grateful to him for allowing her to do this, it kept her from getting bored since she no longer cared for the news. Feeling her pussy continue to drip juices, she moved her hands from her thighs, between her legs, roaming around, pressing and rubbing her slit. George continued to watch TV, the usual things. Nations threatening war, others trying to negotiate with them. Prices of certain electronics going down as significant metal deposits were found on Mars. All predictable news. Turning his head back to his pet, he found her breathing heavily, creating an enjoyable sensation on his head. He noticed her shoulders shifting, moving her arms when they should have been resting on her thighs. "Stand up!" he barked, realizing she was doing. She released his cock and stood slowly, head down, hands clasped over her crotch, thighs clamped together, an ashamed look on her face. "Show me." He commanded, his voice brooking for no argument. She opened her legs hesitantly, giving him a pleading look. Finding no remorse, she allowed her hands to fall to her sides, revealing wet fingers, gooey thighs and an engorged pussy. "What are the rules?" She recited them perfectly, not once letting her eyes move from her feet. "So you do know them. Well, I hope you enjoyed breaking them. Come with me." He walked to the bedroom, leading his shamed and blushing pet, before telling her to get on the bed. She lay in the center of the bed, craning her neck to watch him. "You know, I went to the shop the other day and brought you something." He said reaching under the bed. She kept quiet, knowing that responding would anger him further. Master made a gesture, and she opened her legs, baring her pussy to his ministrations. He put a plain brown paper bag on the bed between her legs and withdrew something. She gasped, exclaiming; "that will never fit!" before she could stop herself. The object in question was a pink vibrator, around seven inches long, an inch and a half thick except for the middle which expanded to three inches thick before tapering off to its normal thickness a few inches from end. A small dial at the bottom controlled the various settings and speeds. He discarded the bag and placed the toy on the sheets between her legs. "Well, lets find out shall we?" He grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards him until her legs dangled down over the edge of the bed. He placed the vibrator at her entrance and swirled it around in the juices of her forbidden pleasuring. She shuddered as it made contact and jolted as he inserted it an inch, testing her limits. George pushed and twisted until the first few inches were inside her, stopping just before the knot. Smiling at her nonbelieving moan, he used his free hand to hold her still before pressing, the knot slowly disappearing inside her, moans and small cries punctuating its entry. When George took his hand away the only visible part of the toy were the control dials and a small bulge above her pelvis. Almost crying from the shame and discomfort, she thanked him for punishing her and got up. "You will not be breaking the rules again soon I think. How does it feel?" "It makes me feel… full Master" She replied, discomfort obvious on her face as she tried to move around without aggravating the monster further. "Good, it should. Now, go and clean up the breakfast things." They walked into the front room again, he going to sit on the sofa and she following her orders. Feigning watching TV, George kept a careful eye on her as she moved around, loving how she had to waddle around with her legs open. After she had finished her chores she returned to the sofa. George patted the seat next to him and she lay down on her side , facing away from the TV with her head in his lap. He gently stroked her; beginning at her hair and working his way down to a perspiration flecked side before playing with her breast. She occasionally extended her head to take a tentative kiss or lick at his erection. George ran his hand from her breast down her belly, pressing lightly on the bulge above her pussy, liking how she squirmed at the feeling. He placed his palm over the bulge and began circling lightly, pressing her g-spot down onto the the toy and making her gasp and wriggle with excitement and pleasure. He traced a finger downwards from the bulge and her legs opened invitingly. He rubbed her clit for a moment before reaching down and turning the dial on the toy up a little. She jumped at the sensation before mewling at the strange mixture of discomfort and enjoyment. He continued to turn up the dial until it was at medium speed. Her breathing, though it had never quite evened out, increased, the pleasure of the buzzing knot pressing against her g-spot totally over riding the aching it caused. He swirled his finger around the outside of the invader to gather up some of her juices before moving his finger further down her crack to circle her anus. He pressed, the gooey finger easily penetrating to the first knuckle. "Mph, please don't do that" She begged him, her face screwing up at the mix of sensations thrumming though her body "You know I hate it." He looked at her and began to wriggle his finger about inside her, watching her expression. Her eyes closed and her face took on a resigned, but pleasured, look.

Ok, but you had better be good from now on though." He warned, pulling his digit out with a small pop. Without waiting for an answer, he rolled her onto her back and reached between her legs to turn the dial up to its almost highest setting. "Oh God that feels good!" she exclaimed, her legs trembling and spreading wider. She closed her eyes and began to mumble. He moved in closer so he could hear what she was saying. "I must not cum without permission, urgh, I must not, mph, cum without permission, hmmm, I must not cum without, oh my… I must not cum without permissionnnn…" Smiling he turned the dial up to its highest power and left it for a moment, her monologue trailing off in a desperate attempt to keep control of herself, before he whispered in her ear; "You may cum." A scream ripped from her throat as her legs flew open and her back arched, liquid exploding from her slit. He placed a hand under her back to keep her in that position as her juices flew over the arm of the sofa to splatter on the floor beyond. This continued for perhaps thirty seconds, the toy still buzzing merrily away inside her and prolonging the orgasm. Finally she slumped, exhausted. He reached between her legs and turned the now sticky dial down to almost its lowest level.



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